The Desire For God

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◦ We begin the celebration of our Catholic identity and mission by
going back to the very basis of our Christian Faith- God’s
revelation. We may not always be aware of it, but our every belief,
moral act, and prayer as Catholic is anchored on God’s act of
revealing Himself to us. He did not have to, but out of His great
love for human persons, He had chosen to make Himself and His
will be known to all.
◦How many friends do you have?

How do you connect with people?

Do you really know them?
We, Filipinos, are generally people oriented. WE enjoy being surrounded by
family, friends, or new acquaintances. There is a desire for us to know a lot of
people and to be known by a lot of people. We get a certain boost from being
recognized and liked by many. However, being connected through social
media does not necessarily mean being related in a personal way. You may
have thousand friends on social media but not all of them are your real
friends or personal acquaintances.
The friendship and love developed and shared with people who bring so
much joy and meaning to our life. This makes all effort worthwhile. On the
other hand, we reveal who we truly are, offer our love intentions of love and
friendship and only hope that we will be accepted in return.
The first one to recognize us is God. He made the move to offer love and
friendship to us. He made Himself known. He came to meet us and accepted
us for who we are. It is in knowing God that we discover and come to terms
with our identity and mission in life.
Augustine of Hippo
• Saint Augustine of Hippo was a
Roman African, early Christian
theologian and philosopher from
Numidia whose writings influenced
the development of Western
Christianity and Western
Born: 13 November 354 AD, Thagaste
Died: 28 August 430 AD, Hippo
Regius, Annaba, Algeria
Feast: 28 August (Western
Christianity); 15 June (Eastern
Christianity); 4 November (Assyrian)
Parents: Saint Monica, Patricius
St. Augustine Restless Heart
“How do you connect with God?”
God Draws Us to Himself
God has placed in our hearts the desire to seek and fine Him. We may
not always aware of it, but this yearning to know and be with God
who has loved us first is always deep within us. We may even attempt
to fulfill this kind of yearning through material things or even
personal relationship with other people, yet nothing and no one will
suffice. We will always remain restless until we find the one and only
source of true and everlasting happiness.
God’s Plan of Salvation: Stages of Revelation
-All throughout human history, people have sought various
ways and means of coming to know God. Some focus on the
beauty and order of creation, while others turn to the depths
of human reason to discover and relate the Devine. “But there
is another order of knowledge which man cannot possibly
arrive at by his own powers: the order of Divine Revelation”
(CCC 50).
 Revelation- God’s personal and loving act of making Himself
and His plan known to all people.
 Self-revelation of God happened in stages: His creation of the
World, His covenant with His chosen people, Israel and His
perfect and definitive revelation in Jesus Christ, the only
begotten son of God made man.
Ways and Signs of God’s Revelation
Stage 1 - In Creation (Natural Sign)
o The first way by which God reveals Himself to us is through His creation (cf CFC 65). As the
Psalmist says, “the heavens declare the glory of God; the sky proclaims its builder’s craft” (Ps
19:2). Everything in creation, no matter how small, is a sign of God, a reflection of His
Stage 2 - In Salvation History (Biblical Sign)
o The next way God reveals Himself to us is through the History of our salvation. It is a story or
account which had been recorded in the bible.

Stage 3- Jesus Christ: the Fullness and Mediator of Revelation

Stage 4- In the Church (Liturgical/Ecclesial Signs)
o Christ continues to reveal Himself to us today in and through the Church. In her
doctrine, life and liturgy, the Church continues to communicate to every generation
the complete and perfect revelation of God through Christ in the Holy Spirit.
Stage 5- In other religions/ Beliefs
o God is the God of all people.
o He makes Himself known even to non-Christians.
o The church teaches us that anyone “who seeks God with a sincere heart, moved by
grace and tried to do His will through the dictates of their conscience, may achieve
eternal salvation” (CFC 74)
o This means that salvation in Jesus Christ is open to all. God iS present where there
IS goodness and love, for God is love.

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