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V Engineering Drawing or Engineering Graphics is the

graphical representation of shape of any physical

object, part of a machine, building, dam, road or airport
facility etc.

V It is the common language for all concerned engineers

V Other Methods (Model, Camera pics)

V —nystructure constructed of whatsoever
material and used for residential, business,
commercial, educational, industrial or other


À ufficient accommodation for which constructed.

À rotection from heat/ glare of sun/ storm/ rain
À rotection against thieves and housebreakers.
V ubstructure
À —nything below ground level (GL)
À Most important component of a building
À hole building structure rests on it
À as to be properly designed

V uper tructure
À —nything above the ground level (GL)
À Main Components of a building fall in super structure
À It is in direct use of occupants
À as to be properly designed
À elps achieve basic objective of the building
V 3hick outer walls or cavity walls
V un shades/ double glass
V False ceiling
V Copper lightening conductor/ roof slope/
window grills/ strong pans etc
V Minimum required openings/ doors
V Etc.
V Good building site.
V roperly planned and designed.
V —dequate provision for sleeping, bathing, rest
and recreation.
V Rooms properly placed according to utility.
V roperly oriented.
V rivacy from outside and inside.
V Free movement within the building.
V Flexibility for usage for functions.
V Quality fittings and fixtures.
V ite election and Orientation

V —rchitectural Design

V Engineering Design

V Execution at site
V election of site is only valid once there are
multiple choices. For example if one decides to
purchase a plot he should consider orientation
of plot and it·s location. On the other hand if a
person wants to reconstruct ancestor·s house
he has no choice but to achieve objectives at
the same location
À Level of site.
À Climatic conditions.
À ubsoil conditions.
À Modern amenities.
À Other facilities.
À urroundings.
À 3ype of building i.e. residential, educational,
hospital etc.
À Other considerations like noise/ air pollution,
well-drained, safe horizontal and vertical
distance from ht/ lt line etc.
V 3he art of placing a building in such a position so
that it·s front faces a particular direction is called
V It also includes the arrangements of rooms of a
building so as to provide natural comfort to inmates.
V Orientation needs first consideration after selection
of site for proper planning and design of a building.
V In unjab if the building side is towards south or
southeast, it will be very hot in summers.
V Verandahs, baths or stores may be provided towards
south to save bedrooms, drawing and dining from
heat of summers. On this side, windows are made
narrow and must be provided with sunshades.
V Cavity walls may also be considered.
V Longer side of building is exposed towards the wind
direction for better ventilation.
V uits the surroundings.

V Natural comfort to inmates.

V rivacy.

V Free from dust and noise nuisance.

V Minimum portion in direct shower of rain.

V 3o have a good design.

V urroundings of the site.
V roximity of road or street.
V un·s path and relative position. un is a source of natural
light and heat. — good ventilating and germs killing agent.
unrays may fall sufficiently on the building and enters
through doors or windows.
V Direction of wind. Orientation should be such that cool
breeze enters in evenings in summers but not in winters.
hould also prevent dust nuisance caused by heavy
intensity winds.
V Character of rain should be considered in orientation so
that direct shower of rain and dampness inside the building
is also avoided.
V Every effort is made to utilize the full natural resources
such as wind, sun etc. Maximum facilities should be
provided within the funds and space available.
V lot sizes are measured in ft2, yd2, Marla or kanal. 1 kanal =
20 Marla, 1 Marla = 272 ft2 (actual) or 225 ft2 where kanal is
f 500 yd2.
V tandard size of 1 kanal plot is 50· x 90· and 10 Marla plot is
35· x 65·.
V — suitable rectangular plot has length 1.85 times the front
of the plot.
V Restrictions vary from society/ authority to society/
authority. 3hese form building bylaws. For example;
common construction restrictions are:-
À Covered area should not be > 60% of plot area.
À 10· open space in front.
À 5·-10· open space in rear.
À 5· open space at one side.

V — two-storey building is normally 20% cheaper than one

storey building if covered area is the same.
V In ordinary house area covered by walls is approximately
15% of the covered area.
V Rectangular rooms provide better utilization of space.
Length / breadth ratio should be 1.25 up to 200 ft2 area
and beyond this, it may be 1.50.
V red Room with attached rath
V Drawing Room
V Living Room
V Dining Room
V antry
V Kitchen
V tore or rox Room
V tair Case
V Verandah
V ervant Room
V Car porch
V Min size of bed room for small house 8·-6µ
x 12·-0µ (100 ft2)
V Reasonable size for small house 12·- 0µ x
15·-0µ (180 ft2)
V Min size of bath room 5·-0µ x 6·-0µ (30 ft2)
V One side must be towards open side for
better ventilation.
V ometimes dress room is added, min 25 ft2.
V Cupboards are provided with min of 21µ
depth and suitable height for hanging of
V Min size 12·-0µ x 18·-0µ (215 ft2).
V Direct approach from main entrance.
V owder room (min size 12 ft2) is to be
attached with drawing room or through
living room. owder room is to be fitted
with C, r and hangers etc.
V —lso known as 3V lounge or common
V hould be more comfortable and
graceful with direct access to other
components of the house.
V Generally the biggest component of the
house (215 ft2 to 325 ft2)
V hould give an impression of being open;
large glazed windows on suitable side
may be recommended.
V Min area 150 ft2. hould be adjacent to
drawing or living room. Kitchen should
be connected.
V uitable cupboards are provided.
V 50 ft2 area should be provided between
kitchen and living for storage of kitchen
V In modern houses, drawing, dining and
living rooms may be combined in
convenient pattern thus reducing the
requirement of the area slightly.
V Reasonable size is 80 ft2; foremost requirement is
good ventilation

tore or rox Room

V Reasonable size is 50 ft2; foremost requirement is
safety. rovided in interior part of the house
V May be provided in separate stair hall or directly in
the living.
V referably on opening to outside and one to the
living room.
V Natural light should always be available.

V hould be 6· to 10· wide on front or back. In hot areas
direction of sun be considered; providing towards
south be appropriate
V —rea is generally 100 ft2. rovided in one kanal or
bigger house.
V On ground floor; it should be independent and on
the backside.
V On top floor; it should have separate approach with
steel stairs.
V Independent bathroom should also be provided.

Car porch
V Constructed in front: open from two or three sides. 8·
x 16· for one car and 16· x 16· for two cars is the min
V Doors and windows should be minimum as these
utilize space and increase cost. In a normal
house windows should cover 15 to 20% of floor
area. On the other hand windows and doors
provide ventilation and light. 3hese if provided
on opposite side, provide ventilation.
V uitable dimensions of the doors are: -
À Main gate min 8·-0µ
À Main doors 4·-0µ x 7·-0µ
À red room doors 3·-0µ x 7·-0µ
À rath room doors 3·-6µ x 7·-0µ
V Look at the funds; plot size and requirements. Fix the sizes of
different rooms, add 9µ in each direction for half walls on
both sides and draw components separately according to a
suitable scale. Cut rectangles to a suitable scale.
V Draw boundary of the plot on the same scale on another
graph paper and mark necessary open space according to
the prevalent bylaws. 3ry to adjust the different components
in a suitable way by placing the rectangles over the plot
area to be covered.
V Make different trials to achieve the best solution keeping
the position of doors to be provided. —ccording to the
selected plan roughly draw the plan on a graph paper
making small and necessary adjustments. Decide the
positions of doors, windows, ventilators, cupboards, exhaust
fans, air conditioners etc.
V If the features cannot be adjusted accurately, reconsider
the arrangements. Now a days computer software have
made the job easy.

V If the features cannot be adjusted accurately, reconsider

the arrangements. Now a days computer software have
made the job easy.
Verspective View

V Ifthe rays of sight emerging from the object tend

to meet at any station point and a picture plane is
introduced in between, the view obtained on the
picture plane will be perspective view. 3here are
also two and three point perspectives.
VIsometric View

view, which often looks unnatural, is

V ictorial
drawn to dimensions as far as possible. Isometric
axis are 120 degrees to each other
VOrthographic Views

V Itis a method of representing the exact shape of

an object by carrying perpendicular rays from
two or more sides of the object to picture planes
generally at right angle to each other;
collectively the views on these planes describe
the object completely
V —rchitect makes a number of proposals keeping
in mind the requirement for the building. 3hen
he discusses with the client and makes changes
according to his wishes.

V 3hese drawings are made attractive even by

using colours and different angles of perspective
V ubmission drawings are actually the legal documents used to
get the plans approved from the controlling authority like
CD— etc
À ruilding plan.
À ite lan.
À Location plan.
À chedule of Openings.
À chedule of —reas.
3otal area of plot,
covered area,
allowable covered area,
GF covered area and
1st floor covered area etc
V ubmission drawings also indicate the owner·s
name, address and signatures and are signed by
the licensed architect. ometimes the stability
certificate is also required.

V Construction can be commenced after approval

V —rchitectural orking Drawings

V tructural orking Drawings

Foundation plan
Reinforcement details
lumbing works
Details of doors and windows
rath and kitchen details
Electrification plan

V Completion Drawing

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