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Continuous Improvement

Project Pack

SAP Order Number Change

Project Lead: Shakeel Rouf
Project Mentor: Andy Dennis
Project Stage (DMAIC): Define
Charter  //  SAP Order Number Changes 
Project Approach:  DMAIC

Data Collection   //  [enter text here]

Project Lead Shakeel Rouf
Project Mentor   Andy Dennis
Participant(s) (Team) Donna Wheeler (Shared Services) – tbc 

Root Causes   //  [enter text here]

Problem Statement  //  SAP Order Numbers can change due to multiple circumstances which
can cause customers losing online access and be chased for payment despite paying in

Goal Statement  //  Reduce the amount of errors by 20%

Solutions   //  [enter text here]

Scope  //  All verticals where subscriptions are billed via SAP with the exception of Finance 

Project Timeline
Control Plan   //  [enter text here]
Kick-off 07 February 2017
Measure           
Key Learnings  //  [enter text here]
Analyse            
Control             

2 Business intelligence | informa  = Optional for “Just Do It” projects

Charter  //  SAP Order Number Changes 

SAP Order Numbers change due to various circumstances 

Common causes are: 

• Amendments of start and end dates of subscriptions 
• Up sales and cross sales 
• Sold to change: if existing order on AMS with different sold to, new order will be created 

System limitations (SAP) will trigger a new Order Number to be created rather than updating the existing one

All subscription information will be migrated to the new order and AMS will also be updated 
Larger task on Key Accounts with multiple users as they need to be migrated over correctly on AMS 

3 Business intelligence | informa  = Optional for “Just Do It” projects

Charter  //  SAP Order Number Changes 
Problem Statement

When Order Numbers do change there have been circumstances where the migration was not done correctly

Zoetis (Agribusiness) 

Originally under Order Number 699017 was replaced by 1567614 because of upsell of Clinica and Rajpharma

The users (over 500) and IP range were incorrectly migrated leading to loss of access for subscribers

AUT Auckland University of Technology (Maritime & Law)

Order Number 1524200 changed to 1526436 due to change the licence from Academic (5 concurrent) to 5 user licence only

IP was not transferred and only one person had online access 

Client Service had to chase Shared Services but client had loss of access 

4 Business intelligence | informa  = Optional for “Just Do It” projects

Charter  //  SAP Order Number Changes 

Errors have occurred when users migrated over new orders especially on Key Accounts

Users and gatekeepers incorrectly migrated over and IP missing can cause disruption of access (e.g. Zoetis and Monsanto) 

Disruption of service causes unhappy clients will see incompetence of our service who may not want to renew! 

Account Managers, Client Services, etc. are not fully aware notified directly but only through Salesforce

5 Business intelligence | informa  = Optional for “Just Do It” projects

Charter  //  SAP Order Number Changes 

6 Business intelligence | informa  = Optional for “Just Do It” projects

Project Checklist

The below deliverables should be used for each DMAIC project. Use this checklist as a reference for each phase to ensure
that you are following the Lean Six Sigma process.

Define Measure Analyze Improve Control

• Develop Project Charter • Define improvement • Complete Fishbone • Document the “To Be” • Develop and implement
• Translate VOC to CTQs to metric (significant Y) Diagram(s) for identified process map the Control Plan
Project Y • Create detailed “As-Is” problems • Pilot the improvements to • Transition Control Plan &
• Complete SIPOC process maps • Conduct process analysis assess impact process documentation to
• Brainstorm potential X’s with supporting in-depth • Collect data to re-baseline process owner
• Communication Plan
impacting Y process maps performance • Summarize the project
• Create high level process
• Develop data collection • Conduct data analysis with • Graph a “before” & “after” benefits
map supporting graphs and/or
plan improvements • Validate financial benefits
• Store documentation on CI statistics
• Baseline the process • Implement improvements with Finance & Project
SharePoint • Provide summarized list of Mentor
performance • Update documents on CI
• Complete Project Review potential critical X’s
• Update documents on CI • Update documents on CI
with Mentor and get Sign SharePoint
• Brainstorm list of potential SharePoint
Off from LT SharePoint • Complete project Review
solutions • Complete project Review
• Complete Project Review with Mentor and secure LT
• Select the solution(s) that with Mentor and secure LT
with Mentor and secure LT Sign Off
Sign Off optimise performance Sign Off
• Complete project Review • Close project
with Mentor and secure LT
Sign Off
8 Business intelligence | informa
There are many optional “tools” that can help you in executing your Lean Six Sigma project. This is a partial list of some
frequently used tools in each phase. Also, many of these tools can be used in more than one phase. Before choosing a tool,
first determine the question you need to answer, then choose the tool that best helps answer that question.

Define Measure Analyze Improve Control

• Project Charter • Process Map • 5 Why’s • “To Be” Process Map • Control Plan
• CTQ Tree • Fishbone Diagram • Pareto Chart • Pilot Study • Process Monitoring Tools:
• SIPOC • Data Collection Plan • Solution Selection: • Re-Baseline, Interval Plots Control Charts,
Effort vs Benefit Matrix Dashboards and/or
• Risk Mitigation Plan • Baseline Performance
• Communication Plan Tools: Histogram, Pie • Action Plan
• Training Plan
Chart, Bar Chart, Run
• High-level process map
Chart, Individuals Chart • Change Management Plan
• Quick Wins (if any)
• Project closure and team

9 Business intelligence | informa

Communication Plan

Who To?
What Will You Communicate? (Names or Teams) How? Frequency? When?

e.g. Client Services Leadership; e.g. Email Newsletter,

e.g. Monthly Status Updates e.g. Monthly e.g. Last day of month
Project Participants Team Meeting, etc.

10 Business intelligence | informa

Customer Voice // Critical To Quality (CTQ) Tree
Project Customer / What the Customer Wants Translating to Customer Needs Measurable CTQ
e.g. Customer “I would like Informa to provision my Access to entitled content as soon as the Ensure access is provided at the
access for the start of my confirmed order is confirmed. same time as the order is
order.” confirmed.

11 Business intelligence | informa

Process Title:
Process Start: e.g. Customer does X Process End: Customer receives Y
Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers

Text Text Text Text Text

Text Text Text Text Text

Text Text Text Text Text

Text Text Text Text Text

Text Text Text Text Text

Text Text Text Text Text

Text Text Text


12 Business intelligence | informa

Process Title Here
Current State / Future State
Sales Team
Sales Mgr
Sales Ops
CS Mgr
CS Exec

13 Business intelligence | informa

Measure the Process

P izza Or d e r in g P r o c e s s
Cu r r e n t S ta te

Cu s to m e r
The final step of the Ch o o s e P izza
fr o m Me n u
P la c e Or d e r Ma ke P a ym e nt Re c e ive P izza

Measure Phase is
characterization of how
well the process is

Ca s h ie r
En te r Or d e r in
S ys te m

performing TODAY (before

5 mins
improvement), relative to
P izza Ma ke r
customer requirements: P r e p a re Or d e r Ma ke P izza

specifications, SLAs 5 mins 20 mins

De live ry
Pe rs on

De live r P izza to
Cus to me r

15 mins

Overall this process takes 45 minutes vs the customer SLA

of 30 mins.
14 Business intelligence | informa
Fishbone – Cause & Effect Diagram

Materials Machines
(Inputs) (Technology)

Text Text Text

Text Text Text Problem

(issue to be resolved – be concise!)
Text Text Text

Text Text Text

Text Text Text

Text Text Text

Text Text Text

Text Text Text

Measurements Environment People

15 Business intelligence | informa

5 Whys


Q: Why


Q: Why


Q: Why


Q: Why


Q: Why

Solution(s): A:
16 Business intelligence | informa
Effort vs Benefit Matrix
1 2 3 4 5
1 Solution Title: Description

2 Solution Title: Description

3 Solution Title: Description

4 Solution Title: Description

5 Solution Title: Description


Low Medium High


Based on the matrix, which solutions will be implemented first? Rank your solution ideas in order of preference
17 Business intelligence | informa
Action Plan

Task Action or Task How will it be done? Accountable Team Member Completion Date
Number (What) (How) (Who) (When)

18 Business intelligence | informa

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