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Creationism and the Place of

Dr. Samuel T. Owoeye

There are two mainstream

accounts that have been advanced
to establish the coming to being of
the human race.
•One of this accounts is creationism.
•In this lecture, we will take a passing look
at evolutionism.
•We will then emphasis on the creationism
account and establish the pivotal position
of man among all the creatures on earth.
Evolutionist Account
•It has its root in Charles Darwin’s theory of
evolution in his book The Origin of Species
•His theory was based on an evolution
mechanism tagged natural selection
•Gregor Mendel’s theory of genetics contributed
to the development of evolutionism
Evolutionist Account
Evolutionism argues that humans and
apes derive from an apelike ancestor that
lived on earth a few million years ago. The
theory states that man, through a
combination of environmental and genetic
factors, emerged as species to produce
the variety of ethnicities seen today.
Evolutionist Account
The theory of evolution has been
and continues to be modified as
new findings are discovered,
revisions to the theory are
adopted, and earlier concepts
proven incorrect are discarded.
Creationism is the doctrine which
supports the fact that the various
forms of life and the world were
created by an infinitely intelligent
being i.e. God.
Biblical Proofs of Creationism

The creation
account is
in Genesis 1
Biblical Proofs of Creationism

The creation
account in
Genesis 1 is
corroborated in
Psalms 139:13-14
Biblical Proofs of Creationism

The new
Testament also
attests t0
Colossians 1:16
Biblical Proofs of Creationism

The new
Testament also
attests t0
Romans 1:20
Cosmological Argument for
Thomas Acquinas
•The mere existence is an evidence
that there is a creator.
•Everything that exists has a cause.
•Cause precedes effect.
Cosmological Argument for
•The chain of cause and effect cannot go back in
time indefinitely.
•There must be a cause that is not itself caused
i.e. the first cause.
•This self –existent first cause is God.
•In effect God created or caused everything
including man.
The Place of Man in Creation
The Place of Man in Creation
The Place of Man in Creation
The Place of Man in Creation
•God Create you.
•You carry his image.
•You carry his breath.
•You are to work for God.

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