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What is a General Hook in the Classroom Sense?

A hook, or also known as

a do-now activity, is a It can be as simple as All of this is done to set
general opener for writing info down or the foundation of which
students in regards to calling upon group students will be learning
learning about the daily discussion. about for the day.
What are the Benefits?
 Hooks in my eyes are beneficial in the sense that:
 It helps to settle students into the learning environment and prevent distractions from occurring prior
to the start of class.
 It sets the foundation of what you will learn that day and potentially for days to come.
 You can quickly relay the focus of the lesson to students, so they are better equipped to understand the
topic for the day.
 The hook ties into the end of the lesson, showing the progress students have made in furthering their
understanding of the material.
 It leaves an impact in helping them remember the information over time.

What do these 3
images all have in
Example Cont.
 The commonality is that all images are located within the American Midwest
 How did you know that it was the Midwest?
 Do you have any stereotypical views as to what the appearance of the Midwest is and what it
may look like?
 Did these stereotypes affect your judgement with contrasting images?
Final Thoughts/Ideas
 It may seem like a short window or frame, but the first 5 minutes of each class set the tone for
the rest of the session, so it’s important to lay the groundwork properly in order to achieve the
most optimal form of learning.
 Instead of wondering how you can make the general class interesting, focus on how you can
pull students in to make the class more intriguing and insightful.
 Johnson, L. (2015). Teaching Outside the Box: How to Grab Your Students By Their Brains.
 Simmons, C. (2015, September 24). Capturing Students' Attention with Compelling Hooks.
Retrieved September 08, 2020, from

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