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Presented by:-
Abdullah Amjad
Aeronautica Manifestatio
Motivation l Motivation Factors n

1 2 3 4

Today’s Agenda
on Motive is derived from a Latin word
“Motivus” and a Greek work “Movere” that
means an external or internal force which
activated an individual to do something to
achieve his goal.
“A Need or desire that motivate direct
behavior towards goals”
Motivation is a general inspirational process which gets the members of the
team to pull their weight effectively to give their loyalty to the group to carry
out properly the tasks that they accepted and generally to play an effective
part in the job that the group has undertaken.
一 E.F.L. Brech
Types of Motivation

Intrinsic Extrinsic
Motivation: - Motivation:-
Intrinsic Motivation is a Extrinsic Motivation, on the
type of motivation in other hand, is a type of
which an individual is motivation in which an
being motivated by individual is being
internal desires. motivated by external
al Aeronautical motivation involves the desire
to fly; and this, along with ability and
Motivation stability are considered as positive attributes
of a good flier.
Aeronautical motivation the intensity and
direction of which are geared towards flight
safety; and is made up of both emotional
and cognitive components.
Factors which effect

1.Birth order: 3. Aviator

- 2. Life changes: - characteristics: -

Inspiration for A particular flier's

Such character
aeronautics is firmly extent of passionate
qualities as
controlled by the and subjective
determined hazard
impact of birth request components may
taking moreover
on character change with age,
impacts inspiration.
improvement. understanding and
other life factors
Healthy Motivation to
Fly: -

Typically began Ability to recognize Ability to transform

in childhood. the real dangers of the aggressive drives
flying and the into calculated risk-
realistic demands of taking.
flight training.
Motivation 

Real danger
Supportive family
to Fly 

spouse’s attitude
A long standing desire to fly
 Participation in aviation related
related activities
Motivatio 

Non supportive family.
No desire for flying.
n to Fly 

Weak motivation.
Poor defense against real dangers.
 He does not have the ability to
transform aggressive drives
into well calculated risk taking.
Healthy Motivation to
Fly: -

Typically began Ability to recognize Ability to transform

in childhood. the real dangers of the aggressive drives
flying and the into calculated risk-
realistic demands of taking.
flight training.
Manifestation  The loss of motivation in which the primary
sign is the healthy aviator who has adequate
ability and emotional stability but lacks the
desire for flying.

 Various reasons could be attributed for this loss

of interest and it may vary from a spouse/parent
insisting that the aviator give up his/her flying,
to disagreements with the authorities.
1. Motivation can be measured using projective techniques, structured
interviews, self-report questionnaires and expert ratings based on
observed behavior.
2. Aeronautical motivation considered as a dynamic balance between
such positive factors as joy, emotional meaning and defense coping
skills and negative factors such as fear, anxiety and anticipated or
experienced danger.
3 .Loss of motivation for flying can be manifested either as a primary or
secondary process. In the primary condition, since there is no
accompanying medical problem the aircrew is given an administrative
disposal. The secondary process generally calls for medical disposal.
Bibliography: -
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