Basic Information: Shubham Vishwakarma 8236858953 Hindi, English Alumni Coordinator, Sports Head, Mess Secretary

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Shubham Vishwakarma  (Karma)
97.49%le Hindi, English
Alumni Coordinator, Sports Head, Mess Secretary
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Passion – Volleyball

Pet Peeve – imbalance WorkLife

Fav Book – Ramayana

Fav Speaker – Shahrukh Khan

Favourite App – Alarmy

Trend or Fad that you can’t stand for- Nationalism/Blindly follows particular Ideology.
It’s very difficult to select only one among
the 36 but I believe my core beliefs & values
are more inclined towards Garnier. Both of
us believe in Natural Sustainability &
Product consistently working in this direction. And
Second thing I believe its different glasses
to see the world. It’s working for gender
equality as by breaking the social dilemma it
is considering that Man also has pimples &
other skin problems & they also take it as
seriously as girls do.
 In my point of view beauty is nothing but a perception what
others have for us which is the reflection of how we perceived
ourself as a whole.

This picture indicates

what beauty is

Left picture – Boy is hungry & deeply suffering with malnutrition are not
confidence enough to trust the world & If we look at the second picture
than it is the same child but more confident. And we can easily distinguish
which is a beautiful one & why
 An optimistic person with a mindset of “Better an Oops than a
what if” this is Shubham Vishwakarma for you. His model,
“Onion Harvester” won National award. Interned with 4 firms
in Agri & Allied Sector. Alumni Coordinator & Sports head in
UG, social activist in 4 NGOs, helped 7000+ villagers.
Excecute your Idea
 During the final year of my graduation, I took part in a competition called TIFAN & designed a self-
propelled onion harvester. In the Safety measures & Ergonomics round of the final phase we realized
that we didn't have any kill switch in our machine, because of which we were about to disqualify and we
had only 1 hour to rectify the issue, over that we didn't had much resources. All of us were
disheartened and almost our whole team lost their hope. As a Innovation head of the team I had to
believe and think positively and keep my team motivated to persist on our idea. At that point of time I
got an idea that we can create a mechanical linkage. So we purchased a Rs 10 metallic wire and with
the help of a keyring, we had connected the engine’s decompression lever with the dashboard. The
inspection team was very influenced with our innovation as all the other machines in that competition
had a min of Rs 2k worth kill switch. This situation made me realize that one should always be ready to
face any instant challenge & with the help of proper presence of mind we can efficiently use the
available resources and I believe that, I emerged as a leader as being the head of the team it's my
responsibility to keep the team motivated and I acted in the very same manner.
 During my graduation days, I became part of the creative and
designing team and was asked to deliver a few brochures
related to sponsorships. I was so eager to please them; I told
them I would deliver on the next day and the team scheduled a
meeting with the potential sponsors. However, due to technical
glitch, I was not able to submit the deliverables and we were
embarrassed a lot. Looking back, I realized I should be more
conservative in the estimation. I realized that a client is not
going to be upset if I am able to clear about the timeline in
advance, but they are going to be disappointed if I promise
something and then do not deliver.
 As for now, this 4 months B-School journey brought
significant changes in me. During my under graduation I did
not much emphasize on Time management & now I came to
know the value of time & how important it is to learn & utilize
every single minute of your day. Day by day I am exploring my
capabilities. Day by day I am becoming more efficient & doing
as much of work as I can’t imagine before. So I can say, It is a
practice ground where I am preparing for the Battle. The more
I sweat here, less I bleed in the war.

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