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MarkStrat Simulation

Team: S (Berlin)
Neha Sheenam
Jeevan Rathod
Rajat Bhatia
Shivam Gupta
Amrutha M

Product Details
1. SOFT (Sonite)
Meant to target shoppers and savers but over a period of time started catering only savers as new products were launched
for shoppers
2. SOLO (Sonite)
Meant to target high earners and professions but over a period of time started catering only high earners as new products
were launched for professionals
3. SOFA (Sonite)
Meant to target shoppers only
4. SOUL (Sonite)
It is a cost reduction project taking SOFT as the base project
5. SEAL (Vodite)
It was launched to cater Innovators
Volume Market 3.2% 15.7% 1.5% 28.7%

Value Market Share 5.0% 14.3% 2.6% 24.3%

Period 1
Analysis & Decisions

• Use all the budget to gain competitive advantage

• We used our budget to increase advertisement spending and commercial team so as to increase brand
awareness and purchase intention for the existing brands
• Advertising Research was 20% of the total advertising

Period 1

Period 2
Analysis & Decisions

• We spend on advertising and commercial team in 80:20

• Same segmentation strategy as previous round
• Perceptual objectives were properly inclined with customer
segment focussed which lead to better brand
• Decreased the price dure to competition
• Invested in cost reduction project(SOFT)

Period 2

• Our SPI increased by around 40% from 1199 to 1672

• Both of our brands SOFT and SOLO were top selling
in terms of volume
• Also our premium product SOLO was top selling in
terms of value share
• Even some potential sales of SOLO were lost due to
• EBT increased more than 85% over previous period

Period 3
Analysis & Decisions
• Large budget granted because of better previous round performance
• One-third of the budget was kept in hand
• Increased heavily on advertising and human resources
• Performed new R&D for product specially for shoppers segment considering change of attributes
requirement for savers and shoppers

• As much of the budget was not utilized , only incremental change in SPI as a result
• Still highest market share of 23%
• Highest purchase intention for both SOFT and SOLO

Period 4
Analysis & Decisions
• Launched new product SONE , specially catering demand for shoppers ( plus explorers initially) segment
• Decreased price for SOFT product as per the need for savers
• Spent a bit on budget in Vodite R&D
• Change in segmentation strategy

Period 4
• Increase in SPI in comparison to the competing teams
• Low sales all over market due to higher inflation
• Highest market share of 23%
• Decrease in EBT margin because of higher cost of production for new product SONE

Period 5
Analysis & Decisions
• Decreased price for product as per the
competition price
• Spent a bit on budget in Vodite R&D

• Team L launched Vodite product to acquire most
of 100% share in that market
• Increase in SPI as well as EBT but overall market
share decrease 21%

Thank you !


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