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Ntaka Hill Resource Update

and May to July drilling
3 August 2013

Nickel Sulphide Deposits

The two biggest nickel deposits in the world by far: Norilsk and Sudbury
…to move Ntaka to the right need $$$ and time

If you want to find another huge nickel deposit

Go for another Sudbury or Norilsk

Sudbury is the site of an asteroid impact crater – an astrobleme

It’s not unique but very very rare…
the asteroid has to hit a part of the planet that already contains nickel


chase another Norilsk

What is the MMG rationale in it’s global hunt for nickel ?

The mineralisation at Norilsk is in chonoliths

Chonoliths are tubular…’toothpaste-like’ bodies

They squeeze through the pre-existing rock by fracturing and heating

So, chonoliths at Ntaka and Lionja !

Not everyone can see a chonolith in the core !

Mineralisation plunging at ~20 degrees to the south

Simple long section shows higher grade ‘shoots’

J zone
M zone

G zone
H & Zeppelin

SG zone
Ntaka Hill drill assays >1% Ni
Looking West
Mineralisation plunging at ~20 degrees to the south

Resource modelling clearly shows plunging higher grade ‘shoots’

Mineralisation plunging at ~20 degrees to the south

Resource modelling clearly shows plunging higher grade ‘shoots’

Sills and chonoliths – tabular and tubular bodies
Do IMX care what model is postulated for nickel mineralisation ?

2005 – Richard Hornsey visits Ntaka

when Expl. Manager at Lonmin

9 June 2011 - MMG first express interest

8 May 2013 - MMG 2nd site visit

What happened in the intervening 2 years ?

What do we have at Ntaka & Nachingwea ?

Something very different from

general understanding in Sept. 2012

MMG and IMX want a young deposit…the younger the better

Ntaka mineralising architecture: sills and chonoliths

The shapes may not be a simple as MMG want !

3D seismic at Kevitsa – a game changer – cost US$1.5M

@1% Ni will need to find ~133km of chonoliths
@2% Ni will need to find ~67km

Ntaka resource at 0.25% Ni cut-off (reported March 2012)

Category tonnes % Ni % Cu contained Ni tonnes

Measured 1,659,000 1.71 0.29 28,400
Indicated 11,105,000 1.14 0.25 126,200
M+I 12,764,000 1.21 0.25 154,600
Inferred 28,481,000 0.34 0.08 97,700

Zeppelin resource at 0.30% Ni cut-off (reported May 2013)

Inferred 6,000,000 0.52 0.12 31,000
To increase M+I from 154,600t to 500,000t @ discovery cost of 6.5c/lb
will require another ~$50M

The difference equates to 34.54Mt @ 1% Ni and with a mineralised

portion of the chonolith = 10m diameter will need to discover ~133km
of chonoliths

Ntaka Gravity Survey – completed November 2012

Intrusive complex & sediments – what’s the search space ?

Purchased Ground EM/IP equipment & DHEM

Systematic Gradient Array IP surveying

1.5km x 1.5km survey blocks

Ntaka – gradient array IP – 1.5km x 1.5km blocks

Ntaka – gradient array IP – 1.5km x 1.5km blocks

Ntaka – re-process 2008 VTEM – conductance depth slices

Ntaka – Global Resource

Zeppelin (May‘13) inferred 6Mt @ 0.5%Ni, 0.11%Cu for 31Kt of contained nickel

Sleeping Giant (Aug.’13) inferred 29Mt @ 0.7%Ni, 0.15%Cu for 195Kt of contained nickel

Sleeping Giant (Aug.’13) indicated 17Mt @ 0.5%Ni, 0.11%Cu for 83kt of contained nickel

…with previous resource estimates for J, G and M zones of 38Kt contained nickel

Global Resource with ~347,000 tonnes contained nickel

Ntaka – DHEM – modelling a near miss

300m x 300m surface loop with optimum coupling of the chonolith, and -60 dip, 90 azimuth hole (or
perpendicular to chonolith strike)
The chonolith has -20° dip/180 azimuth, 25m cross section, 500m depth extent and 5000S conductivity
DHEM will ‘see’ this up to 140m off hole

Part 2

Ntaka Hill Resource Update
and May to July drilling
3 August 2013

Ntaka Hill Plan of Ni in soils, drillholes and resource models

G Zo


J Zone
s e

Historic holes are blue,

2013 holes to 18 july
are orange
Resource blocks > 0.7
are blue and >1 are red
Ntaka Hill Resource Table July 2013
July 2013 Resource totals
Tonnes Contained Ni
Category % Ni % Cu % Co
(000’s) (tonnes)

J Zone 0.2% cut off          

Measured 845 1.67 0.25 0.06 14,100
Indicated 108 0.42 0.1 0.02 500
M+I 953 1.53 0.23 0.06 14,600
G Zone 0.2% cut off          
Indicated 1,765 0.65 0.18 0.04 11,500
Inferred 930 0.5 0.15 0.03 4,500

M Zone 0.2% cut off
Measured 279 1.95 0.42 0.04 5,400

Indicated 126 1.67 0.35 0.04 2,100

M+I 405 1.86 0.40 0.04 7,500

Zeppelin 0.3% cut off          
Inferred 6,000 0.5 0.12 0.02 31,000
Sleeping Giant + (L Zone + Nad-013 Zone +H          
Zone) 0.3% cut off
Indicated 17,200 0.5 0.11 0.01 83,400
Inferred 29,000 0.7 0.15 0.02 195,000
Grand Total
Measured 1,124 1.74 0.29 0.06 19,500
Indicated 19,199 0.51 0.12 0.01 97,500
M+I 20,323 0.58 0.13 0.02 117,000
Inferred 35,930 0.7 0.14 0.02 230,500

Combined Totals Jul 2013

56,253 0.63 0.14 0.02 347,500
Ntaka Hill 2012 Global Resource versus 2013 Global Resource

Category Ntaka Hill Resource 2012 Ntaka Hill Resource 2013

Nickel Tonnes Nickel Tonnes
Measured 28,400 19,500
Indicated 126,400 97,500
Measured + indicated 154,800 117,000
Inferred 135,000 230,500

289,900 Grand Total 347,500 Grand Total

Ntaka Hill Exploration Strategy
1. Increase the shallow open pittable resource

2. Utilise surface and down hole EM tools, but

also introduce improved surface IP
techniques to help locate new shallow ore

3. Introduce seismic reflectance to target

chonoliths at depth
Ntaka Hill IP Surveys 2013
Exploring the Depth Potential of South Plunging Chonoliths at Ntaka


o e
e G3 JZ n

Zo n 1 S Zo

Historic holes are blue, 2013 holes to 18 july 2013 are orange
Resource blocks > 0.7 % Ni are blue and >1 % Ni are red
Sleeping Giant – res blocks >1 % Ni and
optimisation rev factor 1.0 shell
Cross section 8883260 North with Sleeping Giant and Z Zones
showing chonoliths at Sleeping Giant

SG 1

Zeppelin Zone

SG 2
SG 3
Exploring deeper with Seismic Reflectance

• Samples of rock units and ore types sent to UWA

for petro-physical testwork

• Discussions commenced with ‘Hi- Seis’ in Perth

for data processing

• Geophysics department at Upsalla University in

Sweden will be visited, as they also process
seismic reflectance data
Cost estimate for 2 SG chonolith test holes

• Hole 1 exploration hole, depth =590m

Budgetted Cost = $230,000 plus assays
• Hole 2 follow up, depth =590m
Budgetted Cost = 590m
A second hole may be required if the chonolith is
not tested, but DHEM locates a conductor near
the target
Budgetted Cost = $230,000 plus assays
SG chonolith holes – plan view

Planned Hole 1
July 2013 - testing SG chonolith target


Chonolith target

Shallow Drilling at Ntaka Hill 2013
• Drilling has been designed to find new mineralisation and extensions of known
mineralisation for shallow, open pit ore.
• Drilling is not a resource definition, but exploration by systematic targeting.
• Targeting in Ntaka around the J and G deposits is complicated due to elevated
ground which poses inconclusive geochemistry for targeting.
• Targeting at J and G is both up and down dip of known mineralisation and at Hill
Top between G and J to attempt to join the two targets into a single resource.
• Drilling around Sleeping Giant and Zeppelin will be undertaken to locate areas of
potential high grade mineralisation between the two deposits as well as to the
north and south. It is planned to be able to link the two into a single resource
which can be mined as a single open pit.
• The latest block models for Sleeping Giant and Zeppelin are very beneficial for both
deep and shallow targeting .
• In the information below, economic mineralisation is highlighted in red.
Legend For Following Slides
= Mineralisation

= Country Rock

= Gravity Anomaly

= Intrusive

= EM Plates

= Nickel in soil Anomaly

Plan view of new 2013 drilling to july 18th over nickel in soil and new block
models. Ntaka Camp shown for reference as red triangle
Holes NAD13-351/359/358 at Ntaka Hill
NAD13_351 Visible mineralisation
• 26.50- 37 (10.5m):1-2% disseminated sulphides rich in pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.
• 43.25-43.40 (0.15m): 10% patchy sulphides rich in pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.
• 74.4-79.30(4.9m): 2-3% disseminated sulphide with 1.5 pyrrhotite and
• 79.30-80.15(0.85m): 15-18% net textured-semi massive sulphides rich in pyrrhotite
with minor chalcopyrite and Pentlandite.
• 87.25-94.3(7.05m): 14-18% blebby disseminated sulphide rich in pyrrhotite,
chalcopyrite and Pentlandite.
• 98.75-129.45(30.7m): 2-4% unevenly blebby disseminated sulphides
• 129.45 - 131.55 (2.1m): 1-2% disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite, minor
chalcopyrite and pentlandite.
• 142.2-146.25 (4.05m): 6-8% sulphides disseminated with blebs rich in pyrrhotite and
• 146.25-148 (2m): 4-6% sulphides dissemination with blebs
• 148-156.4 (8.4m): 1-2% blebby disseminated sulphide of pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.
NAD13_359 Visible mineralisation
• 129.6 - 134 (4.4): 1-3% Disseminated sulphide with blebs and patches
rich in pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite."
• 144.45 - 150.90 (6.45): 2-6% Unevenly distributed disseminated sulphide
rich in pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and pentlandite.
• 156 - 160.15 (4.15): 8-10% Disseminated sulphide and patches rich in
pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and pentlandite.
• 166.36 - 166.46 (10cm): Chopped massive sulphide rich in pyrrhotite and
• 170.15 - 173.1 (2.95): 4 -6% Disseminated sulphide rich in pyrrhotite and
minor chalcopyrite.
• "212.65 - 213 (35cm) and 215.75 - 218.15 (2.4): 6-8% Disseminations and
patches with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, minor pentlandite."
• 241 - 242.65 (1.65): 2- 4% Disseminated sulphide rich in pyrrhotite.
NAD13-356/352/355 at Ntaka Hill
NAD13_352 Visible mineralisation
•23.35 - 24 (0.65m):10 -15 % Remobilized Sulphide rich in chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite
•27.95 - 28.40 (0.45m): Remobilized sulphide with patches rich in chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and
•58.75 -68.50 (9.75m): 4-6% disseminated sulphide with blebs dominated by pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite,
and minor pentlandite.
•101.3 - 106(4.7m): 4-6% disseminated sulphide with blebs rich in pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and minor
•122.1 -124.45(2.35m): 4-6% disseminated sulphide with patches rich in pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and
•133.9 - 136 (2.1m): 6-8%disseminated sulphide rich pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, with minor pentlandite
intermixed with graphitic grains.
•124.45 - 133.9 (9.45m): 2-3% Sulphide dissemination dominated with pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite.
•136 - 153 (17m) : 4-6% disseminated sulphide dominated with pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite pentlandite
may present.
•153 - 161.3 (8.3m) : 4 -6% disseminated sulphide dominated with pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.
•161.3 - 162.1 (0.8m): 8-10% disseminated sulphide dominated with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and less
NAD13-352 Continued
•162.1 - 167 (4.9m): 4-6% disseminated sulphide dominated with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and less
•167 - 169.6 (2.6m): 12-16%disseminated sulphide rich in pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and minor
•169.6 - 170.30 (0.7m): 18 - 25% Net textured-semi massive dominated with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite
and pentlandite.
•170.3 - 171.35 (1.05m): 12 -16% strong disseminated to net-textured.
•171.35 - 172.50 (1.15m):4 -6% disseminated sulphide rich in pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite.
•172.50 - 173(0.5m): 8-12% disseminated sulphide within graphite
•173 - 173.70 (0.7m): 15 -18% disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and minor
•224.30 - 225 (0.7m): 6 -8% disseminated sulphide with blebs rich in pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.
•228.7 - 229.35 (0.65m): 2-4% disseminated sulphide with blebs rich in pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.
•176.5 - 180.80 (4.3m): 6-8%disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and Pentlandite.
•180. - 181.85 (1.5m): 6-8% disseminated sulphide rich pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite (Strong conductive).
•213 -214.1 (1.1m): 2-4% sulphide blebs of pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.
NAD13_355 Visible mineralisation
• 37.1 - 47.7 (10.6m): 6 - 8% Disseminated sulphide with blebs
• 49.9 - 51 (1.1m): 6 -8% Disseminated sulphide with patches rich in pyrrhotite
and chalcopyrite, pentlandite my present.
• "69 - 76.3 (7.3m): 2 - 4% Unevenly patches of disseminated sulphide."
• 79.5 - 82 (2.5m):4 -6% Disseminated sulphide patches rich in pyrrhotite and
• 82.1 - 83 (0.9m): 4% Disseminated sulphide along foliations rich in pyrrhotite
and chalcopyrite.
NAD13_356 Visible mineralisation
• "97.75 - 99.15(1.4m): 2-4% Disseminated sulphide rich in pyrrhotite, minor
chalcopyrite and pentlandite."
• 100.05 - 101.10(1.05m):1-2% Disseminated sulphide rich in pyrrhotite.
• 102.65 - 104.5 (1.85m):4% Disseminated sulphide rich in Pyrrhotite. Minor
chalcopyrite and pentlandite.
NAD13-360/353 at Ntaka Hill
NAD13_353 Visible mineralisation
•28.1 - 32.1 (4m): 10 - 12% disseminated sulphide with net textured and blebs. Rich
in pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and minor pentlandite.
•32 -39.10 (7.1m): 2-4% disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and
minor pentlandite.
•39.1 - 42.15 (3.05m): 6 -8% disseminated sulphide dominated with pyrrhotite,
chalcopyrite and pentlandite.
•43.6 - 44 (0.4m): 6 -8% Sulphide blebs with disseminations dominated with
pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and pentlandite.
•44 - 50.7 (6.7m): 6-8% disseminated sulphide with blebs
•50.70 - 54.1 (3.4m): 6 -8% disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite
and pentlandite.
•54.1 - 54.7 (0.6m): 18-25% Net textured with semi massive patches
•67.9 - 77.4 (9.5m): 6-8% disseminated sulphide with dominated with pyrrhotite,
chalcopyrite and minor pentlandite.
NAD13-353 Continued
• 77.4 - 80.80 (3.4m): 10 - 12% disseminated sulphide and blebs dominated with
pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and minor pentlandite.
• 83.9 - 86.1 (2.2m): 2 -4% disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite.
• 101.95 - 102.9(0.95m): 10 -12% disseminated sulphide and patches along
• 102.90 - 105.8 (2.9m): 6 -8% disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite rich and
• 105.8 - 106.35 (0.55m): 20 - 25% semi massive- disseminated
• 112.6 - 116.7 (4.1m): 4-6% disseminated sulphide rich in pyrrhotite and
• 116.7 - 120.5 (3.8m): 4 -6% disseminated sulphide rich in pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite
and pentlandite may be present.
NAD13_360 Visible mineralisation
• 32.85-34.35(1.5m),37.30-39.00m(1.70m);1-3% of pyrrhotite rich disseminated
• 53.30-57.00m(3.70m); 3-5% of pyrrhotite rich disseminated sulphides with bleb
and patches
• 2-4% of pyrrhotite rich disseminated sulphides.
• 1-3% of disseminated sulphides.
• 80.20-80.75m(0.55m); 15-20% of net textured sulphides.(po~13%,cp~3,pn~3%)
• 138.4-141.1 (2.7m) 3-5% of disseminated sulphides (po~3%,cp~1%,pn~1%)
• 141.50-143.15m(1.65m); 3-5% of disseminated sulphides
(po~2.5%,cp~1%,pn~1.5%) and 1-2% patches of graphite.
• 145.60-148.50m (2.90m); 2-3% of disseminated pyrrhotite rich sulphides.
• 148.50-150.70m (2.20m); 4-6% Disseminated sulphides
• .
NAD13_360 Continued
• 150.70-166.90m (16.20m) + 169.70-188.80m (19.10m) ; 5-8% Disseminated
sulphides with blebs and patches of pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite
• 166.90-169.70m (2.80m); 2-3% Disseminated sulphide with blebs pyrrhotite and
>50% of graphite.
• 188.80-211.90m (23.10m); 4-6% Disseminated sulphides with blebs and patches.
Pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite
• 211.90-221.70m (9.8m); 2-3% Disseminated pyrrhotite rich sulphides.
NAD13-354 at G Zone Area
NAD13_354 Visible mineralisation
• 33.5 - 43 (9.5m): 4 -6% Disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and pentlandite.
• 46.7 - 54.1 (7.4m): 10 - 12% Disseminated sulphide with patches rich in pyrrhotite,
chalcopyrite and minor pentlandite.
• 56.3 - 56.45 (15cm): Patchy sulphide rich in pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and pentlandite.
• 56.7 - 65.5 (8.8m): 6-8% Disseminated sulphide pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and pentlandite.
• 74.25 - 75.5 (1.25m):6-8% Disseminated sulphide dominated with pyrrhotite, minor
chalcopyrite and pentlandite.
• 75.5 - 79.7 (4.2m): 6 -8% Disseminated sulphide rich in pyrrhotite, minor pentlandite and
• 85.75 - 89.65 (3.9m): 4 - 6% Disseminated sulphide, rich in pyrrhotite, minor pentlandite and
• 104.8 - 107.2 (2.4m): 2-3% Disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and
• 111 - 124 (13m): 1 - 2% Unevenly distributed Disseminated sulphide patches rich in pyrrhotite
and chalcopyrite.
NAD13-354 Continued
• 124 - 128.9 (4.9m): 2 -3% Disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite
and pentlandite.
• 128.9 - 139.9 (11m): 2-4% Patchy disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite,
chalcopyrite and minor pentlandite.
• 144.5 - 156.3 (11.8m):15-22% Disseminated sulphide with net-textured
portions rich in pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and minor pentlandite.
• 163 -163.6 (60cm): 4 - 6% Disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite
and pentlandite.
NAD13-365/357 at G Zone Area
NAD13_365 Visible mineralisation
• "57.65 - 59.65 (2m): 4-6% Sulphide blebs with disseminated sulphides rich in
pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite, pentlandite may be present.
• 66.45 - 71.2 (4.75m): 6-8% Sulphide disseminations with patches rich in
pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite and pentlandite.
• 74 -77.5 (3.5m): 2-4% Disseminated and blebby sulphide rich in pyrrhotite,
pentlandite and chalcopyrite.
• 91 - 94 (3m): 6-8% Patchy and disseminated sulphide with:.92.1: 3cm thick
sulphide vein with α=30° rich in pyrrhotite and with pentlandite.
• 97.1 - 100.4(3.3m): 4-6% sulphide with pyrrhotite and pentlandite.
• 116.15 - 117.1 (0.95m): 3% Disseminated pyrrhotite.
• 117.4 - 117.55 (0.15m):8-10% Disseminated sulphide dominated by pyrrhotite
• 120.7 - 129 (8.3m): 2-4% unevenly distributed sulphide with Pyrrhotite and
Pentlandite present.
NAD13_365 Continued
• 170.9 - 171.3 (0.4m):2-4% disseminated pyrrhotite.
• 175 - 189 (14m):1-2% fine grained disseminated pyrrhotite.
• 181.8 - 186(4.2m): 2-4% fine grained disseminated pyrrhotite and
• 187- 202.55 (15.55m):4-6% fine grained disseminated pyrrhotite.
• 202.55 - 202.75(0.20m): 8% Sulphide blebs of pyrrhotite with
• 202.75 - 206.3 (3.55m): 8-12% Strongly mineralised with pyrrhotite and
• 241.15 - 141.55 (0.4m):12-16%. Strongly mineralised with pyrrhotite and
• 249.6 - 250.1 (0.5m): 6-8% Moderately mineralised with disseminated
pyrrhotite and minor chalcopyrite
NAD13-363/361 at G Zone
NAD13_363 Visible mineralisation
• 28.90-51.70m (22.80m): 5% (4.5%Po, 0.5%Cpy,±Pn) Evenly distributed
disseminated sulphide
• 54.35-58.80m (4.45m): 4-6% (2.5%Po,1.5%Cpy, 1%Pn) Disseminated
sulphide with lenses of pentlandite.
• 40-61.60m (1.20m): 2-3% Disseminated sulphide, mainly comprised of
• 65.50-113.4m (47.90m): 2-4% (po+cpy+pn) Disseminated sulphide
concentrated into patches@ 71.40-71.60m (0.20m) and 76.25-76.45m
(0.20m) with up to 15%Sulphide.
NAD13 -364 at G Zone
NAD13_364 Visible mineralisation
• 53.60-86.70m(33.1m): 6-8% of disseminated sulphide (4% pyrrhotite, 1%
chalcopyrite and, 1% pentlandite)
• "86.70-96.50m(9.80m): 2-4% of fine disseminated sulphide(2%Po,
• 96.50-101.00m(4.50m): 6% of disseminated sulphide(5%Po, 1%Py)
• 101.00-120.80m(19.80m): Tr-3% of fine disseminated sulphide including
pyrrhotite patches @ 118.40m1
• 20.80-127.20m( 6.40m ): 2-4% of disseminated sulphide rich in
Pyrrhotite and in patches @123.00m"
• 127.20-129.50m(2.30m): 6-8% of disseminated sulphide (4%Po, 1%Cpy,
• 129.50-136.15m(6.65m): 1-3% of fine disseminated sulphide rich in
NAD13-366 at Ntaka Hill North
NAD13_366 Visible mineralisation
• 38.4 - 42.4 (4): 2-4% Disseminated sulphide
with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and pentlandite
may be present.
NAD13-367 at G Zone
NAD13_367 Visible mineralisation
• 41.40 - 43.55 (2.15m):2-4% disseminated sulphide blebs rich in pyrrhotite
and Chalcopyrite.
• 43.55 - 45(1.45m):12 - 15% Net textured - strong disseminated sulphide
pyrrhotite rich. minor Chalcopyrite, pentlandite may be present
• 45 -46.6 (1.6m):1-2% disseminated sulphide rich in pyrrhotite.
• 57.25 - 57.55 (0.3m): 6 -8% disseminated sulphide along foliations.
• 80.4 - 81.65 (1.25m):1% fine disseminated sulphide
• 87.5 - 93.5 (6m): 4-6% disseminated sulphide blebs Pyrrhotite rich,
Chalcopyrite traces, and Pentlandite may be present.
• 100.7 - 123.2 (22.5m): 2-3% disseminated sulphide including pyrrhotite
chalcopyrite and Pentlandite may be present.
• 124.3 - 126.2 (1.9m): 4-6% disseminated sulphide including pyrrhotite
chalcopyrite and Pentlandite may be present.
NAD13_368 Visible mineralisation
• 81.85 - 83.85 (2m): 12-15% net textured disseminated sulphide rich in pyrrhotite,
chalcopyrite, and pentlandite
• 108.7 -109.65 (0.95m): 12-15% disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite and
minor pentlandite.
• 117-121.10(4.10m): 25 -35% semi massive, net textured sulphides rich in pyrrhotite,
chalcopyrite and pentlandite.
• 121.10-123.00m(1.90m): 1-3% of disseminated sulphide rich in pyrrhotite and pyrite.
• 123.00-127.60m(4.60m): 4-6% of disseminated sulphide ( 3%Po, 2%Py )
• 127.60-133.50m( 5.90m ): 1-3% of disseminated sulphide rich in pyrrhotite"
• 133.50-141.00m( 7.50m ): 6-8% of disseminated sulphide ( 3%Po, 2%Cpy, 1%Pn )
• 141.00-142.70m( 1.70m ): 12-15% of net textured sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite
and pentlandite
• 142.70-145.40m( 2.70m ): 2-4% of disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and
• 145.90-146.85m( 0.95m ): 1-3% of disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and
NAD13_368 Continued
• 148.45-165.15m ( 16.70m ): Tr-2% of disseminated sulphide mainly pyrrhotite
• "165.50-187.20m ( 21.70m ): Tr-2% of disseminated sulphide mainly pyrrhotite.
• 187.20-191.40m(4.20m): 4-6% of disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and
• 191.40-203.85m( 12.45m ): Tr-1% of fine disseminated sulphide
• 203.85-209.40m( 5.55m ): 2-4% of disseminated sulphide mainly pyrrhotite
• 209.40-211.10m( 1.70m ): 6-8% of disseminated/ veins/ stringers of sulphide mainly pyrrhotite2
• 11.10-249.10m( 38.00m ): Tr-2% of disseminated sulphide mainly pyrrhotite
• 249.10-260.45m( 11.35m ): 6-8% of disseminated sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and
• 260.45-267.00m ( 6.55m ): Tr-4% of disseminated sulphide mainly pyrrhotite
• 267.00-271.70m ( 4.70m ): 10% of disseminated sulphide consist of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and
• 275.00-296.50m ( 21.50m ): 4% of disseminated sulphide mainly pyrrhotite.
• 296.50-319.05m (22.55m ): Traces of fine disseminated sulphide
• Weak mineralisation was present for a further 180m
NAD13_368 Continued
• 170.9 - 171.3 (0.4m):2-4% disseminated pyrrhotite.
• 175 - 189 (14m):1-2% fine grained disseminated pyrrhotite.
• 181.8 - 186(4.2m): 2-4% fine grained disseminated pyrrhotite and
• 187- 202.55 (15.55m):4-6% fine grained disseminated pyrrhotite.
• 202.55 - 202.75(0.20m): 8% Sulphide blebs of pyrrhotite with
• 202.75 - 206.3 (3.55m): 8-12% Strongly mineralised with pyrrhotite and
• 241.15 - 141.55 (0.4m):12-16%. Strongly mineralised with pyrrhotite and
• 249.6 - 250.1 (0.5m): 6-8% Moderately mineralised with disseminated
pyrrhotite and minor chalcopyrite
NAD13-369 at P Zone Target
South of Ntaka Hill
NAD13_369 Visible mineralisation
• 116.00-127.87m( 11.87m ): 1-3% of disseminated Sulphide
mainly pyrrhotite
• 127.87-127.93m( 0.06m ): 30% of semi massive Sulphide
mainly pyrrhotite and pentlandite
• 127.93-166.00m ( 38.07m ): 2-4% of disseminated Sulphide
rich in pyrrhotite including semi massive patch @151.60m
• 166.00-171.00m ( 5.00m ): 5-6% of disseminated/ semi
massive patches with pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite.
• 171.00-180.50m ( 9.50m ): 2-4% of disseminated sulphide
mainly pyrrhotite
• 180.50-189.00m ( 8.50m ): Tr-1% of fine disseminated sulphide
NAD13_369 Continued
• 201.55-201.70m( 0.15m ): 30% of semi massive Sulphide with pyrrhotite,
chalcopyrite and pentlandite
• 201.80-202.00m ( 0.20m ): 6-8% of disseminated Sulphide with pyrrhotite and
• 202.00-214.57m ( 12.57m ): 2-4% of disseminated Sulphide including blebs/
patches of sulphide mainly pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite
• 214.57-214.61m ( 0.4m ): 80% of massive sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite
and pentlandite
• 214.61-216.40m ( 1.79m ): 2-4% blebs/ patches of Sulphide with pyrrhotite and
• 216.40-216.65m ( 0.25m ): 50% of massive sulphide with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite
and pentlandite
• 216.65-219.00m( 2.35m ): 4-6% of disseminated Sulphide with pyrrhotite and

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