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Diana Millán
Juan D. Terán
Luis Almada
Leonardo Navarrete
Max Aguirre
Rodolfo Jimenez
Jesse Nieblas
 Francis turbines are radial type, centripetal
intake and suction tube; they are always built
under conditions of maximum performance,
resulting in three fundamental types, slow,
normal and fast, differentiating from each other
in the shape of the surround.
 They are characterized because the diameter D1 is slightly higher than that of the D3 suction
tube. The water enters the launder radially and exits it axially, thus entering the suction tube.
The value of β1 is in the order of 90°, (15°<1 . 30°) and ns between 125 and 200 rpm is
reached. There are hardly any strikes between the distributor and the wheel. In these turbines,
in the triangle of speeds at the entrance, being β1 = 90º.
 Spiral chamber: evenly distributes the fluid
at the inlet of the launder. The spiral or snail
shape is due to the average speed of the fluid
must remain constant at each point of the
fluid. The cross section can be rectangular or
circular, the latter being the most used.
 Pre-distributor: formed by fixed blades that
have a purely structural function, to maintain
the structure of the spiral box and confer
transverse rigidity, which also have a
hydrodynamic shape to minimize hydraulic
 Distributor: consisting of remote blades directors, whose
mission is to conveniently direct the water towards the
blades of the ladet (fixed) and regulate the admitted flow
rate, thus modifying the turbine power so that it fits as
far as possible to the variations in the load of the
electrical grid, while directing the fluid to improve
machine performance. This is called the Fink distributor
 Rotor or surround: it is the heart of the turbine, because
here the energy exchange between the machine and the
fluid takes place. Generally speaking, the energy of the
fluid as it passes through the surround is a sum of kinetic
energy, pressure energy, and potential energy.
 Suction tube: is the turbine output. Its function
is to give continuity to the flow and recover
the missed jump in the facilities that are above
the water level at the exit. In general it is built
in the form of a diffuser, to generate a suction
effect, which recovers some of the energy that
was not delivered to the rotor in its absence.

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