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Primitive communal system

My conclusion is that Azerbaijan has been a very
important center…you have been central in the evolution
of civilization…
From the first time I saw the carvings out there, I was
attracted to the petroglyphs that feature reed ships…

Thor Heyerdahl at Gobustan (1994)
First human settlements in the territory of

• First human groups 1.5 million years ago

Tanzania Azerbaijan
Kenya France 1.5 million years
Ancient settlements on the territory of
Azerbaijan – Azikh cave
Mammadali Huseinov, Azerbaijani archeologist with the
jawbone of a prehistoric "Azikh Woman" which he
discovered in 1968. It has been confirmed to be 350 to 400
thousand years old.

According to the French paleontologist, Lumlee, the Azikh

jawbone is the fourth oldest human relic ever to be found in
history. The first was discovered by Richard Leakey in
Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. The second, in Kenya; and the
third, in France. Huseinov's discovery is the oldest ever
identified in the entire former Soviet Union.
Zar cave, Garabagh Damjili, Gazakh
Human settlements on the territory of

Buzeyir, Lerik
Taglar, Garabagh
What made Azerbaijan a good human
• Warm climate
• Rivers
• Plants
• Caves
Ancient human settlements on the territory of
• Why PRE-history? What is its distinction from history?

• When did it start?

• When did it end?

• The Stone Age
• Paleolithic Age
• Lower Paleolithic
• Middle Paleolithic
• Upper Paleolithic
• Mesolithic Age
• Neolithic Age
• Eneolithic Age (Copper Age)
• The Bronze Age
• The Iron Age
• Why was it called “stone” age?
• Why was it called “bronze” age?
• Why was it called “iron” age?
Human vs Animal
• Upright walking
• Usage of tools and implements
• Intelligence
Lower Paleolithic
• Homo habilis
• Oldest and longest Period
• Tools made out of stones and animal bones
• Usage of fire
• Hunter-gatherers
• Only consumption, no production
Lower Paleolithic
• Question:
• Where did early humans get fire from?
• What did use of fire lead to?
Lower Paleolithic
• Question:
• Where did early humans get fire from?
• What did use of fire lead to?

• Warmer shelter
• Healthier food (easier to digest)
• Defensive tool (to intimidate wild animals)
Middle Paleolithic
• Belief in natural forces and afterlife
• Control of fire by early humans
• Gradual shift primitive commune to clan based commune
Upper Paleolithic
• Homo Sapiens
• Communicative Speech
• Clan based commune
Upper Paleolithic
• Questions:
• What did communicative speech lead to?
Upper Paleolithic
• Questions:
• What did communicative speech lead to?

• Communication with longer distances

• Communication in dark conditions
• Stronger social bonds
• Stronger communication
Mesolithic Age
• Invention of Bow and Arrow
• Animal Domestication
• Primitive farming and animal-breeding
Mesolithic Age
• Question:
• What did invention of Bow and Arrow lead to?
Mesolithic Age
• Question:
• What did invention of Bow and Arrow lead to?

• Higher productivity in hunting

• Animal domestication
• Etc.
Mesolithic Age
• Question:
• What did animal domestication lead to?
Mesolithic Age
• Question:
• What did animal domestication lead to?

• More lifestock
• Better chance of survival
• Better protection
• Better transportation
• More disease
Vocabular / Concepts

• Primitive communal system

• Artifacts
• Fossils
• Hunting
• Foraging
• Hunter-gatherers

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