An Ever Changing World: Project by Vlad Bucsa

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An Ever Changing


A changing World
People always tend to reach new heights, to progress and to create
something new for contributing at changing the world in their own way.
In our world happened many events that had an impact on our society and
culture, that lead to changes.

In my point of view, ‘a changing world’ are the people those actions make
it our world change it’s behaviour and appearance through time.

My emotions are full of fascination and amazement when I see how the
world is changing in one way or another.
3 Things that changed the world
The internet is one of the things that created the today’s modern life. Internet connects
people all around the world that makes possible to communicate, to search information,
meet new people and other many other opportunities. It’s big impact forever changed
today’s society and culture.

Fire is a natural phenomenon, but it’s discovery changed the history forever, especially
in human’s evolution. Fire is an inalterable ‘tool’ that is the main part of the cooking,
lighting and more domains of our life.

The electricity is a basic need of our life. It’s hard to imagine how will be today’s
world, if electricity wouldn’t be discovered. Many modern industries are depending on
it. Electricity helped a lot in making human’s life more easier, making more advanced
technology and infrastructure.
How you can survive in this rapidly
changing world?

On how much the world is advancing, then more it’s changing. New inventions and choices
made now, gradually change us, like as a society. Not only our human actions make the change,
but other factors too have a huge impact.

Our attribute as humans is to adapt to new conditions. We need to know how to behave in any
world circumstances. We have always to think rationally to take smart decisions. You will survive
in this rapidly changing world only if you will accept, understand and adapt to the new world.
How you can change the world you live in?

You can change the world you live in, only if together with other people, we can
achieve a consensus that will be the best way of changing our world to the best
The end

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