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Cluster Analysis

Cluster Analysis is a class of techniques that are used to classify objects or cases into relative
groups called clusters
• Online education is an effective mode of • Online education is an effective mode of
education because there is convenient. education because of Platform's application.
• Online education is an effective mode of • Online education is an effective mode of
education because it is economical. education because of Mentoring culture that It
• Online education is an effective mode of has.
education because the mode of interaction is • Online education is an effective mode of
really interactive. education because of the Lifelong access to the
• Online education is an effective mode of courses that we opt.
education because there is a opportunity to • If you ever tried how online courses then how
integrate learning with practical work. was your experience?
• Online education is an effective mode of • Basic technical Skills set can be acquired during
education because skills of the learner get e-learning.
developed sharply. • Traditional way of learning is the factor which is
• Online education is an effective mode of affecting e-learning.
education because of the learnability that comes • There would be more emphasis will be given to
with it. e-learning post COVID19.
• Online education is an effective mode of
education because of the updated course and
It is a tool designed to assign cases to a
fixed number of groups (clusters) whose
characteristics are not yet known but are
Use to form based on a set of specified variables
clusters specially used when we have large data.
Determining which
Respondent belongs to
Cluster which cluster can be
Membership stated as by this method

Creating segment profiles for

Final Cluster each cluster based on the scores
on the distinguishing variable

Identifying the variables that distinguishes the

segments at 99% confidence level, it can be
Table done through this ANOVAs table and also it
indicates which variables contribute the most
to your cluster solution.
Cluster 2
Cluster 1 Neutrally balanced
Cluster 3
Optimistic towards towards the Strong optimism
the approach approach towards the topic.

Cluster 4
Neutrally balanced
towards all the

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