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Energy Conversion Devices

Assignment – 8
Topic – Steam and Gas turbines

Name – Awantika Singh

Roll No. – B18163
• Why only the superheated or dry saturated
vapor is used to enter the steam turbine ? I
mean What will happen if water gets into the
blades of steam turbine ?
• The Steam turbine operates on the basic principles of
thermodynamics and follows the Rankine cycle. The
diagram is shown below.

Figure 1
• Superheated or dry saturated vapor enters the turbine
after exiting from the boiler at high temperature and
high pressure. Then the high pressure steam is converted
into Kinetic energy using a nozzle. Now the steam moves
at high velocity and is sent to the blades of the turbine.
The pressure of the vapor creates a force on the blades
of the turbine (shown in figure 2) causing them to move
or rotate at high velocity.

Figure 2
Figure 3
• If water gets into the blades of the steam turbine the
erosion of the blades can occur leading to imbalance in
the blades of the turbine. It can result in rough,
uneven surfaces on the blades of turbine that can alter
the steam flow paths. Also if water will enter the
blades it will result in the destruction of the thrust
bearing for the turbine shaft. Such kind of imbalance in
the rotor can lead to vibration of the steam turbine
which can also lead to a blade breaking away from the
rotor at high velocity in extreme situations.
• Hence, to minimize such kind of risk it is necessary that
the turbine should be very well balanced and turned
with dry steam only i.e. superheated steam with a
minimal liquid water content.


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