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Digital Business Applications-I

• Digital Government
• E-Learning, E-Training, and E-Books

Digital Government: Government-to-Citizens, Government-to-

Business, Government-to-Government, Government-to-Employees Models,
Internal Efficiency and Effectiveness, E-Government and Social Networking,

E-Learning, E-Training, and E-Books: Basics of

ELearning, Characteristics, Advantages, Limitations, Distance Learning and
Online Universities, Online Corporate Training,
Social Networks and E-Learning, E-Learning Management Systems,
Electronic Books

The Digital India programme is a flagship

programme of the Government of India with a
vision to transform India into a digitally empowered
society and knowledge economy.
The “e” in e-Governance stands for ‘electronic’. Thus, e-Governance is
basically associated with carrying out the functions and achieving the results
of governance through the utilization of ICT (Information and
Communications Technology).

• storing and retrieval of data,

• instantaneous transmission of information,
• processing information and data faster than the earlier manual systems,
• speeding up governmental processes,
• taking decisions expeditiously and judiciously,
• increasing transparency and enforcing accountability.
• It also helps in increasing the reach of government – both geographically
and demographically.
Digital India Initiative
• eHospital services: have made it easy to take online
appointments in 322 major hospitals. The eHospital
application provides online registration, payment of fees and
appointment, online diagnostic reports, enquiring availability
of blood online, and so on.
• 55 lakh post offices have been digitally connected and
approximately 1 crore digital transactions take place in a day.
• Service Plus: A metadata based single unified eService
delivery framework with completely configurable service
definition, facilitating rapid rollout of any service by
Government making them available in efficient and
transparent manner.
Digital India Initiative
• BharatNet: Over 1.19 Lakh Gram Panchayats have been connected
through Optical Fibre to provide seamless high-speed internet
connectivity. The project aims to connect all 2.5 Lakh Gram Panchayats
across India with Optical Fibre.
• 65 Lakh Common Service Centers (CSC) are functional and 2.39 lakh
gram panchayat’s have the presence of CSC.
• Pensioners do not need to visit the bank branch which disburses their
pension every year. They can produce Jeevan Pramaan digitally from any
part of the world.
• BHIM UPI: A fintech innovation of India that has transformed the digital
payment ecosystem. It has made it possible to make payments using a
simple and easy to use mobile app
E-Government: An
 e-government
E-commerce model in which a government entity
buys or provides goods, services, or information
to businesses or individual citizens
 government-to-citizens (G2C)
E-government category that includes all the
interactions between a government and its citizens
 Electronic Voting
 Electronic Benefits Transfer
e-Kranti : National e-Governance
Plan 2.0
• The national level e-Governance programme called National e-
Governance Plan was initiaited in 2006.
• There were 31 Mission Mode Projects under National e-
Governance Plan covering a wide range of domains, viz.
agriculture, land records, health, education, passports, police,
courts, municipalities, commercial taxes, treasuries etc.
• 24 Mission Mode Projects have been implemented and started
delivering either full or partial range of envisaged services.
Performance Objective G2C
• Reduce the time needed to interact with the government
• Create a friendly single point access to government services for individuals
• Reduce the time spent in finding jobs
• Reduce the time to fill out export forms and locate related information
• Reduce the average time for citizens to find benefits and determine eligibility
• Increase the number of citizens who use the Internet to find information on
recreational opportunities
• Meet the high public demand for information
• Improve the value of government services to its citizens
• Expand access to information for people with disabilities
• Make obtaining financial assistance from the government easier, cheaper, quicker,
and more comprehensible
• Increase the ability for businesses to find, view,
and comment on rules and regulations
• Reduce the burden on businesses by enabling
online fi ling of taxes and other documents
• Reduce the time for businesses to comply with
government regulations
E-government categories of activities
Examples of Government Projects Digitally
Bhoomi Project: Online delivery of Land Records. Self-sustainable e-
Governance project for the computerized delivery of 20 million rural land
records to 6.7 million farmers through 177 Government-owned kiosks in the
State of Karnataka
Gyandoot: It is an Intranet-based Government to Citizen (G2C) service
delivery initiative. It was initiated in the Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh in
January 2000 with the twin objective of providing relevant information to the
rural population and acting as an interface between the district administration
and the people.
Lokvani Project in Uttar Pradesh: Lokvani is a public-private partnership
project at Sitapur District in Uttar Pradesh which was initiated in November,
2004. Its objective is to provide a single window, self-sustainable e-
Governance solution with regard to handling of grievances, land record
maintenance and providing a mixture of essential services.
Project FRIENDS in Kerala: FRIENDS (Fast, Reliable, Instant, Efficient
Network for the Disbursement of Services) is a Single Window Facility
providing citizens the means to pay taxes and other financial dues to the State
Government.The services are provided through FRIENDS Janasevana
e-Seva (Andhra Pradesh): This project is designed to provide ‘Government
to Citizen’ and ‘e-Business to Citizen’ services. The highlight of the eSeva
project is that all the services are delivered online to consumers /citizens by
connecting them to the respective government departments and providing
online information at the point of service delivery.

Admission to Professional Colleges – Common Entrance Test (CET):

With the rapid growth in the demand as well as supply of professional
education, the process of admission to these institutions became a major
challenge in the early 1990s. Recourse was then taken to ICT to make the
process of admission transparent and objective. One of the pioneering efforts
was made by Karnataka. The State Government decided to conduct a
common entrance test based on which admission to different colleges and
disciplines was made.
E-Government: An
 government-to-business (G2B)
E-government category that includes interactions
between governments and businesses (government
selling to businesses and providing them with services
and businesses selling products and services to the
 G ov e r n me n t E-Procurement
 Group Purchasing

E-Government: An
 government-to-government (G2G)
E-government category that includes activities
within government units and those between
 government-to-employees (G2E)
E-government category that includes activities
and services between government units and their

Government to Business (G2B)
e-Procurement Project in Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat:
To reduce the time and cost of doing business for both
vendors and government.
MCA 21: By the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The
project aims at providing easy and secure online access
to all registry related services provided by the Union
Ministry of Corporate Affairs to corporates and other
stakeholders at any time and in a manner that best suits
Government to Government (G2G)
Khajane Project in Karnataka: It is a comprehensive online
treasury computerization project of the Government of
Karnataka. The project has resulted in the computerization of the
entire treasury related activities of the State Government and the
system has the ability to track every activity right from the
approval of the State Budget to the point of rendering accounts
to the government.
The Transformation to E-
• Moving government systems to an online service.
• “the use of information and communications
technologies (ICT) to improve the efficiency,
effectiveness, transparency and accountability
of government ” .

Advantages of e-
• Improve efficiency and services of current
• Allows all citizens to receive the same service
irrespective of where they stay.
• Potentially decrease voter apathy ().
• Increase transparency and accountability
within government organisations.
Disadvantages of e-
• Government service loses person to
person interaction.
• Can create an easy excuse for mistakes.
• Inherits design problems of the internet.
• Can threaten the information security.
• Can cause divisions within the country (e.g.
digital divide).
E-Government: An
 m o b i l e government (m-government)
The wireless implementation of e-government
mostly to citizens but also to businesses
 T h e Benefits of M-Government
 S o m e Implementation Issues
 Applications

Mobile Government (M-
 M o b i l e Government services can be defined as

"a strategy and its implementation involving

the utilization of all kinds of wireless and
technology, services, applications and devices for
improving benefits to the parties involved in e-
government including citizens, businesses and
all government units"

The Benefits of M-
 C o s t reduction

 Efficiency

 Transformation/modernization of public sector

 Added convenience and flexibility -
 Better services to the citizens
 Ability to reach a larger number of people
through mobile devices than would be possible
Issues with E-
 Wireless and mobile networks and related
infrastructure, as well as software, must be developed.
 Mobile phone numbers and mobile devices are relatively
easily hacked and wireless networks are vulnerable
because they use public airwaves to send signals.
 Many countries have not yet adopted legislation for
data and information practices that spell out the rights of
citizens and the responsibilities of the data holders

E-Learning, E-Training, and E-
E-Learning, E-Training, and E-
 e-learning
The online delivery of information for purposes
of education, training, or knowledge

 e-learning service is a website which teaches and

helps students improve in certain subjects.

Advantages of e-
 R e d u c e s travel cost and time to and from school.

 L earn ersmay have the option to select learning

materials that meets their level of knowledge and
 L earn ers
can study wherever they have access
to acomputer and Internet.
 Flexibility to join discussions remotely in chat
 Development of computer and Internet skills that are 5-30
Disadvantages of e-
Unmotivated learners or those with poor study habits may fall
 Lack of familiar structure and routine may take getting used
 Students may feel isolated or miss social interaction thus the
need to understanding different learning styles and individual
learner needs.
 In str uc tor may not always be available on demand
 Slow or unreliable Internet connections can be frustrating
 M an ag ing learning software can involve a learning curve

 d i s t a n c e learning
Formal education that takes place off campus, usually,
but not always, through online resources
 v i r t u al university
An online university from which students take classes
from home or other offsite locations, usually via the

Online corporate
 A corporate trainer is an educator or instructor who
works in a business environment and conveys
knowledge or skills to a group of employees.
 Corporate trainers may be hired full-time by a
large company to train new employees and assist in the
transition to new business systems.
 E xa m pl e s of Corporate Training

 s o c i a l learning
Learning, training, and knowledge sharing in
social networks and by using social software tools
for learning.
 Social learning is learning that takes place
through social interaction between peers () and it
may or may not lead to a change in attitudes and/or

Social Learning Tools Every Online Educator 5-36

Social Networks & E learning:
How Social Media Can Been Used As Learning
Social media is basically a structure that consists of
individuals, communities, companies or organizations
with similar interests, attitudes, values, lifestyles,
visions and friendships and in the field of eLearning
this structure can be used in various ways and through a
number of tools.
1. Facebook
The instructor can effortlessly create a closed or an open group, to share
information, ideas, quizzes, questionnaires, materials, pictures, or even an
entire page on a specific course or module. Students can freely talk about
various course-related issues, questions they might have, post mutually
interesting information and generally things they want to share.
2. Twitter
In eLearning it can be used as a backchannel to connect learning communities
or smaller classrooms over a specific topic or event, to share highlights, make
statements, upload pictures, etc. All instructors have to do is create an account
and communicate its #hashtag to their students/followers.

• This is a purely professional, yet still social network, which has proven to be
extremely useful in eLearning.
• Currently there are thousands of discussions and groups in various languages,
where instructors, educators and influencers share views, problems,
developments and how-to tips.
• students/participants can actually see everyone’s professional profile and
accomplishments, something that usually determines the status of the discussion
leader, organizer, or expert.
Google Plus
• Google plus is an upraising star for social learning.
• Google Plus is going to be the most popular social media that is used as a learning
• The ability of G+ to host communities with video embeds, comments plus Google
hangouts surely makes it the strongest social media platform for social learning”

• An excellent resource for eLearning.
• It’s free and can be used to support a class, while viewers can also rate the video’s
content and quality, as well as comment.
• These videos can be part of a course, but instructors can also use it to broadcast
entire tutorials
E-Learning, E-Training, and E-
 L e a r n in g in virtual worlds and second life

 Vi s u a l interactive simulation
 learning on-demand
Learning provided to an employee while the work is being
done (in terms of troubleshooting or performance
In a learning on-demand environment, courses, references,
help files, documents, Webcasts, audios, videos, books, and
presentations are all made available when and where a
worker needs them.
E-Learning, E-Training, and E-
 l e a r n i n g management system (LMS)
Software applications for the administration,
documentation, tracking, and reporting of
training programs, classroom and online events,
e-learning programs, and training content
 S o m e Representative E-Learning Tools

E-Learning, E-Training, and E-
 e l e c t ro n i c book (e-book)
A book in digital form that can be read on a computer
screen or on a special device
 Devices for Reading E-Books
 Advantages and Limitations of E-Books

E Learning Management Systems

 knowledge management (KM)

The process of capturing or creating knowledge, storing it,
updating it constantly, disseminating it, and using it
whenever necessary
 C re a t e knowledge
 Cap t u re knowledge
 Refine knowledge
 Store knowledge
 Manage knowledge
 Disseminate knowledge 5-
E Learning Management Systems

E Learning Management Systems


 Medical advice
 Management consulting
 Legal advice
 Gurus

 Financial advice
 Social networks
 Other advisory services
E Learning Management Systems

 automated question/answer (QA) system

A system that locates, extracts, and provides
specific answers to user questions expressed in
natural language
 Live Chat with Experts

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