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© Kalasalingam academy of research and education
Course Outline

CO 1. Investigate the stresses and displacements in thin

walled beams produced by bending loads. Course description
Enable the students to analyze the Statically
CO 2. Analyze the thin walled open section beams Determinate and Indeterminate beams, Shear
supporting shear loads, bending loads and torsional loads.
Centre, the crippling strength of aircraft skin,
the failure envelope for ductile and brittle
CO 3. Analyze the thin walled closed section beams materials, along with the V-n Diagram.
supporting shear loads, bending loads and torsional loads.

CO 4. Estimate the crippling strength of aircraft skin.

CO 5. Explore the allowable size of aircraft structural

components from v-n diagram.

© Kalasalingam academy of research and education AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – II (AER18R372)

Unit 1 -
Unsymmetrical bending of beams – different
methods of analysis (neutral axis method, ‘k’ BENDING OF BEAMS
method, and the principal axis method),
stresses and deflections in beams under
unsymmetrical bending Outcomes
On completion of this unit, Students can able to
Investigate the stresses and displacements in thin
walled beams produced by bending loads.

© Kalasalingam academy of research and education AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – II (AER18R372)

Unit 1 Outline
Lesson 1: Symmetrical Bending
Topic 1: Symmetrical Bending – Direct Stress Distribution
Lesson 1. Symmetrical Bending Topic 2: Problems on direct stress distribution for symmetrical bending of beams
Lesson 2: Unsymmetrical Bending
Topic 3: Direct Stress Distribution due to Bending
Lesson 2. Unsymmetrical Bending
Topic 4: Position of the Neutral Axis
Lesson 3: Deflections due to Bending
Lesson 3. Deflections due to Bending Topic 5: Determination of Deflection due to bending for various beam supports
Lesson 4: Calculation of section properties
Topic 6: Second Moments of Area of Standard Sections
Lesson 4. Calculation of section properties Topic 7: Moment of Inertia - Approximations for Thin-Walled Sections
Lesson 5: Problems on Unsymmetrical Bending of beams
Lesson 5. Problems on Unsymmetrical Bending of Topic 8: Analysis of Unsymmetrical Bending of Beams – Neutral Axis method
beams Topic 9: Analysis of Unsymmetrical Bending of Beams – Principal Axis method
Lesson 6: Determination of shear center for an Unsymmetrical section
Lesson 6. Determination of shear center for an Topic 10: Shear Center
Unsymmetrical section
Topic 11: Determination of shear center for a Symmetrical section
Topic 12: Determination of shear center for an Unsymmetrical section

© Kalasalingam academy of research and education AER18R201 / PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT

Course Progress

Lesson 1. Symmetrical Bending

Lesson 2. Unsymmetrical Bending

Lesson 3. Deflections due to bending

Lesson 4. Calculation of section properties

Lesson 5. Problems on unsymmetrical bending of

Lesson 6. Determination of shear center for an Unsymmetrical
© Kalasalingam academy of research and education AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – II (AER18R372)
Topic 1: Symmetrical Bending – Direct Stress distribution

be nding
e trical o f the
Sym ecial cas e
m s of l b ending Determine the variation
s p a
f be ction rica
is a g o Symmet beams which of direct stress through
in e
bend ry cross s n
arises i er singly or
ra ith the depth of the beam.
arbit have e et rical cross
ym m
doubly s

© Kalasalingam academy of research and education AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – II (AER18R372)

Pure Bending Experiment – Case 2
Application of pressure & its direction Now rotate the eraser so that its shorter
sides are vertical and apply the same
pressure with your fingers.
The eraser again bends but now requires
much less effort.
Neutral plane
Application of pressure & its direction

Pure Bending Experiment – Case 1

Take a reasonably long rectangular rubber eraser and draw
three or four lines on its longer faces as shown in figure.
Now hold the eraser between the thumb and forefinger at
each end and apply pressure as shown by the direction of the and
arrows in figure. m e t ry o f a
The eraser bends into the shape shown, and the lines on the Geo ti on u st
n ta m
side of the eraser remain straight but are now farther apart at orie s e ction ding
the top than at the bottom. beam its ben
The upper fibers have been stretched and the lower fibers affec ss.
compressed, there will be fibers somewhere in between stiffn
which are neither stretched nor compressed; the plane
containing these fibers is called the neutral plane.

© Kalasalingam academy of research and education AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – II (AER18R372)

Beam subjected to a pure sagging (negative) bending moment.
Applied load

Assumptions in
determining the direct
stress distribution by pure

Plane cross sections of Strains and Stresses are zero in the neutral plane.
the beam remain plane
and normal to the
longitudinal fibers of the
beam after bending.
Material of the beam is Top - Compressive stress
linearly elastic - it obeys
Hooke’s law and that the
material of the beam is

Bottom - Tensile stress

© Kalasalingam academy of research and education AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – II (AER18R372)

Neutral axis passes through the centroid of area of the cross section
The direct stress, σz, at any point in the cross section of a beam is directly proportional to the distance of the point from the
neutral axis, varies linearly through the depth of the beam

© Kalasalingam academy of research and education AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – II (AER18R372)

Symmetrical bending: The plane of loading or the plane of bending is co-
incident with or parallel to, a plane containing principal centroid axes of inertia
of the cross-section of the beam.

BENDING STRESS σz = (Mx/Ix)y + (My/Iy)x

where, Mx and My – Bending Moment x, y axis
Ix, and Iy – Moment of Inertia x, y axis

Bending Stress along Neutral axis, σz = 0

© Kalasalingam academy of research and education AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – II (AER18R372)

A channel section carrying the transverse load would not twist because the line of action of
the load passes through shear centre (Pure bending without twisting) of the member.

Problem: 1
 A horizontal cantilever 2 m long is constructed from the Z-section shown below. A load of 10
KN is applied to the end of the cantilever at an angle of 60°to the horizontal as shown.
Assuming that no twisting moment is applied to the section, determine the stresses at points A
and B.
(I xx = 48.3 x 10−6m4, I yy = 4.4 x10−6m4)

18mm Upper Flange A

Centroid Neutral axis 240mm
60 Deg.

10kN B Lower Flange

© Kalasalingam academy of research and education AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – II (AER18R372)

Step 1: Find the Centroid
Step 2: Find Moment of Inertia
Ixx = 48.3 x 10−6m4, I yy = 4.4 x10−6m4
I xy = -2(80 x 18) (40 - 9) (120 - 9) 10−12 = -9.91 x 10−6m4 ( Web section I xy = 0)

Step 3: Moment about x, y axis (external applied load is inclined to 60 deg.)

Mx = +10000 sin60° x 2 = +17320 Nm Beam length is 2m
My = -10000 cos60° x 2 = -10000 Nm
BENDING STRESS σz = (Mx/Ix)y + (My/Iy)x

where, Mx and My – Bending Moment x, y axis

Ix, and Iy – Moment of Inertia x, y axis
Step 4: Substitute the value of bending moment and moment of inertia in σz = (Mx/Ix)y + (My/Iy)x
Step 5: Substitute the coordinate values for point A & B
Coordinates (x,y) for A = (9, 120mm)
Coordinates (x,y) for B = (-9, -120mm)
© Kalasalingam academy of research and education AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – II (AER18R372)
Bending Stress σz @ A, and B points are
A = 235 MN/mm2 (+ve)
B = 235 MN/mm2 (-ve)
Step 6: Find the inclination of the Neutral axis relative to the “X” axis
tan ∝ = (My*Ixx) / (Mx*Iyy)
∝ = −75° 1′ Neutral Axis

∝ = −75° 1′

© Kalasalingam academy of research and education AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – II (AER18R372)

Topic 1: Symmetrical bending –
Direct Stress distribution
In case of symmetrical
sections, neutral axis will pass
through the geometrical center
of the section. Cross-sections
such as circular cross section
hollow circular cross-section,
square cross-section, hollow
square cross-section,
rectangular cross section,
hollow rectangular cross
section and I cross-section are
the best examples of
symmetrical sections.
Symmetrical bending – Direct Stress distribution

© Kalasalingam academy of research and education AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – II (AER18R372)

Thank You!

© Kalasalingam academy of research and education AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – II (AER18R372)

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