Covid 19 in Canada

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Pandemic: Overview

01 About Canada
 Country Demographics
 Corona

02 Corona Situation- May

 Number of Affected people
 Number of Death
 Number of Recovery

03 Statistical Representation
 Frequency Distribution, Mean, Variance
 Standard Deviation, Correlation, Regression
 The second largest country
 Population 37.59 million
 First identified Corona on January 25, 2020
 Till June 7, total active cases are 95,057, Deaths 7,773 and
Recovered 53,614
Number of Affected, Death & Recovery in May
Date Affected Death Recovered

01-May-20 1825 207 1328

02-May-20 1653 175 1050

03-May-20 2760 116 1107

04-May-20 1298 172 1109

05-May-20 1274 189 976

06-May-20 1450 189 1178

07-May-20 1426 176 801

08-May-20 1512 161 1434

09-May-20 1268 124 843

10-May-20 1146 177 847

11-May-20 1133 123 898

Number of Affected, Death & Recovery in May
Date Affected Death Recovered

12-May-20 1176 176 1048

13-May-20 1121 133 1122

14-May-20 1123 170 927

15-May-20 1212 90 804

16-May-20 1251 117 924

17-May-20 1138 103 731

18-May-20 1070 60 678

19-May-20 1040 70 822

20-May-20 1030 119 726

21-May-20 1182 121 939

22-May-20 1156 98 879

Number of Affected, Death & Recovery in May
Date Affected Death Recovered

23-May-20 1141 105 711

24-May-20 1078 69 680

25-May-20 1012 121 653

26-May-20 936 94 701

27-May-20 872 126 825

28-May-20 993 112 676

29-May-20 906 102 678

30-May-20 772 94 585

31-May-20 757 222 776

Total 37711 4111 27456

Graphical Representation:
No. of Affected Persons in May
Graphical Representation:
No. of Death in May
Graphical Representation:
No. of Recovery in May
Frequency Distribution:
No. of Affected Persons in May

Min 757
Max 2760
Range 2003
Number of classes 11
Length of classes 184
Frequency Distribution:
No. of Affected Persons in May
Class Count Percentage
755 - 938 5 16.1
939 - 1122 7 22.6
1123 - 1306 13 41.9
1307 - 1490 2 6.5
1491 - 1674 2 6.5
1675 - 1858 1 3.2
1859 - 2042 0 0
2043 - 2226 0 0
2227 - 2410 0 0
2411 - 2594 0 0
2595 - 2778 1 3.2

Table: Frequency distribution table

Frequency Distribution:
No. of Death in May

Min 60
Max 222
Range 162
Number of classes 10
Length of classes 17
Frequency Distribution:
No. of Death in May
Class Count Percentage
60 - 76 3 9.7
77 - 93 1 3.2
94 - 110 6 19.4
111 - 127 9 29
128 - 144 1 3.2
145 - 161 1 3.2
162 - 178 6 19.4
179 - 195 2 6.5
196 - 212 1 3.2
213 - 229 1 3.2

Table: Frequency distribution table

Frequency Distribution:
No. of Recovery in May

Min 585
Max 1434
Range 849
Number of classes 10
Length of classes 85
Frequency Distribution:
No. of Recovery in May
Class Count Percentage
585 - 669 2 6.5
670 - 754 8 25.8
755 - 839 5 16.1
840 - 924 5 16.1
925 - 1009 3 9.7
1010 - 1094 2 6.5
1095 - 1179 4 12.9
1180 - 1264 0 0
1265 - 1349 1 3.2
1350 - 1434 1 3.2

Table: Frequency distribution table

The average number of Affected People in Canada by Covid 19
in May, 2020 is:

The average number of Death in Canada by Covid 19 in May,
2020 is:

= 132.61
The average number of Recovery in Canada by Covid 19 in May,
2020 is:

= 885.68
Interpretation of Average

• The average of affected people 1,216.48 means that 1,216.48

persons affected daily in May, 2020 in Canada.

• The average of death 132.61 means that 132.61 persons died

daily in May, 2020 in Canada.

• The average of recovery 885.68 means that 885.68 persons

recovered daily in May, 2020 in Canada.
Calculation table
xA xD xR x A2 xD2 x R2
1825 207 1328 3330625 42849 1763584

1653 175 1050 2732409 30625 1102500

2760 116 1107 7617600 13456 1225449

1298 172 1109 1684804 29584 1229881

1274 189 976 1623076 35721 952576

1450 189 1178 2102500 35721 1387684

1426 176 801 2033476 30976 641601

1512 161 1434 2286144 25921 2056356

1268 124 843 1607824 15376 710649

1146 177 847 1313316 31329 717409

Calculation table
xA xD xR x A2 xD2 x R2
1133 123 898 1283689 15129 806404

1176 176 1048 1382976 30976 1098304

1121 133 1122 1256641 17689 1258884

1123 170 927 1261129 28900 859329

1212 90 804 1468944 8100 646416

1251 117 924 1565001 13689 853776

1138 103 731 1295044 10609 534361

1070 60 678 1144900 3600 459684

1040 70 822 1081600 4900 675684

1030 119 726 1060900 14161 527076

Calculation table
xA xD xR xA2 xD2 x R2
1182 121 939 1397124 14641 881721
1156 98 879 1336336 9604 772641
1141 105 711 1301881 11025 505521
1078 69 680 1162084 4761 462400
1012 121 653 1024144 14641 426409
936 94 701 876096 8836 491401
872 126 825 760384 15876 680625
993 112 676 986049 12544 456976
906 102 678 820836 10404 459684
772 94 585 595984 8836 342225
757 222 776 573049 49284 602176

37711 4111 27456 49966565 599763 25589386

We know that, the variance is,
For Affected people the variance is,

= 132001.09
For Deaths, the variance is,

= 1761.78
For Recovery, the variance is,

= 41035.00
Standard Deviation
 • We know that, standard deviation is,

For Affected people, the standard deviation is,

= 363.32
Standard Deviation
 For Deaths, the standard deviation is,

= 41.97

For Recovery, the standard deviation is,

= 202.57
Interpretation of Standard Deviation

The standard deviation of Affected, Deaths and Recovered

persons are 363.32, 41.97, 202.57 consecutively. So, except for
deaths, the variability among data are bit high.
Correlation Coefficient
Correlation Coefficient between ‘Number of affected & ‘Number of deaths:
X (Affected) Y (Death) X2 Y2 XY
1825 207 3330625 42849 377775

1653 175 2732409 30625 289275

2760 116 7617600 13456 320160

1298 172 1684804 29584 223256

1274 189 1623076 35721 240786

1450 189 2102500 35721 274050

1426 176 2033476 30976 250976

1512 161 2286144 25921 243432

1268 124 1607824 15376 157232

1146 177 1313316 31329 202842

1133 123 1283689 15129 139359

Correlation Coefficient
X (Affected) Y (Death) X2 Y2 XY
1176 176 1382976 30976 206976

1121 133 1256641 17689 149093

1123 170 1261129 28900 190910

1212 90 1468944 8100 109080

1251 117 1565001 13689 146367

1138 103 1295044 10609 117214

1070 60 1144900 3600 64200

1040 70 1081600 4900 72800

1030 119 1060900 14161 122570

1182 121 1397124 14641 143022

1156 98 1336336 9604 113288

Correlation Coefficient
X (Affected) Y (Death) X2 Y2 XY
1141 105 1301881 11025 119805

1078 69 1162084 4761 74382

1012 121 1024144 14641 122452

936 94 876096 8836 87984

872 126 760384 15876 109872

993 112 986049 12544 111216

906 102 820836 10404 92412

772 94 595984 8836 72568

757 222 573049 49284 168054

∑X= 37711 ∑Y= 4111 ∑X^2= 49966565 ∑Y^2= 599763 ∑XY= 5113408
Correlation Coefficient
We know that, correlation coefficient,


= 0.7181
Interpretation of correlation coefficient

Correlation coefficient , r = 0.7181 means that, there is a moderate

strong positive correlation between number of affected and number
of deaths in Canada due to Coronavirus.
Regression Coefficient
Regression Coefficient between ‘Number of affected & ‘Number of deaths:
X (Affected) Y (Death) X2 XY
1825 207 3330625 377775

1653 175 2732409 289275

2760 116 7617600 320160

1298 172 1684804 223256

1274 189 1623076 240786

1450 189 2102500 274050

1426 176 2033476 250976

1512 161 2286144 243432

1268 124 1607824 157232

1146 177 1313316 202842

1133 123 1283689 139359

Regression Coefficient
X (Affected) Y (Death) X2 XY
1176 176 1382976 206976

1121 133 1256641 149093

1123 170 1261129 190910

1212 90 1468944 109080

1251 117 1565001 146367

1138 103 1295044 117214

1070 60 1144900 64200

1040 70 1081600 72800

1030 119 1060900 122570

1182 121 1397124 143022

1156 98 1336336 113288

Regression Coefficient
X (Affected) Y (Death) X2 XY
1141 105 1301881 119805

1078 69 1162084 74382

1012 121 1024144 122452

936 94 876096 87984

872 126 760384 109872

993 112 986049 111216

906 102 820836 92412

772 94 595984 72568

757 222 573049 168054

∑X= 37711 ∑Y= 4111 ∑X^2= 49966565 ∑XY= 5113408

Regression Coefficient
We know that,
Regression coefficient,

b  = 1,216.48

= 132.61

= 0.0275
Regression Coefficient
We know that,
Regression coefficient,
Regression Line,

Y = a + bx
= 99.1834 + 0.0275 x

= 99.1834
Interpretation of Regression Coefficient

As the equation is Y = 99.1834 + 0.0275 x, it is clear that, if there is

not a single case of death in a day, there will be around 100 people
affected due to coronavirus. The degree of change in the number of
deaths for every single affected person is 0.0275.

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