Badminton: Sir Angelo Gerry GC Saludes

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Sir Angelo Gerry GC Saludes

The game is named for Badminton, the country estate of the dukes of Beaufort
in Gloucestershire, England, where it was first played about 1873.
 The roots of the sport can be traced to ancient Greece, China, and India, and it is closely related
to the old children’s game battledore and shuttlecock.
 Badminton is derived directly from poona, which was played by British army officers stationed
in India in the 1860s.
 The Badminton World Federation (BWF; originally the International Badminton Federation),
the world governing body of the sport, was formed in 1934.
Badminton first appeared in the Olympic Games as a demonstration sport in 1972 and as an
exhibition sport in 1988. At the 1992 Games it became a full-medal Olympic sport, with
competition for men’s and women’s singles (one against one) and doubles (two against two).
Mixed doubles was introduced at the 1996 Games.
Badminton, court or lawn game played with
lightweight rackets and a shuttlecock.
Historically, the shuttlecock (also known as a “bird” or “birdie”) was a
small cork hemisphere with 16 goose feathers attached and weighing
about 0.17 ounce (5 grams). These types of shuttles may still be used in
modern play, but shuttles made from synthetic materials are also allowed
by the Badminton World Federation.
Competitive badminton is usually played indoors because even light winds affect
the course of the shuttlecock. (Recreational badminton, on the other hand, is a
popular outdoor summertime activity.)
Racket and Shuttle Cock
IDENTIFICATION: Write the correct answer.

1. It is an activity that requires physical actions and skills where individuals or teams
compete under a set of rules?

2-3. Types of Sports?

4.The fastest of all racket sports.?

5.Where did Badminton originated?

6. The former name of Badminton?

7. What is the dimension of the court?

8-10. Equipment and Attire used in Badminton?

Rules/Regulations/ Mechanics of the Game
Basic Skills in Badminton

1. Grip-The right grip in holding the racket is really important to achieve control on
shots while avoiding the chances of a wrist injury. A proper grip will allow you to play both
backhand and forehand strokes effortlessly.( friendly handshake)

Backhand and Forehand

2.Stance- The stance is how you stand while playing badminton, both in between a rally and
before the serve. A stable and correct stance will bring a huge change in the results due to easier movement.

Attacking Stance-turn your body facing the

sidelines with racket leg behind and both v=TVDE1FIaFm0
legs shoulder-width apart.

Defensive Stance-Face the body to the net

and place your racket in front at waist
height, slightly pointing forward.

Net Stance-place your foot on the racket

side forward while keeping non-racket foot
at the back
3.Footwork- plays a huge role in helping with an effective and organised
movement on the court.

Tips for proper footwork:

Always remember the base (starting point).

Move only 2-3 steps backwards.

Shuffle only 1 step sidewards.

Move only 2-3 steps front.
4.Serve-Service is among the most basic skill that you need to master in
Badminton. You should ensure to make a legal service otherwise it might lead to
penalty points.

High Serve-High serve aims at the Low Serve- the low serve aims to
back end corner of the opponent’s court. the front of the court. The objective is to
Ideally, a good high serve results in shuttle let the shuttle fly just above the net
dropping steeply downwards at the back landing in the front corner of the court.
end of the court. In fact, a high serve is In this case, your opponent has the
presented to opponents having ability to
opportunity to dash forward and smash
executing a strong smash. You can always
the shuttle to you if the execution is
expect a lob or a drop from your opponent
as a reply to a properly executed high serve. poor.
5. Smash-the most potent and powerful stroke in badminton which naturally
turns out to be the most familiar term to all. The shot is basically to hit the shuttle
powerfully towards the opponent’s body or downward on the court.

Forehand smash-

Backhand smash-

Jumping smash-
6. Drop Shot-these are used to move the
opponent to the frontcourt.
7.Clear or Lob- can be imagined as a shot with
an inverted ‘U’ trajectory.
Make your own video presentation about
the different basic skills in badminton.
(minimum of 5 mins maximum of 10 mins.)

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