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Basic Concepts on Instructional


Aims are the most general objectives of the Philippine

educational system. They are broad and value-laden
statements expressing philosophical and ethical
considerations that answer the needs and demands of
society as formulated by experts.

Goals are the descriptions of the general objectives of

school curricula that are expected to accomplish and
organize learning experiences representing the entire
school program. They are long range and broad serving as
ends that the school aspire to attain. They provide
guidance in the formulation of instructional objectives.
Objectives are the descriptions of what
eventually take place in the classroom.
They are considered the standard way of judging
what has been achieved or not achieved in the
instructional process.
 Instructional objectives serve as a guide for teachers
in making decisions on what to cover, what to
emphasize, what content to select and what learning
experience, activity, strategy or method best suits a
certain learning plan.
They should be SMART (specific, measurable,
attainable, realistic and time bounded) written with
the following elements:
Audience or performer
Behavior or the action verb specifying the learning
Content or the subject matter
Criterion or the degree of performance considered
sufficient to demonstrate mastery
Specification of Objectives - refers to the process of
formulating objectives in functional form

 State general objectives in terms of expected learning

outcome (terminal objectives)
*Dimensions of learning outcome
a. knowledge –recall of information
b. reasoning- use of knowledge to analyze and solve problems
c. skills- demonstration of achievement related behaviour
d. products – creation of achievement- related works
e. affective – perception of the worth of an object, event or
2. State terminal learning outcome in measurable
learner performance or product
(terminal objectives)
3.Obtain representative samples of essential and
supportive pre-requisites
(enabling objectives)
Sequencing of Objectives- process of arranging the behavioral
objectives in the same content from simple to complex.

The Domains and Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (classification systems of learning hierarchy) were
finalized based from the following:
Ralph Tyler – interprets philosophical and psychological concerns of instructional objectives

• Gronlunds– distinguishes objectives between general and specific outcomes

Robert Mager- relies on three major characteristics as behavioural, conditional and with proficiency level

in the formulation of objectives
Gagne – defines types of learning objectives as measurable and observable

Benjamin Bloom and his associates – developed the taxonomy of cognitive objectives

Krathwol and associates – developed the taxonomy of affective objectives

Simpson- developed the taxonomy of psychomotor objectives

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