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Tofiq Valiev

Organizing Commitee President of

21st Recruitment
Application Form
Place Your Picture Here

Tofiq Valiev

Contacts: kepmode
070 979 18 45

20th gen
B2C manager (2 terms)


Photography, Skating
General answers
1. Personally I love my life to be so active. I’m always on work, think over stuff, realize it etc. During the pandemic I was sooo
bored, because we couldn’t work active enough in my team. I’m beloved by my teammates for my craziness and response. I love
communication, always run for new adventures. I try new methods on my work every single time, so I get more creative results.
3. At first AIESEC is a great platform which considers the environment and global priorities. I believe that with several events, also
the whole our community, we help the youth level up, just like the way we were done and make a future full of creative and open
minded people. On the other hand I feel my self progress in AIESEC.
4. As everyone I can't stop progressing in my life, and every progress leads to the
achievement I guess. So, I can name every single steps of mine as an achievement.
Like recently I got a new job as an SMM in a well-known company, just because of
my own little experiences. There are so many examples for this.
I can't stop growing hell yeah! :)
my weak and strong sides





Positional answers
1. I want to get newer experiences. Also I wish to have the responsibility
of gathering new AIESECers for the next term. I believe the recruitment
will be so successful. I’m NEVER afraid of taking such kind of
responsibilities and progressing in this way.
2. The first time I apply for the AIESEC family, during my interview I
was just thinking about the guys who take the interview from me, so I
made a decision of stepping here up like sitting opposite side of the
table as soon as I can. And it's been almost a year, and I feel exactly the
same way, not less, not more! So I'm that much motivated about the OC,
also I think I can easily handle all this stuff, so I need to prove myself
right. I see myself as an organiser, and a good leader.
3 . Creating or using a tool is the best for this. I can type my daily tasks
and everytime OCVPs do their tasks, I can write a report and give some
comment. Right now there are so many applications for tracking all the
task progression, using such kind of services, will both simplize our
work, and motivate the team. But I think the answer for this question
would not be so concrete at the moment, because I’m mostly interested
in the opinions of my team as I want their work to be simple for them
5. I can guess that I'm going to overthink
the details, because it always slows me
down, but yet I can sort it out. this is the
way I keep most of the stuff under control
on this way. I don't have any else worries
about it.

6. In every successful work, both fun and professional motivation is demanded. I

wish I’d be accepted as friend, and as a leader at the same time by my team. It is so
much important for me to spend some time with all my OCVPs and help them about
their work one by one. Even if only one doesn’t work good enough, this throws all
the work of recruitment in danger and everyone should understand this. I think I
mustn’t force them to work, they must be attracted to this themselves. And I’m
going to create this attraction.
My Plan&Structure
1) Think over a marketing strategy for the recruitment:
1. Create attracting posters and videos
2. Type and informative attractive caption for the post.
3. Create a form for the recruitment, then announce the recruitment application to be opened.
4. Create a mail chimp template for the e-mail
5. Make the lists of questions to be asked in the interview

2) Analyze the data of applicants and arrange them according several criterias
3) Contact to the available applicants, send them invitation e-mail for the interview
4) Interview process
1. Open a sheet for each of the applicants
2. Note the results on their own sheet
3. Sum up their total interview points, and note it down the sheet.
5) Analyze the total interview results, and arrange the applicants according their success level
6) Send all the successful applicants an invitation mail for the induction.
7) Organization of the induction process.
8) Analyze the activity of the applicants in the induction for the next 2 days.
9) Send a rejection mail the applicants who showed unsuccessful results during interview or induction stage.
10) Set the appropriate function for each applicant after analyzing and discussing their cases with EB and OC.

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