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Rationale 1 Hour- use your notes as help (you wont have a template like this in your exam so you

so you will need your notes to remind you of

this structure)

1. Understanding the platform

What commission did you choose? Why did you choose this? Where is it best to exhibit your video for this audience?
Task: what commission would you choose using your brief? Why? Where would you exhibit? Should be a paragraph.

2. Consideration of target audience

Who is the target audience of the company? How will your product help the company? Who will your film be
targeting and why? How will the platform you exhibit your platform on help target this audience?
Task: using your audience, in a paragraph give reasons of why this is the audience and how you will consider them in
your video. This only has to be brief.

3. Primary Research
Here you need to conduct your own research using a survey. Why do a survey and how will it help? What questions
did you ask? What was the feedback and how will this influence your considerations?
Begin by justifying what research you did and why. Write down five open ended questions that you could ask your
audience- how is this helpful?

Example: “For question 1 I had asked… I had asked this question because…. I had found that…. This had helped me
with my ideas as …..
4. Secondary Research
Websites online that are useful. Could be:
- similar companies that are competitors with their company- what have they done and why is it helpful to you?
How have they targeted the audience and the issue well? How could this inspire you?
- Companies with the same audience- how did they targeted this audience successfully?
- Research into the same topic matter as the company that you can add it e.g. statistics, quotes etc.
For each research area you must discuss why it is done and how it will help the company and fits with the brief.
Write down four analysis from your research and how it can influence your ideas e.g. of companies/facts etc. The
justification is the main part.

For example: “wwlnhs had created a video called ‘Work Related Stress’ in this video it includes an interview with a
Physician that discusses how to deal with stress. The impact of this video is that audiences may listen to a professional
and may educate them with how to deal with stress better. This has inspired me as I can include a similar concept
where we can listen to professionals as audiences may respond well to learning from an educator”

5. Understanding the commission

For this you want one brief paragraph per heading.
The purpose of the commission
What is the point of this product you will be making?
E.g. The purpose of making this advert is to promote awareness of all the opportunities to help both employees and
employers with how to manage stress at work. Why is this important?

Ethos and reputation

Here you want to show that you fully understand the company and its importance? You don’t need to say who they
are (as they know this already)- but what is important to them? How could you get this across? How will you get this
out to the audience so their ethos is really clear? (remember you want to win them over and chosen in comparison to
your competitors so you are paid for this job)
E.g. Stress at Work are a crucial charity as…. It is highly important that my advert will cover….I will make sure that this
is clear by….. This is necessary for the audience to understand this message as….”
Themes and Subjects
What themes/subject matters will you emphasise when producing your video? How much of the video will it take
E.g. a major theme for this advert will include… I will emphasis this by focusing the most time on the characters that
are stressed as…. (what else could you do?) This would take up the majority of the video as….

Message (see next slide)

What message do you wish to communicate? How is this relevant to the target audience? How could you achieve
E.g. a major message I wish to communicate with the audience is… This is crucial to the audience as… I will ensure
that this is clear by….

Geographical and demographical opportunities

Where will it be shown and why? How does this create geographical opportunities? Remember to apply to the brief-
if it is a UK based one, don’t say it is to achieve worldwide. Consider how the platform will achieve what is best for
the company. How does this appeal to the demographics of your audience? (age/gender/class/ethnicity etc.)
E.g. I aim to exhibit the video on YouTube as…. I would also have the advert shown on major UK television channels
such as…. This would help as…. This would specifically target the audience of audience of….because…..

Restrictions on the Client

Consider the age of the client and where it will be exhibited- are there restrictions due to language (no explicit
language), gore? Sexual content? Offence? How will it be appropriate?
E.g. I will ensure that the advert is universal to all age groups as…. This is because it will be seen… There will be no
explicit language, gore, sex or violence as…. This will also be mindful on the brand Stress at Work because….”

Idea Generation
In bullet points, come up with three different ideas (try and be as creative as you can. These only need to a paragraph
per idea.
E.g. Idea 1- It will start with a teacher coming into her classroom in the morning. There will be a time lapse to show
her day, throughout the day we can see the lighting change and the students walking in and out her room. Her body
posture gets worse and the time lapse ends with slow mo of her typing, her eyes getting more tired as it zooms into a
close up of her face. She hasn’t eaten all day. She looks at the time at is 8pm. She gets up to go home and it cuts to
black and the logo appears on screen with a voiceover.
Final Idea
What is your chosen idea and why? How is it relevant to what is asked and for the company? Tell me a little bit more
about the idea using media language. Brief short paragraph.

E.g. I have chosen Idea 1 as my final idea as… The idea is highly relevant to what they have asked for as… It
encourages the audience as…. It will also be most informative as……

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