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Energy Conversion Devices

Assignment – 6
Topic – Cavitation in Hydroturbomachines

Name – Awantika Singh

Roll No. – B18163
• How to check whether a pump system is
correctly designed and cavitation will not occur
using the vapor pressure of the liquids ?
• The pressure varies at different positions in a pump. The
pressure through the pump firstly drops and then increases up
to a certain level nearby the outlet. It is due to the fact that
the diameter of the impeller is small as compared to the
suction pipe, and the pump impeller is adding energy to the
liquid, thereby increasing its pressure. Hence this diagram
shows the variation of pressure through an impeller.
• In figure 2 the black line (represents vapor pressure) parallel to
x - axis cuts the graph. It signifies that at this position the
pressure will be less than the vapor pressure (Vp) of the liquid
which flows inside the pump. This means that the system in
which this pump is installed is not providing sufficient NPSHa
(Net positive suction head available) since it depends on the
vapor pressure of the liquid and hence cavitation will occur.
• In figure 3 the Vp (vapor pressure) line doesn’t cut the curve at
any point. This shows that there is sufficient NPSHa and the
pressure will not drop below the vapor pressure of the liquid.
Hence, this system is designed properly and cavitation will not
occur here.
• Hence, this is how by using the known property of a liquid i.e.
vapor pressure (Vp) which is related to NPSHa one can observe
and tell whether cavitation will occur or not in a pump system.
It is necessary to ensure that NPSHa is available so that the
fluid remains above the vapor pressure and cavitation can be
avoided. There are other things also which need to be
considered to avoid cavitation like vapor pressure of the liquid
which I have mentioned here.

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