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Damage & Solutions

The same greenhouse gases that are getting
us into trouble today, may have been
fundamental to the Earth’s life-creating
If Earth has warmed and cooled throughout history...
Why do scientists think that humans are causing
climate change?
The carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and that it is released into the air
when fossil fuels burn. It's known that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels
are the highest in the last 800,000 years.
over the last times, scientists have been collecting data on natural factors that
influence the weather and these observations have failed to show any changes
that could account for the recent, rapid warming of Earth’s temperature.
How can we help the planet?
To cultivate at home. If we grow our food
without pesticides, we help reduce the
pollution of air and water. We'll also reduce
the use of fossil fuels that comes from the
transport of produce to the supermarket.

the change starts at home

we are going to germinate seeds in egg cartons!
For this activity we'll need:
• egg carton
• potting soil
• seeds
• spray bottle
• toothpicks with paper (for the name)
First, we'll make a small drainage hole in the bottom
of each egg cell. Next, we'll fill the egg cells one-half
to three-quarters full with soil for plants and we'll
plant two or three seeds on top of the soil in each
For the final part, we'll water the potting mixture
lightly, as needed to keep the soil lightly moist.

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