Laddering: Sanjay Fuloria

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Sanjay Fuloria

Laddering is a technique where we break down certain tasks into

smaller units and try to fit them into the Project Plan. 

Laddering is possible if an activity can be broken down into two or

more sub-activities and a succeeding activity is similarly broken
down into the same number of sub-activities as its predecessor.
Precedence Table
The Network Diagram
The Logic
• We can see that the Critical Path is 11 units in duration. So, the project is expected to take 11 units of time.
• Our objective is to reduce the Project Duration to below 11 units of time. So, we apply Laddering.
• To apply Laddering, we need to select 2 tasks, one of which is the predecessor of the other. Also, we should
select the two tasks on the Critical Path. Next, we need to break these 2 tasks into equal number of sub-
• Suppose, the determine that tasks A and B can each be broken into 2 tasks. A can be broken into A1 and A2.
And B can be broken into B1 and B2.
• A1 and A2 will need 1 unit of duration each. Thus, the overall duration for task A remains 2 units.
• Similarly, B1 and B2 will need 2 units of duration each. Thus, the overall duration of task B remains 4 units.
• Now, we further define that task B1 can be performed only after task A1 is completed. Also, task B2 can be
performed only after tasks A2 and B1 have been completed.
• Activity                  Immediate Predecessor
• 1.   Problem Definition                             —
• 2.   Study Current System                          1
• 3.   Define User Requirements                   1
• 4.   Logical System Design                          3
• 5.   Physical System Design                        2
• 6.   System Development                        4, 5
• 7.   System Testing                                      6
• 8.   Convert Database                             4, 5
• 9.   System Conversion                           7, 8

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