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Advanced Coastal


The rearing of aquatic animals or the cultivation of

aquatic plants for food.
Aquaculture covers the farming of both animals
(including crustaceans, finfish and molluscs) and
plants (including seaweeds and freshwater
Aquaculture occurs in both inland (freshwater) and
Coastal Aquaculture is defined as the raising of fish,
molluscs or crustaceans under controlled conditions in
polders, tanks, ghers (ponds), or specially constructed
polders in the coastal regions.
Coastal aquaculture farms are mostly located in
Bagerhat (29%), Satkhira (19%), Khulna (19%), and
Cox's Bazar (33%).
In addition, there are about 422 ha in Keshabpur
(Jessore), 43 ha in Kalapara (Patuakhali), and 87 ha in
Anwara and Banskhali (Chittagong).
To get proper knowledge about the whole system.
To know the present condition of coastal
To detect the problems.
To know the prospects of coastal aquaculture.
To improve socio economic status.
To solve unemployment problem.
To meet the demand of protein.
To earn foreign currency.
To produce numerous fry.
To get desirable species.
To maintain biodiversity.
To be self dependent.

Enough aquatic resources.

Enough culturable species.
Source of employment.
Solving malnutrition problem.
Mollusk Culture
Mollusca is the second-largest phylum of invertebrate
in the animal kingdom (after the Arthropoda).
The members are known as molluscs or mollusks.
Mollusca, meaning “soft-bodied,”.
The word mollusc (or mollusk) derives from the Latin
word “mollis,” which means “soft.”
There are an estimated 200,000 species
of mollusks found worldwide.
Important as members of ecosystem, play vital role in
the food chain.
Direct or indirect commercial and medical importance.
Contribute to organic turnover in intertidal zones as
filter feeders.
Play important role in fishing industry.
Great source of food for human.
Shell of mussels used in button industry.
Shell of oyster used for making roads in America.
Also used for making ornaments.
Some oyster make valuable pearls.
Pearls are used for making jewellery.
Mussel Culture

Bivalve molluscs, attached to rocks by means of

byssus thread.
Family – Mytilidae.
Two species form the major part of fishery - Perna
viridis (green mussel) and Perna indica (brown
Green mussel - intertidal zone to a depth of 15 m.
Biology (Perna viridis)
Food - Filter feeders, feeding on phytoplankton
and suspended organic particles.
Reproduction – has separate sexes, externally
difficult to determine sex.
Internally, male – milky white to creamy and
female – orange to red.
Reaches sexual maturity within the first year and
spawns in response to triggers.
Peak period – April to May and September to
Egg hatch into larvae within 24 h and remain the
stage 15 to 20 days.
Then, seek a substrate and metamorphosis takes
place, changing to adult form.
Secrete hair like thread called byssal filament.
Settlement – spatfall, young – spats.
Site selection
Well protected or sheltered bays, coves and inlets.
Protected from strong winds and waves.
Grow best in brackish to salty water, salinity – 20
to 35 ppt. Water greenish in color.
Free from pollution, enough tidal exchange and
moderate current for transport of food.
Muddy to sandy bottom, depth – 2 to 4 m.
Culture Techniques
1. Bottom culture:
 Growing directly on the bottom.
A firm bottom is required with adequate tidal flow
– to prevent silt deposition, for removal of excreta
and to provide sufficient DO.
Advantage – minimum investment, disadvantage
– heavy predation, siltation, poor growth, low yield.
2. Intertidal and Shallow water culture:
Practiced in intertidal zone, should submerged at
all times.
(i) Rack culture:
 Off bottom type culture.
 Where sea bottom is muddy and soft, tidal range is
 Practiced in Philippines and Italy.
Different variations are as –
Hanging method:
Spat collectors or clutches – nylon ropes threaded with
coco fibre supported by empty oyster shells at 10 cm
Hung on horizontal poles at 0.5 m apart.
Piece of stone – end of rope to prevent the collector to
float to surface.
Harvesting – taking out the ropes from water.
Hanging method
Stake method:
Logs, hard and light bamboo used.
Sharpen bottom tip of bamboo and drive it at
Place a hole at upper side of bamboo to reduce
Distance of bamboo as post is 1 to 1.5m.
Tic the 2-3 m row of horizontal braces (bila).
Connect every two row of poles with short
horizontal support (baral) to form a square.
The series of square form the plot.
Tie spat collector (rope with coconut coir) to the
Mussel settle in plot materials.
Depth – 1 to 2 m below zero tide level at upper
portion and about 0.50 m from the bottom.
Stake (Tulos) method
Tray culture:
Is limited to detached clusters of mussels.
Bamboo or metal trays, 1.5 m × 1m × 15 cm are
Tray either hang between poles of hanging or stake
method or suspended on bamboo posts.
Tray culture method
Rope-web method:
Expensive type, utilize synthetic nylon ropes, 12 mm in
Ropes – made into webs tied vertically to bamboo poles.
Web consist of two parallel ropes, 5 m length each.
Connected to each other by 40 m long rope tied in a
zigzag fashion between knots.
Bamboo pegs are inserted into rope to prevent sliding of
the crop.
Rope web method
3. Deep water cultures

(A) Raft culture:

Seeds that settle on rocks are suspended from a
Raft – old wooden boat with a system of outrigger
build around it.
Ordinary plain wooden boat with floats, anchors or
catamaran type boat carrying some rope hangings.
When weight on rope exceeds a limit, taken out
and again distributed.
Marketable mussels are detached from rope,
purified in basin.
Advantage – reduce predation, utilization of
planktonic food at all levels of water, minimum
Raft culture method
Long line culture:
Alternative to raft culture – areas less protected from
wave action.
A long line supported by small floats joined by cable
and anchored at bottom on both end is used.
Mussel on ropes are suspended on line.
The structure is fairly flexible.
Long line culture method
Market preparation, knowledge of peak demands, high
prices season.
Harvesting the bigger ones first, leaving the smaller one.
Divers are hired to do harvesting.
Care is taken not to pull shells, otherwise mussels will
be killed.
Placed in bamboo baskets and dipping in sea water.
Thank You

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