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In 32 years school changed drastically,


The people in charge decided to build a

school on the Moon. After graduating , they
can go back on Earth and start working or
they can chose to continue their studies.
Old New
• 10 min. breaks + 30 / 45 min. lunch break
• 10 min. breaks + 20 min. lunch break • 1 hour classes

• 50 min. classes • “all in one” School (school, highschool, university

are contained in the same building and are divided
• School, High school, University like wards)
• 5 / 7 classes a day • 5 classes a day
• 1 / 2 PE classes • 1 / 2 PE classes are optional
The Classrooms

o The lecture rooms will copy the look of an amphitheater,

by doing that students will benefit of a larger study
environment and more space for themselves.

o Each seat will have on it’s respective desk a laptop in

order to help students get things done more easier but
not replacing the old notebooks entirely

Departments Possible Outcome Skills Developed

Literature Professor Linguistics

Economy Entrepreneur Management/Contability

Science Surgeon Anatomy/Surgery

Information Technology Programmer Coding

Assessment Criteria

Percent of Grade
• Weekly assignments
• Projects 40

• Quizzes

• Final Exam

Weekly assignments Projects

Quizzes Final exam
The Envelope
o This Envelope will be product manufactured
and designed by the school.
o It’s job is to assure a place for the students to
save their studying materials, projects,
assignments etc.
o It will serve as a tablet with high quality
hardware and software components

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