Web Design (HTML) : Objective

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Web Design (HTML)

You will learn :
• HTML Elements.
• Linking ( hyper link).
• Images
• Special characters.
• Use Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Editor

 Hyper link which references or links to other resources such as

document and images , navigate to URL or an e-mail client . Any
displayed element can act as hyperlink
 Links are created using <a> anchor element and using attributes
href (hypertext references ) .
<a href ="http://www.zuj.edu.jo "> Alzaytoonah University </a>
<a href="example1.html"> This is first example </a>
<a href="mailto:info@company.com"> Company Email </a>

 Popular Format are PNG and JPEG

 Image element is void element <img> . You can terminate by / only .
 Image has the following attribute:
src : to select mage
width and length: optional and measured by pixel
alt: if the browser can’t render an image, the browser displays alt attribute
value that describe the image .
<img src="images/flower1.png" width=200 height="200" />
Special Characters

 To display special character within html browser use & .

Such as : ¾ , © , < , single quotation or double quotation , TM ….
<p> This is copy right &copy; of ZUJ </p>
<p> That is &frac14; of discount </p>

Also we have the following tags:

<sup> </sup> upper value
<sub> </sub> Lower values
<del> </del> to strike through text/
<!-- This Example for Linking to another file and URL -->
<h1> Today lesson is Linking </h1>
<p><a href="example1.html"> This is first example </a> </p>
<p><a href ="http://www.zuj.edu.jo "> Alzaytoonah University </a> </p>
<p><a href="mailto:siham@zuj.edu.jo"> My Email </a></p>
<img src="images/flower1.png" width=200 height="200" />
<img src="images/flower2.png" width=200 height="200" />
<!--------------- image for linking ------------------->
<a href="http://www.facebook.com" ><img src="images/image1.jpg" width =150 height="150" ></a>
Example : CONT
<!--------------------Special Characters--------------------------->
<p> This is copy right &copy; of ZUJ </p>
<p> That is &frac14; of discount </p>
<p> The text book has 4 <sup> th </sup> edition and X <sub> 2 </sub> value</p>
<p> <del>Good Bye </del> </p>

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