Waste Water Treatment in Middle East

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Wastewater Treatment Plant In

Middle East

Zaher Hussein Ali
Wastewater treatment plant : a place where water is
made safe to use , wastewater is filtered several
.times and the germs left in the water is killed
:The types of wastewater treatment plant are
 Sewage treatment – treatment and disposal of
human waste.
 Industrial wastewater treatment – the treatment of
wet wastes from manufacturing industry and
commerce including mining, quarrying and heavy
 Agricultural wastewater treatment – treatment
and disposal of liquid animal waste, pesticide
residues etc. from agriculture.
 Radioactive waste treatment – the treatment
and containment of radioactive waste
Sewage Treatment
 is the process of removing contaminants from
wastewater and household sewage, both runoff
(effluents) and domestic. It includes physical,
chemical, and biological processes to remove
physical, chemical and biological contaminants. Its
objective is to produce a waste stream (or treated
effluent) and a solid waste or sludge suitable for
discharge or reuse back into the environment. This
material is often inadvertently contaminated with
many toxic organic and inorganic compounds.
Industrial wastewater treatment
 covers the mechanisms and processes used to treat
waters that have been contaminated in some way
by anthropogenic industrial
 Most industries produce some wet waste although
recent trends in the developed world have been to
minimize such production or recycle such waste
within the production process. However, many
industries remain dependent on processes that
produce wastewaters
Agricultural wastewater
 relates to the treatment of wastewaters
produced in the course of agricultural
activities. Agriculture is a highly intensified
industry in many parts of the world, producing
a range of wastewaters requiring a variety of
treatment technologies and management
Radioactive waste
 is a waste product containing radioactive material. It is
usually the product of a nuclear process such as nuclear
fission. However, industries not directly connected to
the nuclear industry may produce quantities of
radioactive waste. The majority of radioactive waste is
"low-level waste", meaning it contains low levels of
radioactivity per mass or volume. This type of waste
often consists of used protective clothing, which is
only lightly contaminated but still dangerous in case of
radioactive contamination of a human body through
ingestion, inhalation, absorption, or injection
Some examples of wastewater
:treatment plant in middle east are
 As-Samra Wastewater Treatment Plant in
 Fallujah Sewerage System, Iraq

Population Served: 140.000

WTP Treatment Capacity 40.000 m³/day
Pumping Station Rated Capacity 150.000
Aeration Tank Diameter 65m
Sharjah Wastewater Treatment Works
Extension, UAE
Additional treatment capacity 37,400m³/day
Geographical area served Sharjah City
 Al Sulaibiya Wastewater Treatment
As-Samra Wastewater Treatment
This was the first successful project on BOT( Build-
Operate-Transfer ) basis in Jordan
The plant will serve two million Jordanians, help
improve the health of the local population, and
substantially increase water availability for use in
agriculture in the Amman and Zarqa regions
the facility will treat 267,000 cubic meters of wastewater
per day. Ownership of the plant will transfer to the
Government of Jordan after 25 years. The total budget
for the project is $169 million, almost half of which
has come from USAID ($78.1 million).
This project the first public-private partnership for a
wastewater treatment facility in the Middle East
As-Samra consists of :
 Head works and septage handling facilities Ain-
Ghazal pre treatment plant which receives wastewater
flow from Amman area
 Zarka pumping station

 Hashimiya pumping station which discharges directly

into inlet structure at As-Samra
 As-Asamra facility which consists of an inlet
structure, three trains of stabilization ponds
wach consisting of two anaerobic, four
facultative and four maturation ponds and
disinfecting facilities.
In 1993 the hydraulic load averaged about
124263m³/day compared with a design flow of
68,000m³/day in1985 ,after development the
plant the flow reached 268,000m³/day
Al Sulaibiya Wastewater Treatment
Plant type
Reverse osmosis (RO) and ultra-filtration (UF) membrane-based
water purification of wastewater
Plant output
Potable quality water for non-potable uses in agriculture, industry
and aquifer recharge
Input feed 375,000m³/day
Output product 311,250m³/day
Waste 63,750m³/day
Water recovery efficiency 85% (RO phase), 83% (overall)
Future expansion design potential 600,000m³/day (input feed)
 Sulaibiya plant is the largest of its kind in the
world and is expected to reduce Kuwait's use of
non-renewable water by more than 80% overall.
With an initial daily capacity of up to 375,000m³ -
and designed for extension to 600,000m³/d in the
future - Sulaibiya treats wastewater to potable
quality for non-potable uses in agriculture,
industry and aquifer recharge
 Although the product water is destined for non-
potable uses, it is treated to potable quality. The
UF system achieves total removal of suspended
solids and virtually eliminates bacteria and viruses.

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