DRRM Senior High Presentation

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Project Development Officer-II
DepEd-CDO Division

*(Good Day Ladies & Gentlemen, I would just like to introduce myself to all of you. My name
is Mr. Ryan Q. Blanco, Project Development Officer-II of Deped-CDO, I will be your teacher for
Disaster Readiness & Risk Reduction.)
*(Before we proceed with our formal class for today my dear students, let me
ask all of you, Why is there a need for us to study DRRM or Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management? My dear students, The Philippines is frequently
cited as among the top countries most at risk to disasters. While disasters can
arise from man-made sources, the most inevitable ones come from natural
phenomena. Even without scientific scrutiny, every Filipino is familiar with the
impacts of typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and fires to everyday
life and to national development. This makes learning about disaster
preparedness aligned with everyone’s interests. So I do hope that you manage
to see the significance of taking up DRRM as one of your core subjects.)
1. Anyone of you still remember Sendong? Its damages to CDO?
2. Don’t you know that Philippines is one of the most hazardous
countries in the world, having more than 20 tropical cyclones in a
year, earthquakes everyday, and more than 20 active volcanoes
found all over the country.
(At this point class, I will be asking for your utmost attention as we
are going to formally start with our first session, I will be
entertaining questions right after my discussion. An activity would
always follow after my lecture, so just sit back relax and enjoy our
first session entitled Introduction to Different Types of Hazards)

1st Session:
Lesson 1: Introduction to Different
Types of Hazards
*(I will be sharing to all of you our objectives for this lesson:)

The learners are expected to:

1. Define hazards;

2. Give examples of the types of hazards; and

3. Explain the impact of various hazards on different

exposed elements.
*(Our lesson for today will be the process that shape and change
our environment and the difference between hazards and disasters.
Let us first discuss the process that shape and change our
environment. First we have the plate tectonics, atmospheric
process, human activities and biological accumulation.)
*(Now first let us define plate tectonics. With the movements of the Earth's plate
tectonics or tectonic plates, it leads to mountain building, volcanism and ocean
formation. Then we also have the atmospheric process and from the term itself
everything happens in the atmosphere, thus there are the formation of clouds,
precipitation are most commonly known as rain and the movements of the wind.
Also we have our human activities, there is our urbanization with a growing
population. The rural areas shifts to urban areas, as society adapts and that is when
towering buildings and condos are made. We also have the extracting of resources,
this includes mining and logging and the geoengineering is a type of climate
intervention or climate engineering that aims to mitigate or reduce the adverse
effects of global warming. Now the last process is the biological accumulation and
with biological accumulation, we have the reef-building or the reef formation, this
happens when a coral larvae attaches to a rock or anything that where the coral
grows and expand. We have the colony information, it is the growth in numbers of
organisms and deforestation, this detroy the forest growth.)
*(Now let us proceed to defining hazard and disaster and what's
the difference between the two of them first let us define hazard,
hazard is a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or
condition, that may cost loss of life injury or other health impacts,
property damage, loss of livelihoods and service, social and
economic disruption or environmental.)
*(How about let's take a look at disaster, so disaster is defined as a serious disruption of
the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human, material,
economic or environmental, mental losses and impacts which exceeds the ability of the
affected community or society to cope using its own resources. Now let us take a closer
look between the difference of hazard and disaster. Hazard is a dangerous phenomenon
substance, human activity or condition, so this may include bombings, typhoons,
earthquakes, all the natural hazards and human activities, that may cause something
bad, like bombings and stuff like that. Now let's take a look at it with hazard. Hazard on
the other hand lead to disaster, for example with our typhoon scenario, when typhoon
Yolanda hit Philippines it cost a state of emergency. Going back to typhoon Yolanda,
Yolanda was a big hazard to the community. Because of it, there were major human,
economic and environmental losses and Tacloban was unable to cope up on supporting
itself to rise up on its own and because of that it's in a state of emergency)
I. Please classify the phenomena in a table. You can classify them in any way you
want but you have to describe the basis of their classification.

A. Ground shaking B. Tornado

C. Landslide D. Flood
E. Indoor fire F. Lava flow
G. Industrial pollution H. Typhoon
I. Forest fire J. Liquefaction
K. Storm surge L. Tsunami
M. Extreme rainfall
(Kindly classify the phenomena in a table. You can classify them in
any way you want but you have to describe the basis of your
classification. Write your answers in your activity notebook. You
should discuss the differences and similarities of the phenomena. I
will be getting all your answer after 15 minutes, and in our next
session, we will answering and checking it together. Until then let us
see each other next time. Goodbye my dear students. Chow!
2nd Session
*(Good day one again my dear students, last time around we ended our session with a
Classification Activity, this time around before we formally start, let me ask all of you of a
hypothetical question that goes like this; in a storm, you were driving your Sportscar of which
it can only accommodate 2 passengers including you as the driver. As you pass by the waiting
shed, there were three persons who were asking for your help, the first one was an old sick
lady who needs a quick ride to the hospital for medical attention, second was a good friend of
yours way back in high school who saved you from drowning during your Christmas party and
lastly was your dream boy or girl who seeks for your presence. The question is who would you
like to help and why? Is it the old lady? Your long-time friend of whom you owed your life
right now? Or your dream partner in life?) You’ve got 2 minutes to give me your answers)
(*After giving out the answer.) (That is the way you should always
think my dear students, think deeply! Apply critical thinking
especially with the activities that I will be giving to you after my
discussion, you have to think outside the box sometimes.
*(In our last session, I asked you to classify different kinds of
hazards, later on you will get to know how to classify the
following in different kinds of four types of hazards, but I know
that some of you already have prepared your classification, so
let's see if it's jives with our lessons.)
*(Our lesson for today are the types of hazards and we have two kinds of hazards,
these are natural and man-made hazard. Under natural hazard, we have biological
hazard, geological hazard, hydro-meteorological hazard. Natural hazard is a
naturally occurring physical phenomenon, caused by either rapid or slow onset of
events. For example we have thunderstorms, forest fires, volcanic eruptions and
typhoons and Biological hazard is a process or phenomenon of organic origin or
conveyed by biological vectors or agents, including exposure to pathogenic
microorganisms toxins and bio-active substances. Examples include outbreaks of
epidemic diseases, plant or animal contagion, insect or other animal plagues and
Infestations. A geological hazard had the word genome which pertains to earth or in
the land. Geological hazards include internal earth processes, such as earthquakes,
volcanic activity emissions and related geophysical processes such as mass
movements, landslides and mud flows. Hydro-Metrological hazard is a process or a
phenomenon of atmospheric hydrological or oceanographic nature. Man-made
hazard is a hazard originating from technological or in industrial conditions
including accidents, infrastructure failures or specific human activities
-Biological Hazard-it includes outbreaks of epidemic diseases,
plant or animal contagion, insect or other animal plagues and
-Geological Hazard- it includes internal earth processes, such
as earthquakes, volcanic activity and emissions, and related
geophysical processes such as mass movements, landslides,
rockslides, surface collapses, and debris or mudflows.
-Hydrometeorological Hazard-it includes tropical cyclones (also
known as typhoons and hurricanes), thunderstorms, hailstorms,
tornados, blizzards, heavy snowfall, avalanches, coastal storm
surges, floods including flash floods, drought, heat-waves and
cold spells.
Man-Made Hazards – (complex emergencies/conflicts, famine,
displaced populations, industrial accidents and transport
accidents) are events that are caused by humans and occur
in or close to human settlements. This can include
environmental degradation, pollution and accidents.
*(We will be checking our previous Classification
Activity right now. Here is the answer key.)
(If you have some questions with the types of hazards as our lecture
earlier, feel free to do so, next in line is a written work in identifying
impacts of hazards. The instructions are as follows:

A. Each student is asked to select 4 out of the 6 scenarios.

B. You are going to cite out the possible hazards and its impacts in the
scenarios that you have selected.

C. You have 15 minutes for these activity.

*We will be checking all your answers in our next session)

Activity: Identifying Impacts of Hazards
-This activity is meant for the learners to think independently and their quick
analysis on the impacts of certain hazards according to specific locations.

*Map of locations and suggested scenarios:

A: Family in concrete house near the highway far from river and mountain

B: Mountain climbers going up the slope

C: Exchange learners in a local family home in the barrio near the river

D: Friends in a beach resort

E: Fishermen out on the sea

F: Passengers in a jeep along a road with moderate traffic

*(That would be it, we will see each other once again in the
next session)
3rd Session
(Good day to all of you my dear students, I have received already all your written
works, and we will be checking it together today, I will be showing you the possible
answers in each of the scenarios that were given during our last session. If you have
some questions with the given answers posted, feel free to ask. After the checking
Ladies and gentlemen, we will have a performance task based on this activity as
your very first quiz.)
*(We are now done
with the checking
of your previous
activity, kindly get
your activity
notebook and pen
for our first quiz.)
Guide Questions:
a. Are the impacts of each hazard the same?

b. What kinds of hazards affected everyone in CDO? What kind of

hazards did not?

c. What would you do if you were caught in one of these hazards?

d. What are other specific hazards that would fall under Geological,
Hydrometeorological, or Man-Made/Technological hazards?

e. Which of the hazards are present or could happen in the local

community, and which ones are less likely to happen? and why?

(30 Minutes)
4th Session:
Lesson 2: Introduction to Disaster Concepts
(Good day my dear Learners! How was your performance task the last time around? I know
it was quite challenging, but I know you were very much prepared for it. We are already
done with lesson 1, onward right now to lesson 2 which is the “Introduction to Disaster
(I will be sharing to all of you our objectives for this lesson:)

The learners are expected to:

• Explain the meaning of disaster

• Differentiate the risk factors underlying disasters

• Describe the effects of disasters on one’s life

• Explain how and when an event becomes a disaster

• Analyze disaster from the different perspectives

(physical, psychological, socio-cultural, economic,
political, and biological)
-Today we will have another class in the disaster risk reduction
management, so I have here a map and I want you to think about what
does all of these colors mean? You may have your guesses later we will
find out what are those. Please listen carefully to the discussion as an
Essay Writing written work would follow right after.
*(First we will talk about disaster risk so what do you know
about disaster risk, last time around, we have already
discussed what is a disaster. So what is a Disaster Risk?
*(Let us first define Risk, Risk is the probability of harmful
consequences or expected loss of lives people injured
livelihoods destruction of economic activities and damages to
the environment as a result of interactions between natural or
human induced hazards and vulnerable and capable conditions)
*(While on the other hand vulnerability compromises two
conditions that is determined by physical social economic and
environmental factors or processes which increase the
susceptibility of a community school or certain area in a locality
to the impact of hazards)
*(Physical Factors can be seen so this pertains to tangible objects or
infrastructures like the availability of fire exits or the sturdiness of the
building or the presence or absence of objects, that can harm you or
help you like for example look around, take a look at your house or take
a look at the building that you're staying in right now what are the
physical factors that may harm you when disaster strikes.
*(Psychological factor it is a staple of mental capacity and health, for
example let's put you inside your house and what if you are caring
for your grandfather or your uncle that is sick, so that can be one
factor that may delay you in getting everybody else safe especially
yourself as well because having someone with health problems may
delay or cause delay in getting out of the house)

*(The social cultural factors it includes your religion, the social status,
the traditions and one's perception in the society. So there are some
beliefs or traditions by families that they may render to stay or not stay
in a particular area, whether a disaster will come their way like there
are some traditions that you are not allowed to get out during this time
of day)
*(The economic factors does not only deal with your assets and
liabilities, income and economic class, it can also be applied to
the economic factor of the community. Does the community
have enough funds to recover or help out prevent more
disasters or risks coming their way)
*(Political factors- this is the government structure or it may deal
with the diplomatic issues and some more. If we have good
governance there's no problem in coping up with disaster risk. They
can just have a Prevention Program. If an emergency occurs during a
disaster so it depends upon how everything is planned preventive
and pre-emptive)
*(Biological Factors are the floor and the fauna in the
environment, the health or the diseases that may be present in
your community where are you located are you located in a
place where it is mountainous or maybe in a city, so those things
may affect on how much risk will you have when a certain
disaster or hazard strikes.
*(Capacity is the positive resources and abilities which are helpful to
Individuals, families and community in mitigating preparing for or
responding to and recovering from the hazard impact. So for example,
there are organizations, programs or even within your family you have
the capacity to stand up after a disaster or prepare before a disaster
strike or is it from a group of people or from an in the government of
giving relief after the impact of the hazard
*(Disaster Risk - it is the exposure to hazard by vulnerability
divided by the ability to cope and the answer to that is how
much risk will you have)
*(Going back to the map that I have showed you earlier, this is actually
the world risk index as you may see if you are located in Canada and it
has a very dark green color, so it means the disaster risk or the risk is
very low. If your color is a very dark pink, then you have a high risk in
disasters. In the Philippines it is really risky when it comes to hazards.
Why? Because we are located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, we are prone to
earthquakes.) Kindly prepare your notebook and pen for an activity.
Activity: Essay Writing
-In what way does the risk factors concern you personally?

Identify the:

I. Physical

II. Psychological

III. Socio-cultural

IV. Economic

V. Political

VI. Biological risk factors that either affect you

or not
*(20 Minutes)
*(Good day once again DRRM Learners! I do hope that you
have submitted already your previous activity during our 4th
Session. For today, we will be discussing about the Risk
5th Session:
*(Based on the World Index Report of 2018, our country is ranked third in
terms of Disaster Risk, with Vanuato first and Tonga a close second. Vanuato
and Tonga are found in the Pacific Islands of which both are Volcanic Islands.)
*(Let us take a closer look in terms of Geography, Total Area and the
Population of the three most disaster-prone countries in the whole
world, with Philippines leading in all three aspects. We know for a fact
my dear learners, that our country is a big archipelago. At this point, we
will be having a Simulation Activity. The goal of this activity is for you to
have a tactile appreciation of disaster risk.
*(Here are the materials needed for our Simulation, that are
easy to find in your respective homes.)
Materials needed:

I. World Atlas, or map of Southeast Asia and Oceania with scale

II. A lot of building blocks (e.g. Lego), can be several colors but
uniform sizes as much as possible
III. Human figurines or markers
IV. IV. Ruler
V. V. Flat disc about 3-inches in diameter (e.g. lid, carton cut-out)
VI. Worksheet/workbook
*At this point, we proceed with the guidelines of the said Simulation:)
1. Each student should build a representation of Vanuatu,
Tonga, and Philippines using the building blocks in very
rough proportion to the given facts, meaning that a
country with more islands should be represented by more
blocks and the size and distribution by the actual layout of
the blocks. The maximum size for the Philippines should
fit an A4-sized sheet. Kindly mark the capital areas of each
country with a single color block (e.g. red blocks for capital
cities and urbanized areas). Allow them to use a world
atlas as reference to the geography and size.
2. Please take note of the total number of blocks used. (5
3. The flat disk represents a typhoon. You will now simulate
a scenario where a typhoon ravages each country. To do
this, you will let the disc pass through each country slowly
according to previous typhoons’ tracks.
*(If in case you have difficulties in acquiring the said materials, other
items like rocks, sticks, candy can be used in lieu of the building

If creating a layout model for each country based on actual shape is

challenging for the you, you can create and use a rectangular or any
regular polygon layout instead, with the sizes proportional to the
relative sizes of the country.

Alternatively, if resources are available, you may use large drawings or

printouts of each country. The “typhoon” will just have to be larger as
well. Computer simulations can also be used if technology is available
at hand.
*(As reference for your Simulation Activity here are the Previous
Typhoon Tracks:)
A. Vanuatu – “Typhoon PAM” (2015) Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System.
Overall Red Tropical Cyclone Alert for PAM-Vanuatu from March 9, 2015 12:00 until
March 15 2015 12:00 Retrieved from

B. Tonga – “Typhoon IAN” (2014) European Commission. January 13, 2014: Tonga –
Tropical Cyclone IAN. Retrieved from

C. Philippines – “Typhoon Yolanda” (2013) Panahon TV.Fig 1.1 Actual track vs. Forecast
track (2pm 07 nov 2013) of typhoon Yolanda [Digital image]. Retrieved from
http://www.panahon.tv/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ actua_forecast_track.png
Post-Simulation Activity Guidelines:
*(While in the process of doing the simulation, you are expected to answer the
following questions in your activity notebook:

I. What are the assumptions made by doing this simulation compared to reality?

II. What is exposure? After the simulated typhoon, how many percent of each
country was impacted by the hazard?

III. How would you compare the simulated effects of typhoons for each of the
country models? What are the similarities? What are the differences?

IV. How do these scenarios reflect actual disaster risk? What is vulnerability and are
or are not included?

*Please pass your answers right after the simulation.

We will see each other again in the next session. Chow!
6th Session:
Identifying School/Classroom Hazards that can
Lead to Disasters
*(A wonderful day to all of you, before I proceed with today’s topic, let us review the
basic definition of Hazard and Disaster first.

Hazard – is a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that

may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of
livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage.

Disaster – it is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society

involving widespread human, material, economic, or environmental losses and impacts
which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own
resources. )
*(For our 6th Session we will tackling about
Identifying School/Classroom Hazards that can lead
to Disasters. Here are the objectives: )
• Relate the concept of disaster with daily life.

• Describe the effects of disasters on one’s life

• Identify areas/locations exposed to hazards that

may lead to disasters

*(My dear learners, I know that you already miss your

respective classrooms, unfortunately because of this
pandemic that we are suffering right now, we are unable to
have the traditional face to face interaction. Normally this is
the scenario of an old-fashioned TLE Workroom, list down the
10 possible hazards in this TLE room. Your answers should be
specific to the certain locations in the classroom like the shelf
at the corner near the door can fall on someone etc.).
(5 minutes)
We have the following hazards inside the TLE Room:

1.) The un-mopped water spill in the comfort room, as it would result to a major injury
for someone slipping in that room.
2.) The Gasoline Tank outside the room, the content of that tank is highly combustible. It
may lead to a fire incident.
3.) The combustible tanks near the welding area, just like the Gasoline tank, it may lead
to a fire incident.
4.) The Cutting Blade in the Wood-Work Bench should be kept safely after using.
5.) The long-wired extension light should also be kept properly after using, so that no
one should be a victim of tripping.
6.) The Chemicals in the Storage Area should not be kept so close together
or another storage area should be used in order to separate the dangerous chemicals.
7.) The Tools Section should a cover or door for safety reasons.
8.) The spilled used oil in the drum, should be properly cleaned.
9.) The cans of paint placed in the open rack, there is a big possibility especially during
earthquakes that they would fall.
10.) The Drill Bits should be properly kept in closed storages.
*(Safety hazards exist in every School or Classroom, but how do you
know which ones have the most potential to harm the students and the
school personnel? By identifying hazards at your school, you will be
better prepared to control or avoid them and prevent accidents, injuries,
property damage, and even death.

Schools are involved in many activities that present a range of hazards.

These hazards and associated risks must be managed to ensure the
safety of staff, teachers, students and parents.

The canteen, science laboratory, and comfort rooms are the areas that
have higher potential for an accident to happen. There is a critical need
to ensure that the school environment is constantly kept safe and
healthy, to ensure that the process of lifelong building of knowledge and
practices can be sustained for the future of the nation.)
Performance Task: Creating a School Hazard
1. Get a piece of paper or your assigned activity notebook for writing.

2. Cite out 15 hazards found in your previous school.

3. Using a sheet of Manila paper or Cartolina and coloring materials draw the floor
plan (top view) of your previous school.

4. You are to create a “School Hazard Map” based on your drawing. The maps
should be easy to follow and understand and still roughly to scale.

5. Potential hazards should be colored in red and labeled properly. Possible impacts
and solutions of these hazards should be noted.

6. Safe areas and paths should be colored blue.

This is the Rubrics for this Performance Task:
*(Sample of a School Hazard Map with potential hazards that are colored in
*(Sample of a School Hazard Map with possible solutions of the hazards cited.)
You have the whole remaining time until the next session to do
this. As your homework for the next session:

I. (For learners who have internet access) Search the internet for
any article/ material about a major earthquake occurrence. Better
if the earthquake that occurred affected the local area. Submit a 1-
page report describing this event (When, What happened, Effects
to people and surroundings). Download photos of
impacts/effects/damages and include in your report.

II. (For learners who have no access to the internet). Interview your
grandparents, parents, uncles/aunts, older brother/sister, neighbor
who have experienced earthquake in the past.
Ask the following questions:

a. When did this earthquake occur (Month/Year if possible).

b. Can you describe what you felt during the earthquake, what you
did, and what were the effects that you saw after the earthquake.
If no adult in the household ever personally experienced an
earthquake, ask the adult if he/she can recall an earthquake event
in other places. Submit a 1-page written report of their story/

Until next time, be SAFE always everybody!

7th Session:
Potential Earthquake Hazards and their Effects
*(For our 7th Session we will tackling about Potential Earthquake Hazards and their
. Here are the objectives:

-Develop a family emergency preparedness plan to guide them on what to do

before, during, and after an earthquake

-Identify various potential earthquake hazards.

-Analyze the effects of the different earthquake hazards

-Explain the different potential earthquake hazards.)

Motivation: *(Class what causes this kind of destruction & havoc? What is an

-An earthquake is a feeble shaking to violent trembling of the ground produced by the
sudden displacement of rocks or rock materials below the earth’s surface. There are
two types of earthquakes: Tectonic and Volcanic earthquakes. Tectonic earthquakes
are those generated by the sudden displacement along faults in the solid and rigid
layer of the earth. Earthquakes induced by rising lava or magma beneath active
volcanoes are called volcanic earthquakes. This lesson will focus on tectonic
*(On the other hand, what is a FAULT?

It refers to a fracture, fissure or a zone of weakness where movement or displacement

has occurred or may occur again; a fault is said to be “active fault” if it has historical
and contemporary seismicity, has evidence of fault slip based on displaced rocks or soil
units of known age and displaced landforms; an active fault is defined as a fault which
has moved within the last 10,000 years.)

-Here are some photos of the impacts of an earthquake:

*(The following are the most common earthquake-related hazards: ground rupture,
ground shaking, liquefaction, tsunami, and earthquake-induced landslides.

I. Ground shaking- disruptive up-down and sideways movement or motion

experienced during an earthquake.

A. Strong ground shaking can cause objects to fall, break windows among others.

B. Strong ground shaking can also result to minor damages to buildings and worse,
cause collapse of a structure. (e.g. collapse of Hyatt Hotel, Baguio City after the 16 July
1990 Luzon Earthquake).

C. Most part of the Philippines will experience shaking at different degrees depending
on magnitude of earthquake, distance of one’s location from the fault that moved,
local below surface conditions, etc)
II. Ground Rupture- displacement on the ground due to movement of fault .

A. This will be experienced by areas where fault passes through (note not all
cracks on the ground that people see after a strong earthquake are faults,
some may just be surficial cracks because of ground failure)

B. The movement may have vertical and horizontal component and may be as
small as less than 0.5 meters to as big as 6 meters).
III. Tsunami- sea waves resulting from the disturbance of ocean floor by an

A. This is a series of giant sea waves commonly generated by under-the-sea

earthquakes and whose heights could be greater than 5 meters.

B. Examples of recent Tsunami events in the Philippines are the August 1976
Moro Gulf Earthquake and Tsunami and the November 1994 Oriental Mindoro
Earthquake and Tsunami, December 2004 Banda Aceh Earthquake in
Indonesia, and March 2011 in Eastern Japan
IV. Liquefaction- is a process that transforms the behavior of a body of
sediments from that of a solid to that of a liquid when subjected to extremely
intense shaking.

A. As a result, any heavy load on top of the sediment body will either sink or
tilt as the sediment could no longer hold the load, such as what happened in
Dagupan City, during the 16 July 1990 Earthquake.
V. Earthquake-induced landslide- failures in steep or hilly slopes triggered by an

A. • loose thin soil covering on the slopes of steep mountains are prone to
mass movement, especially when shaken during an earthquake.

B. • Many landslides occur as a result of strong ground shaking such as those

observed on the mountainsides along the National Highway in Nueva Ecija and
the road leading up to Baguio City during the 16 July 1990 Earthquake.
Written Work Activity:
*(Use your Activity Notebook & Ballpen)


1. In what environment does each of the hazard is experienced or is

more prominent?

2. Based on what you have learned so far, think of your home, what are
the possible impacts/ effects of the 5 earthquake hazards to your home?
3. Write this checklist on your notebook:

What are the potential hazards that can affect me, my home and my
community. How? Will I be affected by (check all that will apply)

I. Ground Rupture (only if a fault passes through my home) (Note: This will be
important for areas with known presence of faults)

II. Ground shaking: Yes

III. Liquefaction (Note, only for areas near rivers, coastal areas, underlain by
soft sediments or water-saturated materials)

IV. Earthquake-induced landslide (if my home is near/ at the base or on the

slope of a mountain side)

V. Tsunami (if my home is near the coast)

*Goodbye DRRM Leaners! Until the next session!

Research Activity/Assignment:

*Search the internet for any article/material, about

a major earthquake worldwide and local. Better if
the earthquake that occurred affected the local
area. Submit a 1-page report describing this event
(When, What happened, Effects to people and
surroundings). Download photos of
impacts/effects/damages and include in your

Write and submit report in my email

8th Session:
Tsunami Signs
*(For our 8th Session we will discussing about the Tsunami Signs.
Here are the objectives:

-Recognize the natural signs of an impending tsunami.

-Explain the three (3) important natural signs of an impending


-This is the map of the Philippines Islands and the adjacent areas showing the nine
subduction zones (thick grey lines with numbers in adjacent circles) and the intraplate
active faults (thin red lines). The green, purple and blue squares indicate the locations
of tsunami affected areas, volcanoes and major earthquakes, respectively. It shows the
locations of most destructive tsunami events recorded in Philippine history. We had
around 90 destructive earthquakes, around 40 tsunamis for past 400 years, and our
coastal areas at eastern and western margins fronting major seas and inland seas have
been affected by tsunamis.

-Based on your answers on the assignment I gave last session as a research, kindly
share it to the whole class by following this template:

1. Tsunami- sea waves resulting from the disturbance of ocean floor by

an earthquake; is a series of giant sea waves commonly generated by
under-the-sea earthquakes and whose heights could be greater than 5

2. Tsunami vs Storm surge. A tsunami is a Japanese word meaning

“harbor waves”. A tsunami is commonly generated by disturbances
associated with earthquakes occurring below or near the ocean floor. It
occurs when the earthquake is shallow-seated and strong enough to
displace parts of the seabed and disturb the mass of water over it. In
addition, underwater volcanic eruptions and landslides can also
generate a tsunami.
Sometimes, tsunamis are erroneously called “tidal waves”. Remember
that tsunamis are generated by earthquakes and tsunami waves are
generated because of movement of fault under the sea. Tsunamis have
nothing to do with high tide and low tide which is caused by the
gravitational pull between the earth and moon. The increase in wave
heights associated or during typhoons (when there are strong winds) or
tropical cyclones are called “storm surges”.

Storm Surges (wind-generated waves on the surface of the sea) are not
tsunamis (undersea earthquake-generated) (from PHIVOLCS, 2008,
Training Module School Teachers’ Seminar-Training on Natural Hazards
Awareness and Preparedness Focus on Earthquakes and Volcanoes )
Two kinds of Tsunami. There are two types of tsunami generation:

(1) Local tsunami (2) and Far-field or Distant Tsunami. The coastal areas in the Philippines
especially those facing the Pacific Ocean, South China Sea, Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea can be
affected by tsunamis that may be generated by local earthquakes.

Local Tsunamis are confined to coasts within a hundred kilometers of the source usually
earthquakes and a landslide or a pyroclastic flow. It can reach the shoreline within 2 to 5

Far-Feld or Distant Tsunamis can travel from 1 to 24 hours before reaching the coast of the
nearby countries. These tsunamis mainly coming from the countries bordering Pacific Ocean like
Chile (1960 2010, 2015), Alaska in USA and Japan (2011). PTWC (Pacific Tsunami Warning
Center) and NWPTAC (Northwest Pacific Tsunami Advisory Center) are the responsible agencies
that closely monitor Pacific-wide tsunami event and send tsunami warning to the countries
around the Pacific Ocean. (from PHIVOLCS, 2008, Training Module School Teachers’ Seminar-
Training on Natural Hazards Awareness and Preparedness Focus on Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Local Tsunamis: (Show Pictures or Videos)
-Examples of recent tsunami events in the Philippines and Asia :
-August 1976 Moro Gulf Earthquake and Tsunami:
A few minutes after the last stroke of midnight on August 17, 1976, a violent
earthquake occurred in the island of Mindanao spawning a tsunami that devastated
more than 700 kms of coastline bordering Moro Gulf in the North Celebes Sea. This
offshore event generated by Cotabato trench, a less prominent trench system in the
Philippines, was the largest tsunamigenic earthquake to have occurred in Mindanao
in the last two decades. It was an earthquake that resulted in massive destruction of
properties and great loss of lives. The tsunami generated contributed immensely to
the devastation. The cities and provinces of Cotabato took the brunt of the
earthquake while the tsunami generated cast its doom on the provinces bordering
Moro Gulf especially on the shores of Pagadian City. According to surveys during the
event, the tsunami was responsible for 85% of deaths, 65% of injuries and 95% of
those missing.
After the sea spent its fury and rolled back to its natural flow, thousands of people
were left dead, others homeless or missing and millions of pesos lost with the
damages of properties. Properties lost not only include establishments for residential
and commercial use, but also bancas that, as a whole, represents the livelihood of
hundreds of families.

-November 1994 Oriental Mindoro Earthquake and Tsunami:

The 15 November 1994 earthquake affected 13 out of 15 municipalities or a total of
273 barangays in Oriental Mindoro. As per official report of the Provincial Social
Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO), about 22452 families were affected.
Casualties numbered 78 confirmed dead and 430 injured. The municipality of Baco
sustained the biggest number of casualties, with 41 confirmed deaths from drowning
due to the tsunami that hit the coastal area of Malaylay, San Andres, Baco. The capital
town, Calapan, has the second most number of casualties, with 17 deaths from Wawa,
also a coastal area in Calapan. Almost half of the casualties were children below 10
years old who were drowned.
-December 2004 Banda Aceh Earthquake (Indonesia):

The December 26, 2004 magnitude 9.1 Sumatra, Indonesia earthquake generated a
tsunami that was observed worldwide and caused tremendous devastation and deaths
throughout the Indian Ocean region. The earthquake, which is the third largest in the
world since 1900, caused severe damage and casualties in northern Sumatra,
Indonesia, and in the Nicobar Islands, India. No separate death toll is available for the
earthquake as the tsunami followed within 20 minutes. The tsunami that followed
killed more people than any other tsunami in recorded history, with 227,898 dead or
missing. The worst hit country was Indonesia with 167,540 listed as dead or
-March 2011 Eastern Japan:

A magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck in the Pacific Ocean off the northeast coast of the
Tōhoku region of Japan’s Honshu island on March 11, 2011. The Great East Japan
Earthquake — the name given to the event by the Japanese government — triggered a
massive tsunami that flooded more than 200 square miles of coastal land. Waves were
estimated to be as high as 38 meters, the height of a 12-story building.

An estimated 20,000 people were dead or missing and close to 500,000 people were
forced to evacuate. In addition, a nuclear power plant meltdown triggered a nuclear
emergency. The direct economic loss from the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear
disaster is estimated at $360 billion.

Though Japan is a world leader in disaster preparedness, the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake
caused overwhelming damage and humanitarian needs that required an international
Based on stories from eyewitnesses and survivors of past tsunamis, the following are
the natural signs of an impending tsunami

I. Feel an earthquake.
-If the ground shakes under your feet in a coastal region, a tsunami may have been
caused by a strong undersea earthquake. However, you may not feel an earthquake if
the event is far away.

II. See ocean water disappear from the beach, bay or river Before a tsunami arrives,
water may recede from the shoreline before returning as a fast-moving wall of water. If
you notice the water is disappearing, tell your family and friends and prepare to move
inland or to higher ground.

III. Hear an unusual roaring sound If you hear a loud roar approaching (a bit like a
passenger jet or a train), tell your family and friends. It could be a tsunami
Written Work: - True or False? Please answer True or False to the following

A. I should go to the shore to watch a tsunami.

B. All undersea earthquakes cause tsunami.
C. If I felt a strong earthquake while near the coast, I should wait to hear the
rumbling sound before moving to high ground
D. If a small tsunami is coming, I should get out of the water and wait until I hear it
is safe to return.
E. Is a big tsunami is coming, I should move as far inland as I can or to higher
F. If I am swimming when a small tsunami comes, I could get dragged out to sea by
the strong rips and currents.
G. A tsunami is most often caused by undersea earthquakes.

A. I should go to the shore to watch a tsunami. [FALSE]

B. All undersea earthquakes cause tsunami. [FALSE]
C. If I felt a strong earthquake while near the coast, I should wait to hear the rumbling
sound before moving to high ground (FALSE )
D. If a small tsunami is coming, I should get out of the water and wait until I hear it is
safe to return. [TRUE]
E. Is a big tsunami is coming, I should move as far inland as I can or to higher ground.
F. If I am swimming when a small tsunami comes, I could get dragged out to sea by the
strong rips and currents. [TRUE]
G. A tsunami is most often caused by undersea earthquakes. [TRUE]

-That formally ends our class for today! Goodbye Everybody!

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