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Strong Critique

Juan Jose Giraldo

Jhon Taylor Usma
Any Dahiana Grajales
Julián Riascos
You must take into account when writing your critique
Did they provide enough
background information for the Do the authors include an
intended audience to understand adequate discussion, analysis and
it? For you to understand it? conclusions? Did they justify
How confident are you in the
articles results/information and everything adequately?
Ask yourself
In what way should the article have
What are the articles fault and made a contribution, but then did
limitations? did it discuss all the not?
important aspects and issues in its
Were there adequate and
appropriate examples and
Are its ideas really new, or do the illustrations?
authors simply repackage old ideas How complete and thorough a job
and give them a new name? did the authors do?

● Always keep the above eight questions in mind while making

your critique.
● Use different expressions when writing a critique.
● Use the third-person
● Discuss by reading the strengths and weaknesses of the
● Express your opinions clearly and accurately.
● Use specific examples to support your claims.
● Write in a formal and organized way.
Examples of expressions you could
Benefits General point of view
● No one can argue that ...
1. Increases insight and perspective ● It is generally accepted that ...
● Most people say ...
2. Creates bonds
3. Cultivates a trustworthy workplace
According to an opinion
● I agree with the idea of ...
● I completely agree with this opinion ...
● I couldn't agree more on ...

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