Failure Theories For Brittle Materials

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Failure Criteria for Brittle Materials under Plane stress

•Brittle materials are characterized by the fact that, when
subjected to a tensile test, they fail suddenly through fracture,
without any prior yielding.
•When a structural element made of brittle material is under
uni-axial tensile stress, the value of the normal stress that
causes it to fail is equal to the ultimate strength of the material
as determined from a tensile test.

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Failure Criteria for Brittle Materials under Plane stress
•However, when a structural element or machine
components consists of plane stress, it is found convenient
to first determine the principal stresses σ1 and σ2 at any
given point, and to use one of the criteria indicated in this
section to predict whether or not the machine component
will fail.

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Maximum normal stress theory (Rankine’s criterion)
•W.J Rankine (1820-1872)
•Also called Maximum principal stress theory
Statement: According to this criterion, structural
component is safe as long as the value of maximum
normal stress is less than the ultimate strength of a tensile
test specimen.

The structural component will be safe as long as the absolute

values of principal stress σ1 and σ2 are both less than σu.

|σ1| < σu and |σ2| < σu or σ1 = σu and σ2 = σu ……….eq(1)

For safe design; σ1 = σu / F.S ……….eq(2)

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Maximum normal stress criterion (Rankine’s theory)
The maximum normal stress criterion can be expressed graphically
as shown in fig.

If the point obtained by plotting the values of the principal stresses

falls within the square are shown in fig. the structural components is
safe, if it is falls outside that area, the component will fail due to
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Maximum Normal strain theory (Saint Venant’s criterion)

Saint Venant’s (1900)

Statement: According to this criterion, structural component is safe
as long as the maximum value of the normal strain remains smaller
than the value of ultimate strain on simple tensile test.
1 and 2 = the value of normal strain along the principal axes.

|1| < u and |2| < u …………..eq(1)

max = u ……………………….eq(2)

max = 1 = 1 / E (σ1 – ν σ2)………….…eq(3)

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Maximum Normal strain theory (Saint Venant’s criterion)
According to Hooke’s law
u = σu / E ………equ(4)

Equating eq. (3) and eq.(4)

1 / E (σ1 – ν σ2) = σu / E

σ1 – ν σ2 = σu ………….eq.(5)
for safe design σ1 – ν σ2 = σu / F.S ………….eq.(6)

For tri-axial stress system σ1 – ν σ2 – ν σ3 = σu………….eq.(7)

Failure is predicted when either of the principal strains, resulting
from the principal stress, σ1,2 , equals or exceeds the maximum strain
corresponding to the yield strength, σy.p of the material in uni-axial
tension or compression. σ1 – ν (σ2 + σ3 )< σy.p
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Maximum Normal strain theory (Saint Venant’s criterion)
Graphical solution:

Fig: Rhombus
Result: the structural component is safe as long as the point
obtained by plotting σ1 and σ2 falls within the area as shown in fig.

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Coulomb Mohr’s theory (Mohr’s criterion)
This theory is used to predict the fracture of a material
having different properties in tension and compression.

This criterion makes use of Mohr’s circle representing the

state of stress in tension and compression tests.

A state of stress represented by a circle entirely contained in

either of these circle will be safe.

if both principal stresses are +ve; the state of state is safe as

long as σ1 < σut and σ2 < σut …..eq(1)

if both principal stresses are –ve ; the state of stress is safe as

long as |σ1| < σuc and |σ2| < σuc …..eq(2)

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Graphical solution:

Coulomb Mohr’s theory (Mohr’s criterion)

The state of stress is safe as long as the point falls with one of the square
area shown in fig.

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Coulomb Mohr’s theory (Mohr’s criterion)
For Plane stress

σ1 / σut - σ2 / σuc = 1…..eq(3)

For safe design

σ1 / σut - σ2 / σuc = 1/ F.S …..eq(4)

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The state of plane stress as shown in fig. occurs in a
machine components made of steel with σy.p = 210
MPa. Using the (a) maximum distortion energy
criterion (b) maximum shearing stress criterion,
determine whether yield occurs when τxy = 42 MPa.
If the yield does not occurs, determine the
corresponding value of factor98ofMPasafety.
16 MPa

At a certain point of a cast iron machine frame, the state of
stress on an element is as shown in fig. the cast iron has
ultimate strengths in tension and compression of σUT = 295
MPa and σUC = 970 MPa, respectively .
Find: the factor of safety with respect to fracture,
(a)The maximum principal stress theory100 MPa
(b)Coulomb Mohr theory.
50 MPa
150 MPa

Ex: 7.89 P-460 (H.W)
The state of plane stress as shown in fig. is on cast
iron base. Knowing that for the grade of cast iron
used σUT = 160 MPa and σUC = 320 MPa. By using
Mohr’s criterion, determine whether fracture of the
component occur or not.
50 MPa
150 MPa

65 MPa
120 MPa 90 MPa


Pressure loading capacity of a vessel
Given: a closed end cylinder of diameter d = 2 ft
and wall thickness t = ½ in. is fabricated of steel
having yield strength σY.p = 36 Ksi.
Find the allowable pressure the shell can carry
based upon a factor of safety = 2.
By using following the theories of failure:
(a)Maximum shearing stress theory
(b)The maximum distortion energy theory
The 38 mm diameter shaft AB is made of a
grade of steel for which the yield strength
σy.p = 250 MPa. By using max. shearing stress
criterion, determine the magnitude of the
torque T for which yield occurs when
P = 240 KN 38 mm

What is von-Misses stress? Why is it widely used?
What is the difference between von Mises Stress and Max Principal Stress?



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