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Introduction to Management and

Chapter 1
Learning Objectives
– Explain what a manager is and how the role of a manager has
– Define management
– Distinguish between efficiency and effectiveness
– Describe the basic management functions and the management
– Identify the roles performed by manager
– Describe the skills managers need
– Explain what managers do using the systems perspective
– Identify what managers do using the contingency perspective
– Describe what an organization is and how the concept of an
organization has changed
– Explain the value of studying manageme
Who Is a Manager?
• A manager is someone who coordinates and oversees the work
of other people so that organizational goals can be accomplished
• A manager’s job is not about personal achievement
 it’s about helping others do their work
 Coordinating the work of a departmental group
 It might mean supervising a single person
• Changing nature of organizations and work has blurred the clear
lines of distinction between managers and non-managerial
 Managers may have work duties not related to coordinating and
overseeing others’ work
Who Are Managers? (cont)
• Managerial Titles
– First-line managers
– manage the work of non-managerial individuals who are directly involved
with the production or creation of the organization’s products
– Examples; Supervisor, Team Leader
– Middle managers
- all managers between the first-line level and the top level of the organization
- manage the first-line managers
- Examples; District Manager, Division Manager
– Top managers
– responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing the
plans and goals that affect the entire organization
– Examples; President, Chief Executive Officer,
Organizational Levels




Non-managerial Employees
Who Are Managers?
Where Do They Work?
• An organization is a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish
some specific purpose
• All are considered organizations and have three common characteristics
• First, an organization has a distinct purpose
 This purpose is typically expressed through goals that the organization
hopes to accomplish
• Second, each organization is composed of people.
 It takes people to perform the work that’s necessary for the
organization to achieve its goals
• Third, all organizations develop some deliberate structure within which
members do their work
 Adherence to explicit job arrangements
What Is Management?
• Management
– the process of coordinating work activities so
that they are completed efficiently and
effectively with and through other people
• Process - represents ongoing functions or
primary activities engaged in by managers
• Coordinating - distinguishes a managerial
position from a non-managerial one
What is Management? (cont.)

• Management (cont.)
• Efficiency - getting the most output from the least amount
of inputs
–“doing things right” (not wasting resources)
–concerned with means
–Examples: cutting inventory levels
–Decreasing the amount of time to manufacture
• Effectiveness - completing activities so that organizational
goals are attained
–“doing the right things”
–concerned with ends
Efficiency and Effectiveness in Management
Efficiency (Means) Effectiveness (Ends)

Resource Goal
Usage Attainment

Low Waste High Attainment

Management Strives For:

Low resource waste (high efficiency)
High goal attainment (high effectiveness)

© Prentice Hall, 2002

Discussion Question
• Is it possible to be highly efficient and highly
ineffective or highly effective but inefficient
What Do Managers Do?
• Management Functions and Process
– most useful conceptualization of the manager’s job
– Planning - defining goals, establishing strategies for
achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate
and coordinate activities
– Organizing - determining what tasks are to be done, who
is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who
reports to whom, and where decisions are made
– Leading - directing and motivating all involved parties and
dealing with employee behavior issues
– Controlling - monitoring activities to ensure that they are
going as planned
What Do Managers Do? (cont.)
• Management Functions and Process (cont.)
– Management process
• set of ongoing decisions and work
activities in which managers engage as
they plan, organize, lead, and control
• managerial activities are usually done in a
continuous manner
• Planning: defining goals, establishing strategy,
developing sub-plans to coordinate activities
• Organizing: determining what needs to be
done, how will it be done, who will do it.
• Leading: directing and motivating all involved
parties and resolving conflicts
• Controlling: monitoring activities to ensure
that they are accomplished
What Do Managers Do? (cont.)
• Management Roles
Refers to specific categories of managerial behaviors
what managers do can be best described by looking at the
roles they play
• Interpersonal - involve people and duties that are
ceremonial and symbolic in nature
• Informational - receiving, collecting, and disseminating
• Decisional - revolve around making choices
– emphasis that managers give to the various roles seems to
change with their organizational level
Managerial Roles
• Interpersonal Roles
• Figure Head:
• Symbolic head obliged to perform number of routine duties of legal or social
• Examples: Greeting visitors, signing legal documents, attending ceremonies
• Leader:
• Responsible for motivation of subordinates, responsible for staffing, training,
and associated duties
• Examples: Performing virtually all activities that involve subordinates
• Liaison:
• Maintains self developed network of outside contacts and informers who
provide favors and information
• Example: Acknowledging mail, doing external board work; performing other
activities that involve outsiders
Managerial Roles

• Informational Roles
• Monitor:
• seeks and receives wide variety of internal and external information to
develop thorough understanding of organization and environment
• Examples: Reading periodicals and reports, maintaining personal contacts
• Disseminator:
• Transmits information received from outsiders or from subordinates to
members of the organization
• Examples: Holding informational meetings, making phone calls to relay
• Spokes person:
• Transmits information to outsiders on organization’s plans, policies,
actions, results
• Example:: holding Board meetings, giving information to the media
Managerial Roles
• Decisional Roles:
• Entrepreneur:
• searches organization and environment for opportunities and initiates” improvement
projects” to bring about the changes
• Example: organizing strategy and review sessions to develop new programs
• Disturbance handler:
• Responsible for corrective action when organization faces important unexpected
• Examples: organizing strategy and review sessions that involve disturbance and crises
• Resource Allocator:
• Responsible for allocation of organizational resources of all kinds making or approving
all significant organizational decisions
• Example: scheduling, requesting, authorization. Performing any activity that involves
budgeting and the programming of subordinates work
• Negotiator:
• Responsible for representing the organization at any major negotiations
What Do Managers Do? (cont.)
• Management Skills
• Technical - knowledge of and proficiency in a certain
specialized field
• Human - ability to work well with other people both
individually and in a group
• Conceptual - ability to think and to conceptualize about
abstract and complex situations
see the organization as a whole
understand the relationships among subunits
visualize how the organization fits into its broader environment
• Political Skills
Used to build a power base and establish connections

© Prentice Hall, 2002

What Factors Are Reshaping and Redefining
Today managers must deal with
– Changing workplaces
– Ethical and trust issues
– Global economic uncertainties
– Changing technologies
How is manager’s job changing

Impact of Changes

Changing Shifting organizational boundaries; virtual work places; more

technology mobile work force, flexible work arrangements, empowered
Increased Risk management; work life personal balance;
threat to restructured work place; discrimination concerns;
security globalization concerns; employee assistance
emphasis on Redefined values; rebuilding trust; increased
organizational accountability
and managerial

Increased customer service; innovation; globalization; efficiency/

Competitiveness productivity
Why Are Customers Important to the
Manager’s Job?
• Without customers most organizations would
cease to exist
• Today we’re discovering that employee
attitudes and behaviors play a big part in
customer satisfaction
• Managers must create a customer responsive
where employees are friendly, knowledgeable,
responsive to customer needs
Why Is Innovation Important to the
Manager’s Job?
• Nothing is more risky than not innovating”
• Innovation isn’t just important for high
technology companies but essential in all
types of organizations
Importance of Sustainability to the
Manager’s Job
• Sustainability has been defined as a company’s ability to
achieve its business goals and increase long-term
shareholder value by integrating economic, environmental,
and social opportunities into its business strategies
• Running an organization in a more sustainable way will mean
that managers have to make informed business decisions
based on:
 thorough communication with various stakeholders,
 understanding their requirements,
 factor economic, environmental, and social aspects into how
they pursue their business goals
Why Study Management?
• Understand the value of studying
management by looking at three things:
1. The universality of management,
2. The reality of work,
3. The rewards and challenges of being a
Universality of Management
The rewards and challenges of being a manager.

Rewards Challenges
• Create a work environment in which • Do hard work
organizational members can work to the • May have duties that are more
best of their ability
clerical than managerial
• Have opportunities to think creatively
and use imagination • Often have to make do with
• Support, coach, and nurture others limited resources
• Receive recognition and status in • Motivate workers in chaotic and
organization and community uncertain situations
• Play a role in influencing organizational • Blend knowledge, skills, ambitions,
outcomes and experiences of a diverse work
• Good managers are needed by group
• Success depends on others’ work
• Receive appropriate compensation in
the form of salaries, bonuses, and stock performance

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