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Complementation of Verbs

Verb Patterns
Verb Patterns
Determine the verb pattern in each case

• My father is an architect. • VL
• The coach has left. • Vi
• I have seen that play
twice. • Vmt
• The ticket cost me $15. • Vdt
• The kid looked miserable. • VL
• The roof collapsed
suddenly. • Vi
• Mark is at home. • VL
Intransitive Verbs
• Bob coughed loudly.

• The lady vanished a minute later.

• The conductor remained in the auditorium.

• Her whole body ached.

• Martha lives in Paris.

Intransitive Verbs
Linking Verbs
Transitive Verbs
Monotransitive Verbs
• Money didn’t interest him.
-verb + object (same root)
• I have deceived myself. -premodification of head
-similar to A manner
• Steve smiled a thin cruel smile.
• He died a painful death. In general, the cognate
• He dreamed a strange dream. object's modifiers are in some
sense modifying the verb: for
example, He slept a troubled
• ***John drank five alcoholic sleep tells how he slept.
Ditransitive Verbs
1. Alice bought her mother a theater ticket.
2. Alice will give her mother a theater ticket.
3. Mary wrote a letter to me this morning. Mary
wrote a letter for me this morning.
4. The teacher asked the student the same
question many times.
5. The florist has opened his shop for us.
6. Mr. Willson carefully explained the topic to us.
Complex-transitive Verbs
Revision: Determine the verb pattern in each case
1. Sheila remained quiet.
2. We will travel north this time.
3. I consider Paul irrational.
4. I’ll book the seats for everyone.
5. Keep your hands on the table.
6. Jenny will make a good wife.
7. Peter died a terrible death.
8. I made myself a cup of coffee as soon as I

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