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Introduction to QoS

Protocols and RSVP

P. Victer Paul

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QoS Defined
 The goal :
• Provide some level of predictability and
control beyond the current IP “best-
effort” service
QoS Metrics
 Performance attributes
• Service availability
• Delay
• Delay variation (jitter)
• Throughput
• Packet loss rate
 Vary according to Service Level Agreement
QoS Protocols
 ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP)
 Multi Protocol Labeling Switching
 Subnet Bandwidth Management
 a network-control protocol that enables Internet
applications to obtain differing qualities of service
(QoS) for their data flows.
 different applications have different network
performance requirements.
 Applications like,
• e-mail - require reliable delivery but not timeliness of
• videoconferencing, IP telephony - Data delivery must be
timely but not necessarily reliable
RSVP Cont.,
 RSVP is not a routing protocol
 works in conjunction with routing protocols
 implementing RSVP in an existing network does not
require migration to a new routing protocol
 Researchers at USC (ISI) and Xerox’s PARC
conceived RSVP.
 IETF specified an Open version in RFC 2205
Topics to cover
 Data Flows
 Quality of Service
 Session Startup
 Reservation Style
 Soft State Implementation
 Architecture and Protocol
 Messages
 Packet Format
RSVP Data Flows
 a data flow is a sequence of datagrams that have the
same source, destination and quality of service.
 flow specification - a data structure used by hosts to
request special services from the internetwork.
 describes the level of service requirement ( one of 3
traffic types)
• Best-effort
• Rate-sensitive
• Delay-sensitive
RSVP Data Flows
 Best-effort traffic
• applications require reliable delivery of data regardless of
the amount of time needed to achieve that delivery.
• Eg. File transfer, transaction traffic
 Rate-sensitive traffic
• a guaranteed transmission rate from its source to its
• Eg. H.323 videoconferencing (Constant Rate)
 Delay-sensitive traffic
• timeliness of delivery and that varies its rate accordingly
• Eg. MPEG-II video (averages about 3 to 7 Mbps)
Data Flows Process
 designed to manage flows of data rather than
make decisions
 Data flows consist of discrete sessions
between specific source and destination
 Sessions are identified by the following data:
destination address, protocol ID, and
destination port.
 RSVP supports both unicast and multicast
simplex sessions.
Quality of Service
 an attribute determine the way in which data
interchanges are handled by participating
entities (routers, receivers, and senders)
 used to specify the QoS by,
• Hosts (to request a QoS level from the network)
• Routers (deliver QoS requests to other routers along the
 maintains the router and host state to provide the
requested service.
Session Startup
 To initiate an RSVP multicast session, a receiver first
joins the multicast group using IGMP.
 In unicast session, unicast routing serves function of
 Sender sends RSVP path message to IP destination
 The receiver application receives a path message and
send reservation-request messages with desired flow
descriptors using RSVP.
 After the sender application receives a reservation-
request message, the sender starts sending data
Reservation Style
 a set of control options that specify a number
of supported parameters
 supports two major classes of reservation:
• distinct reservations
 install a flow for each relevant sender in each session
• shared reservations
 used by a set of senders that are known not to interfere
with each other
Reservation Style
 distinct and shared RSVP reservation-style types in
the context of their scope,

RSVP Supports Both Distinct Reservations and Shared Reservations

Reservation Style
 Wildcard-Filter Style
• a single reservation is created into which flows from all
upstream senders are mixed.
• size is the largest of the resource requests for that link from
all receivers
 Fixed-Filter Style
• a distinct reservation request is created for data packets
from a particular sender
• scope is determined by an explicit list of senders
• The total reservation on a link for a given session is the
total of the FF reservations for all requested senders
Reservation Style
 Shared-Explicit Style
• a shared reservation environment with an explicit
reservation scope
• the set of senders is specified explicitly by the
receiver making the reservation
Soft State Implementation
 a soft state refers to a state in routers and end nodes
 updated by certain RSVP messages
 Permits dynamic group membership changes and
adapt to changes in routing
 To maintain a reservation state, RSVP tracks a soft
state in router and host nodes
Soft State Implementation
 The RSVP soft state is created and must be periodically
refreshed by path and reservation-request messages.
 If no matching refresh messages arrive before the
expiration timeout, the state is deleted.
 also can be deleted by an explicit teardown message
 When a route changes, the next path message initializes
the path state on the new route.
 When state changes occur, RSVP propagates those
changes from end to end within an RSVP network
without delay
RSVP Architecture
RSVP Architecture
 Packet classifier: determines the route and QoS
class for each packet
 Admission control: determines whether the node has
sufficient available resources to supply the required
 Policy control: determines whether the user has
administrative permission to make the reservation.
 Packet scheduler: manages the various queues to
guarantee the required QoS (resources like CPU time
or buffers)
RSVP Protocol Operation
 process initiation begins when an RSVP
daemon consults the local routing protocol(s)
to obtain routes.
 A host sends IGMP messages to join a
multicast group and RSVP messages to reserve
resources along the delivery path(s).
 Each router passes incoming data packets to a
packet classifier and packet scheduler.
 A QoS request, originating in a receiver host
RSVP Protocol Operation
 Protocol then is used to pass the request to all the
nodes (routers and hosts) along the reverse data
path(s) to the data source(s).
 At each node, the RSVP program applies a local
decision procedure called admission control and
policy control.
 If control succeeds, sets the parameters to obtain the
desired QoS
 If admission control fails at any node, the program
returns an error indication to the application that
originated the request.
RSVP Tunneling
 impossible to deploy RSVP or any new protocol at
the same moment throughout the entire Internet.
 when two RSVP-capable routers are interconnected
via non-RSVP routers
 Non-RSVP is incapable of performing resource
 but can provide acceptable and useful real-time
 RSVP supports tunneling, which occurs automatically
through non-RSVP routers.
RSVP Tunneling
 Tunneling requires RSVP and non-RSVP routers to forward
path messages toward the destination using local routing table
 a path message traverses a non-RSVP router, the path message
copies carry the IP address of the last RSVP-capable router.
 Reservation-request messages are forwarded to the next
upstream RSVP-capable router.
RSVP Messages
 Supports four basic message types,
 Reservation-Request Messages
• sent by each receiver host toward the senders.
• must be delivered to the sender hosts to set up appropriate
traffic-control parameters.
 Path Messages
• sent by each sender along the unicast or multicast routes
• A path message is used to store the path state in each node.
• The path state is used to route reservation-request messages
in the reverse direction.
RSVP Messages
 Teardown Messages
• remove the path and reservation state without waiting for
the cleanup timeout
 Path-teardown messages
 Reservation-request teardown messages
 Error and Confirmation Messages
• Path-error messages
• Reservation-request error messages
 Admission Failure
 Bandwidth unavailable
 Service not supported
• Reservation-request acknowledgment messages
RSVP Packet Format

 RSVP message header fields are comprised of the following:

• Version—A 4-bit field indicating the protocol version number (currently
version 1).
• Flags—A 4-bit field with no flags currently defined.
• Checksum—A 16-bit field representing a standard TCP/UDP checksum
over the contents of the RSVP message
• Length—A 16-bit field representing the length of this RSVP packet in
• Send TTL—An 8-bit field indicating the IP time-to-live (TTL) value
with which the message was sent.
RSVP Packet Format
• Type—An 8-bit field with six possible (integer) values.

• Message ID—A 32-bit field providing a label shared by all fragments of

one message
• More fragments (MF) flag—Low-order bit of a 1-byte word with the
other 7 high-order bits specified as reserved. MF is set on for all but the
last fragment of a message.
• Fragment offset—A 24-bit field representing the byte offset of the
fragment in the message
 RSVP is a transport layer protocol that enables a
network to provide differentiated levels of service to
specific flows of data.
 different application types have different performance
 RSVP acknowledges these differences and provides
the mechanisms necessary to detect the levels of
performance required by different applications.
 Is it necessary to migrate away from your existing
routing protocol to support RSVP?
 Identify the three RSVP levels of service?
 What are the two RSVP reservation classes, and how
do they differ?
 How can RSVP be used through network regions that
do not support RSVP?
Thank You
Multi-Protocol Label Switching
 MPLS is a packet forwarding technology which
uses labels to make data forwarding decisions.
 With MPLS, the Layer 3 header analysis is done
just once (when the packet enters the MPLS
domain). Label inspection drives subsequent
packet forwarding.
 MPLS provides these beneficial applications:
• Virtual Private Networking (VPN)
• Traffic Engineering (TE)
• Quality of Service (QoS)
• Any Transport over MPLS (AToM)
 Additionally, it decreases the forwarding overhead
on the core routers. MPLS technologies are
applicable to any network layer protocol.
 A label is a short, four byte, fixed length, locally
significant identifier which is used to identify a
Forwarding Equivalence Class (FEC).
 The label which is put on a particular packet
represents the FEC to which that packet is assigned.

• Label - Label Value (Unstructured), 20 bits

• Exp - Experimental Use, 3 bits; currently used as a Class of
Service (CoS) field.
• S - Bottom of Stack, 1 bit and TTLTime - to Live, 8 bits
Subnet Bandwidth Management
 Applies to the Data Link Layer (OSI layer 2)
 Makes LAN topologies (e.g. Ethernet) QoS-enabled
• Fundamental requirement
• All traffic must pass through at least one SBM-enabled
 SBM Modules
• Bandwidth Allocator (BA)
• Hosted on switches
 Performs admission control
• Requestor Module (RM)
• Resides in every end-station
• Maps Layer 2 priority levels and the higher-layer QoS
protocol parameters

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