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Lesson 5 & 6

a. Helping Pregnant Mother Stay Healthy

b. Describing Facts and Daily Activities in
Present Time
Oleh: Indri Karmilah Sari, M.Pd
Prodi DIII Kebidanan KEMENKES Palembang
Kampus Muara Enim
Tahun Akademik 2020-2021
Mother Stay
There are some very important things woman can do to
stay healthy during pregnancy. It is good to talk with a
woman about these helpful things as soon as you learn she
is pregnant. The earlier she practices healthy habits, the
healthier she and her baby will be at the birth.
Eat 4 kinds of food at every meal.
To stay healthy, pregnant women (just like
everyone else) need to eat 4 kinds of food at every
meal: main foods, grow foods, glow foods, and go
Main Foods

In the most parts of the world, people eat one main/ staple food at
every meal. This may be grain like rice, maize (corn), millet, or
wheat; a starchy root like cassava or potato; or a starchy fruit like
breadfruit or banana. The main food usually gives at least ½ of all
the nutrition people need.
Generally, main foods are more nutritious when they have not
been refined (processed to take out the color). Taking out the color
takes out healthy things, too. For example, white bread and white
rice are not as healthy as brown bread and brown rice. Main foods
are good, low-cost, healthy source energy. But, they will not give a
woman complete nutrition. She must also eat other things.
Grow foods (Protein)
Grow foods contain protein, which helps build muscles
and bones that make the body strong. Everyone need
protein to be healthy. Babies and children also need
protein to grow. Protein are found in legumes (beans,
peas, and lentils) and in nuts and seeds. Protein are also
found in animal products like meat, cheese, fish, insects,
eggs, and milk ( if you don’t eat animal product, the
other protein foods are just as good).


Glow Foods
Glow foods contain vitamin and minerals, which help the
body resist the disease and recover after illness or injury.
Vitamins and minerals are found in fruits and vegetables. In
addition to the vitamins and minerals needed for general health,
women need larger amounts of certain minerals during
Note, it is always better to get vitamins and minerals from
real foods than to buy the vitamin pills, injections, syrup, or
tonics. But there are exceptions to this rule. For example: a
pregnant woman may need more iron than she can get from
food. A woman who has anemia (pale blood) should take iron or
folic acid in pills or some others medicine form. Women with
anemia or severe malnutrition should get medical help.
Go Foods (Sugar and
Go foods contain sugar and fats, which give energy. Sugar and fats
also help the body store energy to use later, when it is needed. Sugars
are found in fruits, sugar (white, brown, and raw) and honey. Fats are
found in animal meat, nuts, eggs, seeds, vegetable oil, butter, ghee
and lard.

Note: it is better to get sugar from fruits, which have vitamins and
minerals as well as energy. Using a lot of sugar, or eating a lot of
foods made from sugar (Like candy or soda pop) can be expensive
and bad for the teeth). Foods made from sugar do not contain any
vitamins or minerals. Too much fat (especially animal fat) is not good
for the heart and blood. But it is good to eat a little bit.

Third Semester

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