W5 - Related Studies

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Course Outline
•• Nature
Nature ofof Research
•• Types
Types of
of Research
•• Ethics
Ethics in
in Research
• The Problem and it’s Setting
• Related Studies and Related Literature
• Methodology ( Instrumentation & Sampling)

• Data Analysis
• Conclusions and Recommendations
• Research Presentation
Course Outline
•• Nature
Nature ofof Research
•• Types
Types ofof Research
•• Ethics
Ethics in
in Research
• The Problem and it’s Setting
• Related Studies and Related Literature
• Methodology ( Instrumentation & Sampling)

• Data Analysis
• Conclusions and Recommendations
• Research Presentation
Course Outline
•• Nature
Nature ofof Research
•• Types
Types ofof Research
•• Ethics
Ethics in
in Research
• The Problem and it’s Setting
• Related Studies and Related Literature
• Methodology ( Instrumentation & Sampling)

• Data Analysis
• Conclusions and Recommendations
• Research Presentation
Course Outline
•• Nature
Nature ofof Research
•• Types
Types ofof Research
•• Ethics
Ethics in
in Research
• The Problem and it’s Setting
• Related Studies and Related Literature
• Methodology ( Instrumentation & Sampling)

• Data Analysis
• Conclusions and Recommendations
• Research Presentation
Course Outline
•• Nature
Nature ofof Research
•• Types
Types ofof Research
•• Ethics
Ethics in
in Research
• The Problem and it’s Setting
• Related Studies and Related Literature
• Methodology ( Instrumentation & Sampling)

• Data Analysis
• Conclusions and Recommendations
• Research Presentation
Review of Related Literature and Related Studies
a) What is a Literature Review?
1. Give the Definition
2. Share its Importance
3. Enumerate the Steps

b) Give the Difference of the following;

1. Summarizing
2. Paraphrasing
3. Quoting
4. In-text Citing
5. Bibliographical entries

c) Write a Review of Related Literature

LESSON 5: Review of Related Literature

Guide Questions

1. What is a Literature Review?

2. Where do I begin in conducting a literature review?
3. What are the best materials to include in my review and how do I
locate them?
4. Is it worth my time to search the Internet for the literature?
5. Are there any shortcuts for identifying journal articles on my topic?
6. Should I gather and summarize both quantitative and qualitative
7. How long should my literature review be?
LESSON 5: Review of Related Literature

Literature Review

Is the process of compiling,

classifying, and evaluating what
other researchers have written on
a certain topic. (Cristobal, A.P & Cristobal M.C, 2019)
LESSON 5: Review of Related Literature

Why is Literature Review necessary?

• Proof of The Study’s Novelty
• Showcase the researchers Expertise or
knowledge of the topic
• Establish the Necessity of the study
• Basis for Research Training and improving
• skills of using the library and being an
• Ability to compose research based on
how other authors compose their
research studies
• Skills in locating needed materials in a
timely manner.
LESSON 5: Review of Related Literature

Quanti VS. Quali Literature Review

The amount of literature
cited at the beginning Substantial Minimal
of the study • Justifies or documents
the need for the study Justifies or
The use it serves at • Provides a rationale for
the beginning the direction of the documents the need
study for the study
Confirms or disconfirms
Its use at the end of a prior predictions from Supports or modifies
the literature existing findings in
the literature
LESSON 5: Review of Related Literature

STEPS in Composing your RRL

1. Identify
key terms 2. Collect
3. Read,
4. Organize the Materials

5. Write a literature review

LESSON 5: Review of Related Literature


• Write a preliminary “working title” for a project and
select two to three key words in the title that capture the
central idea of your study
• Pose a short, general research question that you would
like answered in the study.

Acculturation Level and Postpartum Depression In

Hispanic Mothers (Tatano, Beck. Et. Al, 2005)
LESSON 5: Review of Related Literature

Collect Literature
Use Academic Libraries Summaries
• ERIC https://eric.ed.gov/
• University of Michigan or University of California,
• Encyclopedias
Berkeley • Dictionaries and Glossaries
• Library of Congress, http://catalog.loc.govWhen
using academic libraries, two challenges exist.
of Terms
• Handbooks
• Statistical Indexes
Use Both Primary and Secondary • Books Academic
Sources • Journals, Indexed
• Primary Source Literature consists of literature
reported by the individual(s) who actually Publications, and Electronic
conducted the research or who originated the Sources
• Secondary Source Literature, however, is • Abstract Series
literature that summarizes primary sources. • Databases
Read and Evaluate, then Summarize

How can we Select Good materials?

• Rely as much as possible on journal articles

published in national journals.
• Start with refereed journal articles; then proceed to
non-refereed journal articles; then books; then
conference papers, dissertations, and theses; and
finally non-reviewed articles posted to Web sites.
• Look for “research” studies to include in your
literature review.
• Include both quantitative and qualitative
research studies in your review.
Read and Evaluate, then Summarize

Is It Relevant?
• Topic relevance: Does the literature focus on the same
topic as your proposed study?
• Individual and site relevance: Does the literature
examine the same individuals or sites that you want to
• Problem and question relevance: Does the literature
examine the same research problem that you propose
to study? Does it address the same research question
you plan to address?
• Accessibility relevance: Is the literature available in
your library or can you download it from a Web site?
Can you obtain it easily from the library or a Web site?
Read, Evaluate and Summarize
• Download and/or reproduce
• Read, take notes and annotate
• abstract Studies
An abstract is a summary of the major aspects of a
study or article, conveyed in a concise way (for this
purpose, often no more than 350 words).

Quantitative Research Qualitative Research

◆ Research Purpose ◆ Research Purpose
◆ Methodology ◆ Methodology
◆ Results of the study ◆ Findings
Read and Evaluate, then Summarize
Sample Abstract
“This research study was conducted to illustrate the relationship(s)
between social media use and its effect on police brutality awareness. In
2015, social media was used to assist in revealing an act of impulsive
police brutality on an adult black woman in Waller County, Texas. This act
was one of a few examples of a substantial number of law enforcement
officers around the United States and other countries that are abusing
their power by using excessive force against citizens without penalty. The
study found there is a relationship between social media use and its
impact on police brutality. The study also found that social media gave a
voice to people who may have feared isolation and/or negative
consequences against police brutality. Over 100 undergraduates at Bowie
State University in Maryland completed a survey questionnaire instrument.
The instrument consisted of 10; of which 2 were directly related to the
hypothesis. The author’s result of data analyses presented that there is a
significant relationship between independent and dependent variables.”
Read and Evaluate, then Summarize
Sample Abstract
“This study explored the pattern of video game usage and video game
addiction among male college students and examined how video game
addiction was related to expectations of college engagement, college
grade point average (GPA), and on-campus drug and alcohol violations.
Participants were 477 male, first year students at a liberal arts college. In
the week before the start of classes, participants were given two surveys:
one of expected college engagement, and the second of video game
usage, including a measure of video game addiction. Results suggested
that video game addiction is (a) negatively correlated with expected
college engagement, (b) negatively correlated with college GPA, even when
controlling for high school GPA, and (c) negatively correlated with drug
and alcohol violations that occurred during the first year in college.
Results are discussed in terms of implications for male students’
engagement and success in college, and in terms of the construct validity
of video game addiction.”
Read and Evaluate, then Summarize
Sample Abstract
Teachers perceive non-aggressive socially isolated (NASI)
students to be socially estranged from a majority of their peers.
Unfortunately, these students are often actively or passively removed
from the social aspects of school because they demonstrate self-
isolating behaviors or face the exclusionary behaviors of peers. This
research examined four, fifth grade NASI students’ physical education-
based lived experiences. Participants were the researcher, who was
also the physical education teacher, two fifth grade teachers, and 51
fifth grade students with varying degrees of peer-related social
acceptance. Data were collected over an 11 week period using
interviews, journal entries, and observations and analyzed using open,
axial, and selective coding. Results indicated that NASI students
seemed to experience elements of social estrangement while
participating in collaborative learning tasks. Although NASI students,
at times, appeared to be social estranged, they chose to connect with a
select few close friends who helped them to feel included.
Organize Literature
• Outline or Map the literature review
Organize Literature

Outline or Map the literature review

Organize Literature
Write a Literature Review
• Parts of Literature Review
• Types of Literature Review
• Style Manuals
– Summarizing
– Paraphrasing
– In-text Citation
– End-of-Text Citation/Bibliographical
Write a Literature Review

Parts of Literature Review

• Review of Related Literature
• Review of Related Studies
• Theoretical Framework
• Conceptual Framework
• Definition of terms
Write a Literature Review

Types Of Literature Review

• Thematic Review
• Study-by-Study Review
Write a Literature Review

Types Of Literature Review

Thematic Review
In a thematic review of the literature, the
researcher identifies a theme and briefly cites
literature to document this theme.
Among other things, racial identity is a sense of group
belonging based on the perception of a shared racial heritage
with a specific group and, as such, it has an impact on personal
feelings and attitudes concerning distinguishable racial groups
(Helms, 1990; 1994; Mitchell & Dell, 1992). Researchers agree
that White Americans generally are not challenged to ask
themselves, “What does it mean to be White?” (Pope-Davis &
Ottavi, 1994). . . . (p. 511)
Write a Literature Review

Types Of Literature Review

Study-by-Study Review
a Study-by-Study Review provides a detailed
summary of each study grouped under a broad
Brown, Parham, and Yonker (1996) employed the White
Racial Identity Scale to measure change in the white racial
identity of thirty-fi ve white graduate students who
participated in a sixteen-week multicultural course… ()
Neville, Heppner, Louie, and Thompson (1996) also
examined the change in White racial identity as well. . . . (p.
Write a Literature Review

Style Manuals
A Style Manual is a guide that provides
a structure for citing references, labeling
headings, and constructing tables and figures
for a scholarly research report.

• Modern Language Association

• American Psychological Association
• Chicago Manual of Style and
Turabian Style
Write a Literature Review

American Psychological
Association Manual

• The “APA Manual” contains valuable

advice on writing style and grammar.
• It deals specifically with editorial style
and the correct method of citing books
and articles in your term papers.
Write a Literature Review
• use only the author’s last name for within-text citations,
• Write first initials to distinguish between authors with
identical surnames.
 R.D. Luce (1954) and P.A. Luce (1986) also found
 J.M. Goldberg and Nerf (1961) and M.E. Goldberg and
Wurtz (1972) studied
• include information about the year of the publication.
• Omit the year from subsequent citations after the first
citation within a paragraph
• These references may also appear anywhere in the
• Structure: Author (Year, Location Reference)
Original Passage:
“For most people, writing is an extremely difficult task
if they are trying to grapple in their language with new
ideas and new ways of looking at them. Sitting down to
write can be an agonizing experience, which doesn't
necessarily get easier with the passage of time and the
accumulation of experience. For this reason you need to
reflect upon and analyze your own reactions to the task
of writing. That is to say, the task will become more
manageable if you learn how to cope with your own
particular ways avoiding putting off the moment when you
must put pen to paper” (Taylor, 1989, p. 3).
Summarized Passage:
According to Taylor(1989), inexperienced and even skilled writers
can feelReference
a great deal ofSource
Signal anguish when
faced with writing tasks; however,
this response can be managed by recognizing and coping with personal
avoidance strategies.

Taylor(1989) claimed that inexperienced and even skilled writers can

feel a Source
great deal Year
of anguish when faced with writing tasks; however, this
Reporting Verb
response can be managed by recognizing and coping with personal
avoidance strategies.

Inexperienced and even skilled writers can feel a great deal of

when faced with writing tasks; however, this response can be
managed by recognizing and coping with personal avoidance strategies
(Taylor ,1989).
Two types of Citations
Authorial ProminentPart of Narrative
According to Taylor(1989), inexperienced and even skilled writers
can feel a great deal of anguish when faced with writing tasks; however,
this response can be managed by recognizing and coping with personal
avoidance strategies.

Information Prominent Parenthetical

Inexperienced and even skilled writers can feel a great deal of
anguish when faced with writing tasks; however, this response can be
managed by recognizing and coping with personal avoidance strategies
(Taylor, 1989,).
Basic Citation Structure
• According to author’s surname (year),
• According to author’s surname (year, page),
• Author’s surname (year) reporting verb that
• Author’s surname (year,page) reporting verb that
• SUMMARY/PARAPHRASE (author’s surname, year)
(author’s surname year, page).
Other ways of saying according to…
• as stated in/by • in consonance with
• in agreement with • conforming to
• as reported by • as part of…
• just as what author (year) • referring to…
• in the opinion of…
• in keeping with

• in accordance with
in accordance with
• in line with • pursuant to….
• in XY’s opinion • as believed by…
• claimed by… • as maintained by…
• mentioned by… • in the light of…
• imply • insist • state • find
• remark • say • propose • claim
• examine • believe • note
• reject • • •
assert mention survey
• argue • discuss • suggest • postulate
• Insist • observe • write • hypothesize
• comment
Write a Literature Review

APA In-Text Citation Types

• One Work by One Author

• One work by Two author Citation
• One work by Multiple Authors
• One work by a Group or institution
• One Concept – Different text and
Write a Literature Review

APA In-Text Citation Types

One Work by One Author

Perry (2014) focused on social

networks and stigma in relation to
those with a serious mental illness.
Write a Literature Review

APA In-Text Citation Types

One work by Two author Citation

Badr and Acitelli (2005) found that in
couples that used relationship talk, or talking
about the nature and direction of the relationship,
chronically ill couples had more benefit than a
couple that did not include someone who had a
chronic physical illness did.
Write a Literature Review

APA In-Text Citation Types

One work by Multiple Authors

Wegge, Vandebosch, and Eggermont (2014) found
that among 1,458, 13-14 year old students reported being
considerably less cyber bullied. This research concludes
that cyber bullying appears to be more prevalent in
students as they get older. Wegge et al. (2014) also
noted that 30.8 percent had been victims of traditional
Write a Literature Review

APA In-Text Citation Types

One work by a Group or institution

First text citation:
(National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 1991)
Subsequent text citation:
(NIMH, 1991)
Write a Literature Review

APA In-Text Citation Types

One Concept – Different text and authors

Past studies of reaction times (Gogel, 1984;
Rogers, 1994; Smith, 1989) showed. . . . Entire
groups of studies have addressed the difficulty of
test taking and reaction times (Gogel, 1984;
Happenstance, 1995; Lucky, 1994; Smith,
Write a Literature Review

Reference/ Bibliographical Entry

a list of the books

referred to in a scholarly
work, typically printed as
an appendix.
Write a Literature Review

Reference/ Bibliographical Entry

• Books
• Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
• Periodicals: Magazines, News articles, Journals
• Online sources
Reference/ Bibliographical Entry

L, FI . (PD)  Article Additional information City : company

Title. Material Title, Volume (issue) page, paragraph

Allen, T. (1974). Vanishing wildlife of North America.

Washington,D.C.: National Geographic Society.
Bergmann, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In the new encyclopedia britannica (Vol.
26, pp. 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica.

Harlow, H. F. (1983). Fundamentals for preparing psychology journal

articles. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 893-896.

Devitt, T. (2001, August 2). Lightning injures four at music festival.The Why? Files.
Retrieved January 23, 2002, from http://whyfiles.org/137lightning/index.html
Write a Literature Review

Theoretical Framework

• Theoretical Framework is formulated

from existing theories and serves as
the foundation of the study.
• Theories are plausible or scientifically
acceptable general principle or body of
principles offered to explain phenomena. 
Write a Literature Review

Conceptual Framework

• Conceptual Framework is
derived from combination of
theories or parts of theories
Write a Literature Review

Definition of Terms
• Is the section of a research paper
where the terms used in the study are
• There are two types of Definition in
• Conceptual Definition
• Operational Definition
Write a Literature Review

Conceptual Definition
• The definition of the term using books
or dictionaries.
Eating Disorders. A group of behaviors
fueled by unresolved emotional conflicts,
resulting in altered food consumption( Grodner,
Write a Literature Review

Operational Definition
• The definition of the term based on how
it is used in the study and based on
how you measured it.
Eating Disorders. As used in this
study, It pertains to the kind of food,
frequency of eating, and amount of intake
or consumption.
Write a Literature Review

Final Points
• Research for studies that are conducted 10
years ago to the present.
• You can have at least 10-30 pages Literary
• The Font size “12”
• Margins All sides 1 inch except Left 1.5
• Submit your Review Logs
• Submit your Proposal
In-text Citation Answer Key
1. (Elephants stampede, 2003)
2. (Concise Oxford dictionary, 2004)
3. (1984)
4. (Coleman, 1988, p. 160)
5. (Gibson & Sturgess, 1987; Gibson, Sturgess, & Bates, 1989)
6. (2001)
7. (Gouda, n.d., Introduction section, para. 2)
8. (2003)
9. (Sturgess, 2004a, 2004b)
10. (Achison, 2004)
Bibliographical Entry Activity

1. The creators: A history of the heroes of the imagination.

New York: Random House. Boorstin, D. (1992).
2. Medical tourism potentials of Mindanao. Abad, F.G.
(2008). Manila: Phoenix Co., Inc.
3. Pettingill, O. S., Jr. (1980). Chicago: World Book. Falcon
and Falconry.  World book encyclopedia. (pp. 150-155).
4. Thurber, James.  Encyclopedia americana. (p. 600). New
York: Scholastic Library Publishing. Tobias, R. (1991).
5. London: The Macmillan. The new grove dictionary of
music and musicians (6 ed., Vols. 1-20). Sadie, S. (Ed.).
Bibliographical Entry Activity

6. Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Time, 135, 28-31. Making the
grade in today's schools. 
7. California town counts town to big quake. Kalette, D. (1986, July
21). USA Today, 9, p. A1.
8. Trillin, C. (1993, February 15).  New Yorker, pp. 48-51. Culture
9. New York Times. In forecasting their emotions, most people
flunk out. Retrieved November 21, 2000, from http://
www.nytimes.com Hilts, P. J. (1999, February 16).
10. Lady freedom among us. Dove, R. (1998). The Electronic Text
Center. Retrieved June 19, 1998, from Alderman Library,
University of Virginia website:
Bibliographical Entry answer Key
Books and Encyclopedia
1. Boorstin, D. (1992).The creators: A history of the heroes of the
imagination. New York: Random House.
2. Abad, F.G. (2008). Medical tourism potentials of Mindanao. Manila:
Phoenix Co., Inc.
3. Pettingill, O. S., Jr. (1980). Falcon and Falconry.  World book
encyclopedia. (pp. 150-155). Chicago: World Book.
4. Tobias, R. (1991). Thurber, James. Encyclopedia americana. (p.
600). New York: Scholastic Library Publishing.
5. Sadie, S. (Ed.). (1980). The new grove dictionary of music and
musicians (6 ed., Vols. 1-20). London: The Macmillan.
Bibliographical Entry answer Key
6. Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. 
Time, 135, 28-31.
7. Kalette, D. (1986, July 21). California town counts town to big
quake. USA Today, 9, p. A1.
8. Trillin, C. (1993, February 15). Culture shopping. New Yorker, pp. 48-51.
9. Hilts, P. J. (1999, February 16). In forecasting their emotions, most
people flunk out. New York Times. Retrieved November 21, 2000, from
10.Dove, R. (1998). Lady freedom among us. The Electronic Text Center.
Retrieved June 19, 1998, from Alderman Library, University of Virginia
website: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/subjects/afam.html
Bibliographical Entry answer Key
1. Allen, T. (1974). Vanishing wildlife of North America. Washington, D.C.:
National Geographic Society.
2. Boorstin, D. (1992).The creators: A history of the heroes of the
imagination. New York: Random House.
3. Nicol, A. M., & Pexman, P. M. (1999). Presenting your findings: A practical
guide for creating tables. Washington, DC: American Psychological
4. Searles, B., & Last, M. (1979). Reader’s guide to science fiction. A New
York: Facts on File, Inc.
5. Abad, F.G. (2008). Medical tourism potentials of Mindanao. Manila:
Phoenix Co., Inc.
Bibliographical Entry answer Key
Encyclopedia & Dictionary
6. Bergmann, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In The new encyclopedia
britannica (Vol. 26, pp. 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica.
7. Pettingill, O. S., Jr. (1980). Falcon and Falconry.  World book
encyclopedia. (pp. 150-155). Chicago: World Book.
8. Tobias, R. (1991). Thurber, James. Encyclopedia americana. (p.
600). New York: Scholastic Library Publishing.
9. Sadie, S. (Ed.). (1980). The new Grove dictionary of music and
musicians (6 ed., Vols. 1-20). London: The Macmillan.
10.Guanzon, D.M. (April, 2010). Health & Home. Reinventing healthy
meals with vegetables twist.28, 33-38.
Bibliographical Entry answer Key
11.Harlow, H. F. (1983).Fundamentals for preparing psychology journal
articles. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 893-
12.Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. 
Time, 135, 28-31.
13.Kalette, D. (1986, July 21). California town counts town to big
quake. USA Today, 9, p. A1.
14.Kanfer, S. (1986, July 21). Heard any good books lately?. Time, 113, 71-
15.Trillin, C. (1993, February 15). Culture shopping. New Yorker, pp. 48-51.
Bibliographical Entry answer Key
Website or Webpage
16. Devitt, T. (2001, August 2). Lightning injures four at music festival. The Why? Files.
Retrieved January 23, 2002, from http://whyfiles.org/137lightning/index.html
17. Dove, R. (1998). Lady freedom among us. The Electronic Text Center. Retrieved
June 19, 1998, from Alderman Library, University of Virginia website:
18. Fredrickson, B. L. (2000, March 7). Cultivating positive emotions to optimize health
and well-being. Prevention & Treatment, 3, Article 0001a. Retrieved November 20,
2000, from http://journals.apa.org/prevention/volume3/pre0030001a.html
19. Health Canada. (2002, February). The safety of genetically modified food crops.
Retrieved March 22, 2005, from http://
20. Hilts, P. J. (1999, February 16). In forecasting their emotions, most people flunk
out. New York Times. Retrieved November 21, 2000, from http://www.nytimes.com

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