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Be Creative

Final Ideas
Medium Short Film Medium Stop Motion Animation

Genre Adventure Genre Story with a Moral,

Basic “Logic will take you from A to B.
Imagination will take you
Plot everywhere.” Basic “It is important to be kind and
gracious, as it will always be
Plot rewarded.”
Two children sit by each other,
one on their phone, the other A paper cut-out has a beacon
reading ‘The Treasure Island’ of a bright yellow light that
and glancing at what the symbolises happiness that
other is playing. At some stands out in the midst of the
point, the reader will start dark background. He sees
imagining various scenarios, other cut-outs that seem to
i.e. a pirate fight, then two be sad and blue and therefore
medieval knights or the decides to share his light with
knighting of someone by the others. After each use, his
king. Each scenario will lead beacon grows dimmer before
from one to another as darkness swallows him up
daydreaming seems like its whole. Then a cut out that he
continuous and doesn’t seem has helped out shares a
like it is held within a singular beacon of her light.
reality. Their parent comes in
and disrupts their play.
Production Choice
The stop motion animation and the
short film are the two productions that I
will be filming.
Both of these ideas have a moral behind
the story and so I think that the target
audience of 5 – 12 year olds will take
and learn the lesson about kindness and Stop Motion
the importance of reading and
imagination from the productions.

Short Film

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