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Memory Optimization Techniques

Simply optimization is an act of making something(such

as design, system or decision)as effective as possible.
The purpose of optimization is to achieve best design
relative to a set of prioritized criteria or constraints.
Memory Optimization is a process in which designer
attempts to minimize memory requirements with the goal
of lowering overall system costs.
•Some techniques to minimize memory requirements

1.Use of symmetric Matrix

2.Use of sparse Matrix
3.Use of banded matrix
4. Skyline storage
•Symmetric Matrix
The entries of a symmetric matrix are symmetric with respect
to the main diagonal.

It takes much less time to solve a symmetric system than an

unsymmetric one.
Symmetric matrix can be stored in about the half space. Only
the upper (or lower)triangular portion has to be stored which
optimizes the usage of memory.
•Sparse Matrix
•A matrix which contains very few non-zero elements i.e.
if most of the elements of matrix have 0 value then is
known as sparse matrix.
•There are lesser non-zero elements than zeros and thus
lesser memory can be used to store only those elements.
Computation time is also greatly reduced by eliminating
operation on zero elements.
•Banded Matrix
A band matrix is a sparse matrix in which non-zero
entries are confined to a diagonal band, comprising the
main diagonal and zero or more diagonals on either side.
Band matrices are usually stored by storing the diagonals
in the band; the rest is implicitly zero.
• Skyline Matrix

Skyline Matrix is a form of a sparse matrix

storage format that reduces the storage
requirement of a matrix more than banded
storage. In column-oriented skyline storage, only
the entries from the first nonzero entry to the last
nonzero entry in each column are stored. There is
also row oriented skyline storage, and, for
symmetric matrices, only one triangle is usually

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