Random Variable Let Denote The Sample Space of A Random Experiment and - Define A Rule or Function That Associate Each A Real Number, I.e.

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Random  Variable

Let denote the sample space of a random experiment and . Define a rule or
function that associate each a real number, i.e.,

Such that,

Then having its value in its range is called the random variable.
Examples :
1. Let 4 items from newly produced commodity be examined whether they are defective. Let denote
the number of defective items in the drawn sample. Then depending upon the number of defective
items occurred (none, partial or all) in the drawn sample can take the values 0,1,2,3,4.
Thus .
We cannot say which value takes in the particular trial. However takes the values from the above
set. Hence is a random variable.

2. Let a target be hit for 7 times. Let denote the number of successful hits. Then depending upon
the success can take the values 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7.
Thus .
In a series of each 7 trials ,we cannot say which value (how many times hit will be successful) takes
in the particular trial. However takes the values from the above set. Hence is a random variable.

3. Let us measure the height of all 48 students of a BE class at Pulchowk campus. Let denotes the
height of individual student in feet. Then can take the values like 5, 5.02, 5.45, 5.5,6.1 etc. in the
range say, 5 ft to 7 ft. It means . We cannot say which value takes in the case of particular student.
So is a random variable.

4. Let us measure the distance between two consecutive bus stops along Araniko Highway. Let
denotes the distance in Km between two consecutive bus stops . Then may take the values like
0.43, 0.5, 0.77, 1, 2, 2.3 etc. in a range or interval say, 0.2 km to 3 Km . It means . We cannot say
which value takes in the case of particular two consecutive bus stops. So is a random variable.
•  Discrete and continuous sets
Discrete Sets
A set is discrete either if it consists of a finite number of elements or if its elements can be listed so
that there is a first element , a second element, a third element and so on in the list.
1. [ finite]
2. B [ finite]
3. [ infinite]

Continuous Set
A set is continuous if it consists of an infinite number of elements or if its elements cannot be listed
indicating first ,second ,third element and so on in the list.
Discrete random variable:
A random variable is said to be a discrete random variable if it assumes only finite or countably
infinite values from the discrete set. Discrete random variables only take the integral values from
the set of real numbers.
1. : Attendance for a month of a class of 48 students.
2. : Quantity of ball-pens sold per day by a Stationary shop .

Continuous random Variable:

A random variable is said to be a continuous random variable if it assumes all real number values in
a given interval or range.
3. : Milk produced by a Jersey per day in liters.
4. : Weight of individual students of a class .

Identify the following as a discrete or continuous random variables. Give reasons.

a) Increase in length of life attained by the cancer patients as a result of surgery.

b) Quantity of writing pad sold by a stationary store per day during a month.

c) Blood pressure (lower end) of IOE students measured in the last medical camp.

d) The applications registered for commercial loans during the first fifteen days in the month of
September at NABIL bank.

e) The attendance of the students in the first period of a day’s class in various engineering units.
Probability mass function (pmf):
Let be a discrete random variable defined in the elements of the sample space of a random experiments. Let
assumes the values and let be the corresponding probabilities when takes these values. It can be expressed as a
function in the following way:
The function as defined in (1) is called probability mass function (pmf) if the following conditions are satisfied:
i) and

Moreover, can conveniently be represented in tabular form which shows the values of the random variable together
with associated probabilities. In this connection the function is called PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION.
It looks like:


) ………
•   mean of the distribution is defined as :

The mean is also called Mathematical Expectation.

The variance of the distribution is defined as :

Numerical :
(1) 3 defective bulbs are mixed with 7 good ones. Find the probability distribution of the number of
defective bulbs if 3 bulbs are drawn at random. Also find the mean ( the mathematical
expectation) and variance of the distribution.
Ans: Let , : the discrete random variable representing number of defective bulbs in the drawn sample.
Then can take the values 0,1,2,3 according as none or some or all defective bulbs appear.

Now ,
  probability distribution is :
0 1 2 3

Now, the mean( the mathematical expectation) is :

The variance is:

•  A random variable has the following pmf:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Find (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Solution : First we find . For this we have,

We take only positive value of , since probability is a positive number.

(i) (ii)
•   ++

3. Check which of the following is legitimate for pmf and explain your answer.
What happens if
Ans: (a)
Given , . The probability distribution for it is given below:

, is not legitimate
0 for pmf
1 . Also for 2, . So in this
3 condition,4 is legitimate
5 for pmf .
0 1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 1

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