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Managing the project

Meseret Cherie
• As a project manager I have the task of not only launching a project,
but also making sure that everything runs smoothly and collaborating
with team members and the client.
1) Planning the project

• Proper project plan will save you time, money, and a lot of headaches once the project launches. Here, I will;

Identify the project

Define goals and objectives

 Define tasks

Build a team

 Be aware of any project killers

 Create a timeline

Get feedback

Adjust the plan accordingly

2) Keep the Project on Track

• To ensure that the project stays on track, I will sure that you:

• Schedule regular intervals to check on the project

• Be flexible

• Communicate with your team

• Address any problems before they occur

• Provide direction
3) Utilize Project Management Software

4) Time Management

• Some of the best techniques to follow:

• Delegate tasks

• Prioritize your tasks 

• Learn to say ‘no.’ 

• Write tomorrow’s task today

5) Celebrate Victories

• The most popular ways to celebrate is;

• by taking the team out to dinner and having a couple of celebratory drinks

• show signs of appreciation by knowing the team’s success during your

next meeting, creating a brag board that highlights an exceptional team
member, offering meaningful rewards, and

• simply just thanking them personally

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