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SECTION 12. Dispersal of public assembly without permit. – When the
public assembly is held without a permit where a permit is required, the
said public assembly may be peacefully dispersed.

SECTION 15. Every city and municipality in the country shall within six
months after the effectivity of this Act establish or designate at least
one suitable “freedom park” or mall in their respective jurisdictions
which, as far as practicable, shall be centrally located within the
poblacion where demonstrations and meetings may be held any time
without the need of prior permit.
Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (RA 10175)

The law defines cybercrime as a crime committed with or through the

use of information and communication technologies such as radio,
television, cellular phones, computer and network. Its media are the
information and communication technologies.
In the commission of cybercrime, there are two common components:
1. MEDIUM is a tool to access the world wide web (www); 2.
CONNECTION or Network is the gateway in connecting with other
people through the www.
 Types of Cybercrime:

 1. Cyber-trespass – perpetrators knowingly uses, causes to be used, or

access a computer, computer service, or computer network without
authorization such as:
a. Hacking – the computer or any social media devices is broken into so
that the person’s data (sensitive; confidential) is accessed.
b. Viruses and Worms/Trojan Horses – internet-based software or programs
designed to disrupt a network.
c. Infringement of privacy – offensive or unjustifiable access to someone’s
personality or personal affairs
d. Economic and Industrial sabotage – stealing of marketing plans and
financial projections and sell it to the company’s biggest competitor via cyber.
e. Computer sabotage and Extortion – an attack or threat of attack coupled
with a demand of money to avert or stop the attack.
 2. Cyber Thefts- stealing and or/personal information. The
perpetrators violates copyrights and downloads music,
movies, games, and other softwares. (software piracy,
computer frauds, theft of telecommunication services,
computer forgery and counterfeiting and electronic money
laundering and tax evasion)

 3. Cyber Obscenities like child pornography, sex trade

 4. Cyber Violence like cyber stalking, sending hate-emails
 5. Cyber Squatting
Republic Act 4712
Smuggling as defined in the 1966 amended Tariff and Custom Code of the
Philippines as an act of any who shall fraudulently import or bring into the
Philippines, or assist in so doing, any article, contrary to law, or shall
receive, conceal, buy, or in any manner facilitate the transportation,
concealment, or sale of such article.

Two Types of Smuggling:

1. Direct or Outright – importation of goods into a specific country without
the corresponding legal documents, permits and licenses.
2. Technical – importation of goods into the country through fraudulent,
falsified or erroneous declarations to evade the customs duties and

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