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Internal Guide
Krishna Kumar Sir

Team Members
M Shobana
T Shilpa
This paper presents a method for detecting the
early signs of fatigue/drowsiness during driving. Analysing
some biological and environmental variables, it is possible to
detect the loss of alertness prior to the driver falling asleep. As
a result of this analysis, the system will determine if the subject
is able to drive. Heart rate variability (HRV), steering-wheel grip
pressure, as well as temperature difference between the inside
and outside of the vehicle, make possible to estimate in an
indirect way the driver’s fatigue level. A hardware system has
been developed to acquire and process these variables, as well
as an algorithm to detect beats and calculate the HRV taking
into account the others aspects mentioned before.
1. Introduction & Comparison
Radio Frequency :is an automatic
IDentification (RFID)

identification method, relying on storing and

remotely retrieving data using devices called
RFID tags or transponders. An RFID tag is an
object that can be attached to or incorporated into
a product, animal, or person for the purpose of
identification using radio waves. Chip-based RFID
tags contain silicon chips and antennas. Passive
tags require no internal power source, whereas
active tags require a power source.
Project Module
The purpose of an RFID system is to enable data
to be transmitted by a mobile device, called a tag, which is read by
an RFID reader and processed according to the needs of a
particular application. The data transmitted by the tag may provide
identification or location information, or specifics about the product
tagged, such as price, color, date of purchase, etc. The use of
RFID in tracking and access applications first appeared in 1932, to
identify aircraft as friendly or unfriendly ("identify friend or foe"
(IFF)). RFID quickly gained attention because of its ability to track
moving objects. As the technology is refined, more pervasive and
possibly invasive uses for RFID tags are in the works
The projects modules are divided in two major types
•Hardware Module
•Software Module

Hardware Module
The hard ware modules are divided into these categories
•Microcontroller based Processing (89C51)
• motor
•Motor Driver (ULN-2003)
•Serial Communication (RS-232)
Software Modules
1. Getting knowledge in embedded C
2. Embedded tools
1. Keil vision Software
2. Simulator
Application volumes for the 8-bit microcontrollers may be as high as the 4-bit
models, or they may be very low. Application sophistication can also range
from simple application control to high-speed machine control and data
collection. For these reasons, the microcontroller vendors have established
extensive “families “of similar models. All features a common language, but
differ in the amount of internal ROM, RAM, and other cost-sensitive features.
Often the memory can be expanded to include off-chip ROM and RAM; in some
cases, the microcontroller has no on-board ROM at all, or the ROM is an
electrically reprogrammable read only memory (EPROM).
Manufacture = Intel 8051
Pins/I/O= 40/32
Counter= 2
RAM = 128bytes
ROM = 4K
Features = External memory to 128K; Serial Port
Most of the systems designed to detect the driver's state are based
on the study of visual facts (eyes movement, head movement,
facial expression) or non visual facts (HRV, ECG, pressure exercised over the
steering wheel, relative humidity, etc). Detecting the fatigue with a single
physiological parameter is not possible, becoming necessary the study of
diverse variables. In this work we have been studied the HRV variability during
the conduction and to account for this information, combining it with others to
be able to evaluate the driver's state. In systems which are based on the study
of the heart rate variability, in the power spectrum and in the histogram, it is
necessary a minimum number of samples to obtain valid results. Hence, it is
required to obtain a minimum number of beats before considering these data
as valid. That requires a minimum time before the obtained results are reliable.
Our objective is to combine this information with visual information and with the
driving environment (road conditions, climate, etc) to detect the drowsiness
during the conduction and in this way to reduce the risks and dangers for the
drivers. These systems are not only useful for the driver's security also they are
the base to develop register devices that make easy the reconstruction and
investigation of accidents storing driving related data, state of the driver and
driving environment.

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