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Graphics Programming with Java 2D

Java 2D API
 Shapes, text, and images
 A uniform mechanism for performing
 rotation and scaling, on objects.
 A wide array of presentation devices such as
 displays and printers,
 image formats and encodings,
 color spaces,
 rendering techniques and effects.
 Comprehensive text and font handling,
 color support
 The process of taking a collection of shapes,
text, and images &
 Figure out what colors the pixels should be
on a screen or printer.
 In the Java 2D API, the Graphics2D class is
the rendering engine:
the Graphics2D object contains state attributes, such
as color &
applies these attributes to the primitives when
rendering them to various output devices.
The attributes of Graphics2D object
 Paint: represents the color or pattern that the primitive will
be when it is rendered.
 Stroke: describes the line style of the outline of the shape
 Font: the font of the text to be rendered
 Rendering hint: suggests how a primitive should be
rendered, such as whether a faster or more accurate
algorithm should be used.
 Transform: represents the mapping from user space to
device space and additional graphic transforms, such as
rotate and scale, to be applied to particular primitives.
 Composite: defines how the overlapping parts of two
graphic objects should be rendered
 Clip: identifies the part of a primitive that is to be rendered
The Rendering Process
What is a rasterizer?
 Takes ideal shapes and produces
coverage values for each pixel.
 The coverage values represent how much
of each pixel is covered by the shape.
 These coverage values are called alpha
 Each pixel has its own alpha value which
indicates the transparency of the pixel
Is it possible to use native
 Java 2D does not use a native rasterizer for
rendering fonts
 Uses the T2K font rasterizer from Type Solutions

 By allowing T2K to rasterize fonts, the Java 2D API

isn't dependent on native rasterizers for the
scalable outline fonts that it supports
 can result in more consistent metrics display across different
platforms and between on-screen and off-screen rendering
The Java 2D API classes
The classes that represent predetermined shapes.

Arc2D: an arc defined by a bounding rectangle, start angle,

angular extent, and a closure type
CubicCurve2D: a cubic parametric curve segment.
Ellipse2D: an ellipse defined by a bounding rectangle.
Line2D: a line segment in (x, y) coordinate space.
Point2D: a location in (x,y) coordinate space.
QuadCurve2D: a quadratic parametric curve segment.
Rectangle2D: a rectangle defined by a location (x, y) and
dimension (w x h)
RoundRectangle2D: a rectangle with rounded corners defined
by a location (x, y), a dimension (w x h), and the width and
height of the corner arc.
Defining odd shapes
Two classes allow us to to define odd shapes
 GeneralPath
Shapes must be created segment by segment,
We can combine straight lines and curved lines into a
single shape.
 Area
Supports constructive area geometry
 allows us to combine two shapes to create another
 by adding or intersecting the shapes, subtracting one shape
from another
 by subtracting the intersection of the shapes.
Complex Shapes from Geometry
 Constructive Area Geometry (CAG) is the
process of creating new geometric shapes
by performing boolean operations on
existing ones.
 A special type of Shape called an Area
supports boolean operations.
 We can construct an Area from any Shape
Areas examples
• Areas support the following boolean


Exclusive-or (XOR)
package untitled71;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.font.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import javax.swing.*;
// This applet renders a pear, using CAG methods: add, intersect, and subtract.
public class Pear extends JApplet {
Ellipse2D.Double circle, oval, leaf, stem;
Area circ, ov, leaf1, leaf2, st1, st2;
public void init() {
circle = new Ellipse2D.Double();
oval = new Ellipse2D.Double();
leaf = new Ellipse2D.Double();
stem = new Ellipse2D.Double();
circ = new Area(circle);
ov = new Area(oval);
leaf1 = new Area(leaf);
leaf2 = new Area (leaf);
st1 = new Area (stem);
st2 = new Area (stem);
setBackground (Color.white); }
public void paint (Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
Dimension d = getSize()
int w = d.width;
int h = d.height;
double ew = w/2;
double eh = h/2;

// Creates the first leaf by filling the intersection of two Area objects created from an
leaf.setFrame(ew-16, eh-29, 15.0, 15.0);
leaf1 = new Area (leaf);
leaf.setFrame(ew-14, eh-47, 30.0, 30.0);
leaf2 = new Area (leaf);
leaf1.intersect (leaf2);
// Creates the second leaf.
leaf.setFrame (ew+1, eh-29, 15.0, 15.0);
leaf1 = new Area (leaf);
leaf2.intersect (leaf1);
/** Creates the stem by filling the Area resulting from the subtraction of two
Area objects created from an ellipse.**/

stem.setFrame (ew, eh-42, 40.0, 40.0);

st1 = new Area (stem);
stem.setFrame(ew+3, eh-47, 50.0, 50.0);
st2 = new Area (stem);
st1.subtract( st2);

/ ** Creates the pear itself by filling the Area resulting from the union of two
Area objects created by two different ellipses **/

circle.setFrame(ew-25, eh, 50.0, 50.0);

oval.setFrame(ew-19, eh-20, 40.0, 70.0);
circ = new Area (circle);
ov = new Area (oval);
public static void main (String s[]) {
JFrame f = new JFrame ("Pear");
f.addWindowListener (new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e)
{ System.exit(0);}

JApplet applet = new Pear();

f.getContentPane(). add ("Center", applet);
f.setSize (new Dimension(150,200));;

java.awt.font.* Class Diagrams 
 Font
Interfaces: MultipleMaster, OpenType
Classes: java.awt.Font, FontRenderContext, LineMetrics, java.awt.FontMetrics

 TextLayout
Classes: TextHitInfo, TextLayout, TextLayout.CaretPolicy, LineBreakMeasurer,

 Attribute
Classes: java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute, GraphicAttribute,
ImageGraphicAttribute, TextAttribute, ShapeGraphicAttribute,
NumericShaper, TransformAttribute

 Glyph
Classes: GlyphMetrics, GlyphVector, GlyphJustificationInfo
java.awt.geom.* Class Diagrams
 Shapes
Interfaces: java.awt.Shape
 Lines

Interfaces: java.awt.Shape
Classes: QuadCurve2D, QuadCurve2D.Double, QuadCurve2D.Float,
CubicCurve2D, Line2D, CubicCurve2D.Double, Line2D.Double,
CubicCurve2D.Float, Line2D.Float

 Rects
Interfaces: java.awt.Shape
Classes: RectangularShape, RoundRectangle2D.Float, RoundRectangle2D,
Ellipse2D.Double, Rectangle2D, Ellipse2D, Ellipse2D.Float,
Arc2D, Arc2D.Float,
java.awt.Rectangle, Rectangle2D.Float, Rectangle2D.Double, Arc2D.Double
java.awt.geom.* Class Diagrams
 Asym
Interfaces: java.awt.Shape
Classes: GeneralPath, Area, java.awt.Polygon
 Point
Classes: Point2D, Dimension2D, java.awt.Insets, java.awt.Dimension,
java.awt.Point, Point2D.Float, Point2D.Double

 Misc

Interfaces: PathIterator
Classes: AffineTransform, FlatteningPathIterator
java.awt.event.* Class Diagrams
 Listener
Interfaces: java.util.EventListener, AWTEventListener, ActionListener,
KeyListener, AdjustmentListener, ComponentListener,
MouseWheelListener, ContainerListener, MouseListener, FocusListener,
MouseMotionListener, HierarchyBoundsListener, WindowStateListener,
HierarchyListener, WindowFocusListener, InputMethodListener,
WindowListener, ItemListener, TextListener
Classes: java.util.EventListenerProxy, AWTEventListenerProxy, KeyAdapter,
ComponentAdapter, ContainerAdapter, MouseAdapter, FocusAdapter,
MouseMotionAdapter, HierarchyBoundsAdapter, WindowAdapter

 Events
Interfaces: java.awt.ActiveEvent
Classes: InputMethodEvent, java.awt.AWTEvent, java.util.EventObject,
HierarchyEvent, InvocationEvent, TextEvent, ActionEvent, ItemEvent,
AdjustmentEvent, ComponentEvent, PaintEvent, FocusEvent,
InputEvent, WindowEvent, ContainerEvent, MouseEvent, KeyEvent,
MouseWheelEvent, java.awt.AWTKeyStroke, javax.swing.KeyStroke

java.awt.event.* Class Diagram
 Support
Classes: java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster,
javax.swing.* Class Diagrams
 Components
 Hierarchy
 JComponent
 Labels
 Slider+Progress
 Spinner
 CellEditor
 CellRenderer
 Container
 RootpaneContainer
 Panes
 Scrolling
 Layers
Classes: javax.swing.JComponent
javax.swing.* Class Diagrams cont’d
 Container
 Dialogs
javax.swing.* Class Diagrams cont’d
 Button+Menu
 Lists
javax.swing.* Class Diagrams cont’d
 Action
 LookAndFeel
 Utilities
 Exceptions
 javax.swing.border
 javax.swing.event
 Listener
 Events
 javax.swing.plaf
 ComponentUI
 UIResource
 javax.swing.table
 JTable
 TableModel
 Support
 Events
javax.swing.* Class Diagrams cont’d
 javax.swing.text
javax.swing.* Class Diagrams cont’d
 javax.swing.text.html
 HTMLDocument
 HTMLEditorKit
 StyleSheet
 Views
 Parsing
 javax.swing.text.html.parser
 javax.swing.tree
 JTree
 TreeModel
 TreeNode
 Events
 javax.swing.undo
General Approach to JAVA 2D API
 Transition from the Graphics object to a
Graphics2D object
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
// Typical Swing approach
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
... }
 Create a Shape object
Rectangle2D.Double rect = ...;
Ellipse2D.Double ellipse = ...;
Polygon poly = ...;
GeneralPath path = ...;
SomeShapeYouDefined shape = ...;
// Satisfies Shape interface ...
General Approach to JAVA 2D API
 Optional: modify drawing parameters
g2d.setPaint (fillColorOrPattern);
g2d.setStroke (penThicknessOrPattern);
g2d.setComposite (someAlphaComposite);
 Draw an outlined or solid version of the Shape
Example: Drawing Shapes
import javax.swing.*; // For JPanel
import java.awt.*; // For Graphics
import java.awt.geom.*; // For Ellipse2D
public class ShapeExample extends JPanel {
private Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(10, 10, 350, 350);
private Rectangle2D.Double square = new Rectangle2D.Double(10, 10, 350, 350);

public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
g2d.draw(square); }

// super.paintComponent clears offscreen pixmap, we're using double buffering by default

protected void clear (Graphics g) {
super.paintComponent(g); }
protected Ellipse2D.Double getCircle() {
return(circle); }
public static void main(String[] args) {
WindowUtilities.openInJFrame(new ShapeExample(), 380, 400); } }
Utility class that simplifies creating a window and setting the look and feel.

import javax.swing.*
; import java.awt.*;
public class WindowUtilities {
/** Tell system to use native look and feel, as in previous * releases. Metal
(Java) LAF is the default otherwise. **/
public static void setNativeLookAndFeel() {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println ("Error setting native LAF: " + e);
/** A simplified way to see a JPanel or other Container.
* Pops up a JFrame with specified Container as the content pane.
public static JFrame openInJFrame (Container content, int width, int height, String title,
Color bgColor) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame (title);
frame.setBackground (bgColor);
content.setBackground (bgColor);
frame.setSize (width, height);
frame.setContentPane (content);
frame.addWindowListener (new ExitListener());
/** Uses Color.white as the background color.
public static JFrame openInJFrame(Container content, int width,
int height, String title)
return(openInJFrame(content, width, height, title, Color.white));
/** Uses Color. white as the background color, and the
* name of the Container's class as the JFrame title. */
public static JFrame openInJFrame(Container content, int width, int height)
{ return(openInJFrame(content, width,
A WindowListener with support to close the window

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class ExitListener extends WindowAdapter {

public void windowClosing (WindowEvent event) {
Paint attribute of the Graphics2D

Filling a Shape
 A Color (solid color):, Color.yellow
 A GradientPaint (gradient fill gradually
combining two colors)
Constructors takes two points, two colors, and
optionally a boolean flag that indicates that the
color pattern should cycle.
 A TexturePaint (tiled image), or
 A new version of Paint that we write ourselves
 Use setPaint and getPaint to change and
retrieve the Paint settings.
setPaint and getPaint supersede the setColor and getColor
methods in Graphics.
Example: Gradient Fills
import java.awt.*;
public class GradientPaintExample extends ShapeExample
{ // Red at (0,0), yellow at (175,175), changes gradually between.
private GradientPaint gradient = new GradientPaint(0, 0,,
175, 175, Color.yellow, true);
// true means to repeat pattern
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
protected void drawGradientCircle (Graphics2D g2d) {
g2d.draw(getCircle()); }
public static void main(String[] args) {
WindowUtilities.openInJFrame(new GradientPaintExample(), 380, 400); } }
Stroke Attributes
Each of the shapes drawn by the applet is constructed from one of the

geometries and is then rendered through Graphics2D.

The rectHeight and rectWidth variables define the dimensions of the space
where each shape is drawn, in pixels. The x and y variables change for each
shape so that they are drawn in a grid formation.

//draw Line2D.Double
g2.draw (new Line2D.Double(x, y+rectHeight-1, x + rectWidth, y));
g2.drawString("Line2D", x, stringY);
// draw Rectangle2D.Double
g2.draw(new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight));
g2.drawString("Rectangle2D", x, stringY);
// draw RoundRectangle2D.Double
g2.draw(new RoundRectangle2D.Double(x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight, 10, 10)
g2.drawString("RoundRectangle2D", x, stringY);
Stroke Attributes cont’d
// draw Arc2D.Double
g2.draw(new Arc2D.Double(x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight, 90, 135,
// draw Ellipse2D.Double
g2.draw (new Ellipse2D.Double(x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight));
Drawing GeneralPath (polygon)
int x1Points[] = {x, x+rectWidth, x, x+rectWidth};
int y1Points[] = {y, y+rectHeight, y+rectHeight, y};
GeneralPath polygon = new
polygon.moveTo(x1Points[0], y1Points[0]);
for (int index = 1; index < x1Points.length; index++)
polygon.lineTo(x1Points[index], y1Points[index]);
Drawing GeneralPath (polyline)
int x2Points[] = {x, x+rectWidth, x, x+rectWidth};
int y2Points[] = {y, y+rectHeight, y+rectHeight, y};
GeneralPath polyline = new
polyline.moveTo (x2Points[0], y2Points[0]);
for (int index = 1; index < x2Points.length; index++) {
polyline.lineTo(x2Points[index], y2Points[index]);
Stroke Attributes cont’d
// fill Rectangle2D.Double (red)
g2.fill(new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, rectWidth,rectHeight));
// fill RoundRectangle2D.Double
g2.fill(new RoundRectangle2D.Double(x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight,
10, 10));
// fill Arc2D g2.setPaint(red);
g2.fill(new Arc2D.Double(x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight, 90, 135,
Using the Java 2D APIs to define
and render the Graphics and Text
public class ShapesDemo2D extends JApplet {
final static int maxCharHeight = 15;
final static int minFontSize = 6;
final static Color bg = Color.white;
final static Color fg =;
final static Color red =;
final static Color white = Color.white;
final static BasicStroke stroke = new BasicStroke(2.0f);
final static BasicStroke wide Stroke = new BasicStroke(8.0f);
final static float dash1[] = {10.0f}
final static BasicStroke dashed = new BasicStroke(1.0f,


10.0f, dash1, 0.0f);

Dimension totalSize;
FontMetrics fontMetrics;
public void init() {
//Initialize drawing colors

FontMetrics pickFont(Graphics2D g2,

String longString,
int xSpace) {
boolean fontFits = false;
Font font = g2.getFont();
FontMetrics fontMetrics = g2.getFontMetrics();
int size = font.getSize();
String name = font.getName();
int style = font.getStyle();
while ( !fontFits )
if ( (fontMetrics.getHeight() <= maxCharHeight)
&& (fontMetrics.stringWidth(longString) <= xSpace) )
fontFits = true;
else {
if ( size <= minFontSize ) {
fontFits = true;
else {
g2.setFont(font = new Font name, style, --size));
fontMetrics = g2.getFontMetrics();
} } }
return fontMetrics;
public void paint(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
g2.setRenderingHint (RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,
Dimension d = getSize();
int gridWidth = d.width / 6;
int gridHeight = d.height / 2;

fontMetrics = pickFont(g2, "Filled and Stroked GeneralPath", gridWidth);

Color fg3D = Color.lightGray;
g2.draw3DRect(0, 0, d.width - 1, d.height - 1, true);
g2.draw3DRect(3, 3, d.width - 7, d.height - 7, false);

int x = 5;
int y = 7;
int rectWidth = gridWidth - 2*x;
int stringY = gridHeight - 3 - fontMetrics.getDescent();
int rectHeight = stringY - fontMetrics.getMaxAscent() - y - 2;

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