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What is Stress?
Stress is the body's
reaction to any change
that requires an
adjustment or
response. The body
reacts to these
changes with physical,
mental, and emotional
How does stress affect health?
The human body is designed to experience
stress and react to it. Stress can be
positive (Eustress), keeping us alert,
motivated, and ready to avoid danger.

Stress becomes negative (Distress) when

a person faces continuous challenges
without relief or relaxation between
Cognitive Emotional
{ symptoms { symptoms
 Memory problems  Depression or general
 Inability to concentrate unhappiness
 Anxiety and agitation
 Poor judgment
 Moodiness, irritability, or
 Seeing only the
negative  Feeling overwhelmed

 Anxious or racing  Loneliness and isolation

thoughts  Other mental or

 Constant worrying emotional health

{ { Behavioral
 Eating more or less
Physical symptoms  Sleeping too much or too

 Aches and pains  Withdrawing from others

 Diarrhea or constipation  Procrastinating or

 Nausea, dizziness neglecting responsibilities

 Chest pain, rapid heart rate  Using alcohol, cigarettes,

 Loss of sex drive or drugs to relax

 Nervous habits (e.g. nail
 Frequent colds or flu
biting, pacing)
Causes of stress
Common external causes Common internal causes
of stress include: of stress include:
• Major life changes • Pessimism
• Work or school • Inability to accept uncertainty
• Relationship difficulties • Rigid thinking, lack of
• Financial problems flexibility
• Being too busy • Negative self-talk
• Children and family • Unrealistic expectations /
• All-or-nothing attitude
What Is Self-Care?

Self-care is a broad
term that
encompasses just
about anything you to
do be good to
It refers to adaptive strategies you
employ in an attempt to reduce stress
Types Of Self Care:

1. Sensory
Sensory self-care is all about
helping to calm your mind.
Sensory Self-Care Ideas
• Cuddling up under a soft • Lying down and listening to
blanket. music with your eyes closed.
• Going to the countryside and • Sitting in the heat of the
focusing on the smell of the afternoon sun.
air. • Having a small square of the
• Watching the flames of a most delicious chocolate.
candle or a fire. • Walking barefoot in the grass.
• Feeling the water on your skin • Having a massage with
during a hot bath or shower. essential oils.
• Focusing on the movements of
• Holding a pet in your arms.
your own breathing.
2. Emotional
When it comes to your emotional health, one
of the best self-care tips is to make sure you
fully engage with your emotions. When you
face them head-on, this actually helps with
Emotional Self-Care Ideas:
• Keep a daily journal, and be totally honest about your feelings.
• See a therapist, even if it’s just for 8-10 sessions of general
personal development.
• Write a list of “feeling words” to expand your emotional
• Make time to be with a friend or family member who truly
understands you.
• Let yourself cry when you need to.
• Deliberately encourage yourself to laugh with old memories or
funny videos.
• Sing along to the song that best expresses your current
3. Spiritual
Isn’t just about believing in a deity. It’s
applicable to atheists and agonistics as much
as to religious people. Spiritual self-care is
about getting in touch with your values and
what really matters to you.
Spiritual Self-Care Ideas
• Keep up a daily meditation • Be creative, whether
or mindfulness practice. through art, music, writing
• Attend a service, whether it or something else entirely.
is religious or humanistic. • Make a list of 5-10 things
• Read poetry. that make you feel alive,
• Walk in nature and then ask yourself how you
can better incorporate these
reflecting on the beauty
things into your life.
around you.
• Say affirmations that ground
• Make a daily list of 5-10
your sense of self and
things that make you feel
• Go on a trip with the sole
purpose of photographing
things that inspire you.
4. Physical
The importance of self-care definitely extends
to purely physical aspects of your health.
Physical activity is vital not only for your
bodily well-being but also for helping you let
off steam.
Physical Self-Care Ideas
 Dance to your favorite songs  Nap when you need to. Just 20
 Do yoga. Even if you’ve never minutes can make you feel
tried it, there are poses that are mentally and physically refreshed.
perfect for beginners.  Say “no” to invitations when
 Join a class and learn a new you’re simply too tired to enjoy
sport. them.
 Go running with your dog (or  Don’t push yourself to do your
a friend’s)! exercise routine when you’re run
 Cycle through the countryside. down or unwell.
 Simply go for a walk.  Commit to 7-9 hours of sleep per
night, barring exceptional
5. Social
Connecting with other people is necessary
for happiness for a large diversity of
It helps you to understand that you’re not
alone. Plus, it can also give us a sense of
being fully “seen” by others.
Social Self-Care Ideas:
 Make a date to have lunch  Stop socializing with those
or dinner with a great friend. who undermine or
 Write an email to someone disempower you.
who lives far away, but who  Strike up a conversation
you miss. with someone interesting.
 Reach out to someone you  Join a support group for
like but haven’t seen in a people who struggle with
while. the same things you do.
 Consider joining a group of  Sign up for a class to learn
people who share your something and meet new
interests. people at the same time.
It is a state of mental or emotional strain or
tension resulting from adverse or very
demanding circumstances arising from person’s
social environment relationship.
Emile Durkheim’s book, shows how social organization
of groups influence the individual behavior of their
3 Types of Suicide
Egoistic Suicide
Feels that he or she is not accepted by the

Altruistic Suicide
When a person end his life for the others.

Anomic Suicide
Linked to disillusionment and disappointment.

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