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Passive form

Think 2-Unit 9
Passive form
is formed with to be + the past
participle of the verb
If you want to say who did the action,
use by:
This house was built by my grandfather.
The tense of the verb ‘to be’
changes according to the
tenses in the passive form
pl e
e x am
F or
The house is cleaned every
= Present Simple Passive Form

The house was cleaned last

weekend. = Past Simple Passive Form

The house is being cleaned at the

moment. = Present Continuous
Passive Form
The house is being cleaned next weekend.
The house has been
= Present Perfect Passive

The house needs to be

= Passive Infinitive Form
The Passive form changes the
focus from the subject to the
object of an active sentence
Jill cleans the room everyday.
is an active sentence form.

The room is cleaned everyday.

is a passive sentence form
The passive form + by
Usually when using the passive form we are more
interested in the action than the person who does
the action

if we are interested in WHO does
or did the action then we use by
to confirm the person who
completed the action
The room is cleaned by Jill every
Task: You can now read the text on page 85 and answer the
questions on page 84, then complete exercises 1 and 2 on
page 86 and exercises 1 and 2 on page 89 in your student’s
book . You can also read the short text on Jobs and do the
exercise given below it on page 86. After that, read the text
about Obsolete jobs and answer the questions about it.
Obsolete=out of date (подзаборавени, застарени)
Have in mind that the tasks given do not have to be done in a
day, so don’t rush yourself .
If you have any questions write to me .

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