pifagor / Линейная алгебра

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Kozachynskyi Bohdan
 Pythagoras is often referred to as the first pure mathematician. He was born on the island of
Samos, Greece in 569 BC. Various writings place his death between 500 BC and 475 BC in
Metapontum, Lucania, Italy. His father, Mnesarchus, was a gem merchant. His mother's name
was Pythais. Pythagoras had two or three brothers.

1. Pythagoras was born in...

А) Metapontum, Lucania, Italy
3. When was Pythagoras born?
А) 475 BC
В) Samos, Greece
В) 500 BC
C) Rome, Italy
С) 569 BC
2. Pythagoras' father worked ...
А) fruit merchant
В) merchant of precious stones
С) carpenter
 Some historians say that Pythagoras was married to a woman named Theano and had a daughter Damo, and a
son named Telauges, who succeeded Pythagoras as a teacher and possibly taught Empedocles. Others say that
Theano was one of his students, not his wife, and say that Pythagoras never married and had no children.
 Pythagoras was well educated, and he played the lyre throughout his lifetime, knew poetry and recited Homer.
He was interested in mathematics, philosophy, astronomy and music. Pythagoras also related music to
mathematics. He had long played the seven string lyre, and learned how harmonious the vibrating strings

4. According to one theory, 6. Pythagoras played the…… well

Pythagoras' wife was named ... А) violin
A) Theano В) piano
B) Damo
C) Telauges C) lyre
5. Pythagoras read / studied ...
A) Aristotle
B) Empedocles
C) Homer
 The reports of Pythagoras' death are varied. He is said to have been killed by an angry mob, to have been caught
up in a war between the Agrigentum and the Syracusans and killed by the Syracusans, or been burned out of his
school in Crotona and then went to Metapontum where he starved himself to death. At least two of the stories
include a scene where Pythagoras refuses to trample a crop of bean plants in order to escape, and because of this,
he is caught.
 The Pythagorean Theorem is a cornerstone of mathematics, and continues to be so interesting to mathematicians
that there are more than 400 different proofs of the theorem, including an original proof by President Garfield.

8. According to the text, Pythagoras was NOT interested

А) mathematics
В) philosophy 8. Pythagoras became famous due to ...
С) physics А) music
В) mathematics
7. In both stories, Pythagoras dies ... С) astronomy
А) From old age
В) he was killed
С) he is killed by his wife

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