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Gender Analysis

Identifying Problems and Needs of Wage 01 Kebele women by using
Pairwise Ranking from PRA Tools


Meseret Cherie
Pairwise Ranking

• Pairwise Ranking is a participatory technique that allows analyzing and

identifying problems or preferences stakeholder share in order to implement
adequate improvements and solutions in their community and area.

• First, the stakeholders have to decide which the most important problems they
face in their community are.

• Afterwards, the participants have to rank these problems/preferences in regards to

their importance.
Process of Pairwise Ranking

• The process involves work in large and small groups.

• Each group works with a trained facilitator.

• First, the groups are dedicated to brainstorming and identification of

problems and needs .

• Then, the groups use pairwise ranking to establish an order of priorities.

Step-by-Step Process

• First, Prepare one ranking summary grid for the group

• Second, list issues of the community in the first column and then across the top.

• Third, Take two issues at a time, and ask each participant which is the more important
of the two.

• Fourth, In the cell where the first and the second issue intersect, write the name of the
more important issue. Then, compare first issue to third issue, and note the more
important issue in the intersecting cell. Keep comparing the first issue to the rest of the
issues. Note the more important issue for each pair in the intersecting cell.
• Fifth, Move to the second issue and repeat the process until all issues have been
compared; there will be fewer comparisons as you go along.

• Sixth, Moving across the row, count the number of times the first issue was
determined to be the higher priority.

• Then, Repeat the process with the rest of the issues; the issue that was named the
highest priority the most often is the group’s top issue; note the rank of the issue in a
contrasting color (e.g. a red or green marker).

• If time permits, discuss the rankings: are there any surprises? Does this “feel right”?
Make adjustments as necessary.
1) Conducting discussion and identifying Women Problems and needs

By having a discussion with stakeholders in Wage 01 Kebele, the

following problems of women are identified;
• Violence
• Unemployment
• low incomes
• low level of education
• heavy workload
• Poor health care services
2) Using Pairwise Ranking Matrix to Prioritize their problems and
Problems Unemploy Low Low level of Workload Poor health Total Ranking
ment income education care service

Violence (V) V V V/LE V PH 3.5 2

Unemployment L U U PH 2 5
Low income (L) L L PH 3 3
Low level of LE LE 2.5 4
education (LE)
Workload (W) PH 0 6
Poor health care 4 1
service (PH)
• Based on the result of the pairwise ranking method poor health care service is
the most problem women in the intervention kebele have been faced and Violence
against Women is the next issue that needs the attention of the project.

• This method helps to quickly get a good idea of what people think are
the priority problem or preferences

• It is probably the easiest method to use and to learn more about

commonly shared problems and priorities

• The criteria developed out of the ranking can be used for the
community action plan of the area

• It requires time and some logistic efforts to bring all relevant

stakeholders together in order to rank the preferences and problems

• It may not be possible to react to all the problems discussed

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