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18 BB 03
1. FITRA RAMADANI (18129014)
2. LIDYA OCTALIANI (18129188)
Direct and Indirect Speech
1. Direct speech
Direct speech is quoted speech that is presented
without modification, as it might have been uttered by
the original speaker. We may be reporting something
that’s being said NOW Or telling someone later about a
previous conversation. Characteristics of direct speech :
 Use quotation marks (“….”)
 Intonation (part in the quotation marks has an
intonation more high than the other part)
 Common arrange
Ex : “ Today’s lesson is on presentation”, She said.
2. Indirect speech
Indirect speech or reported, is a mean of expressing the content of
statements, questions or other utterances, without quoting them
explicitly as is done in direct speech or a report on what someone
else said or wrote without using that person’s exact words. We use
reporting verbs like ‘say’, ‘tell’, ‘ask’ and we may use the word
‘that’ to introduce the reported words. Indirect speech is usually
used to talk about the past. Characteristic of indirect sentences:
 Not use quotation marks (“…”)
 Use function word (that, so that, cause, for, in order to, about, etc)
 The intonation in the earlier is flat but in the end of the sentences
is come down.
 Actor in the content of the sentences is changes.
Ex : My mother said that it was time to go away
Direct speech Indirect speech
Simple present Simple past
1.He said, “The 1. He said that the
woman woman came.
comes” 2. She said her name
2. You can use present was nina.
tense in reported 3. He said that he saw
speech if you want to that woman long
say that something is before.
still true.
Ex : “My name is
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Present continuous Past continuous
1. She said, “ I’m 1. She said she was
writing a letter” writing a letter
2. She said, “ I’m 2. She said she was
teaching english teaching english
online”. online
3. He said, “I’m going 3. He said he was going
to london to holiday” to london to holiday.
4. “ I’m reading the 4. He said he was
novel” He said, reading the novel.
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Present Perfect Past Perfect
1. He said, “ The 1. He said that the
woman has come “ woman had come.
2. “ I have read the 2. She said that she
book three times”, had read the book
she said. three times.
3. He said, “ I have 3. He said that he had
taught english since taught english since
five years ago”. five years before.
Sulasbawiatini, Endang, dkk. 2007. Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka
Koentjoro dkk. 2009. English Grammar. Surabaya:
Indah Surabaya
Graham, Mark.2015. English Grammar Made Easy.
Jakarta: Erlangga
Lena, Mai sri. 2013. Academic English. Padang:
Pusikamla Press
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