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What do you understand by the term
Health and Safety?

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) identifies the safety, health, and
welfare of people at work.

By implementing occupational health and safety programs should foster a

safe and healthy work environment which includes protecting co-workers,
employers, customers, family members and many others who might be
affected by the workplace environment.

As a common law duty, the employers have a right to ensure that reasonable
care is demonstrated for their employee’s safety.
OHS Mechanisms that should be implemented
in the Customer Engagement Firm
• Caution signs such as: ‘Wet • Fire Drills
Floor’ & ‘Use Handrail’ Signs • Earthquake Drills
• Smoke detectors • Protective gears (for certain
• Fire Extinguishers types of jobs)
• Sprinklers • Proper Ventilation
• Evacuation Policies and • Proper lighting
Plans • Designated smoking area (If
• Emergency Exits applicable)
• Emergency Exit Signs • First Aid Kit
Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement
1. MUSCULO-SKELETAL Injuries: (Muscle and soft tissue injuries): which affect
joints, limbs and muscles. Caused by poor posture and repetitive movements.

One should ensure that:

• Seat back and height are adjustable
• There is good lumbar support
• Accessibility to keyboard and mouse
• Chair should be stable (5 wheeled “feet” at the base)
• Wrists not excessively bent and can easily rest
• Work surface must be large and comfortable to accommodate
postural change
• Easy to access necessary working equipment – monitor, headset etc
Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement Firm

Although there is no evidence that excessive viewing of display screen equipment

(DSEs) or visual display units (VDUs) can cause disease or permanent damage to

But this may affect users over time:

• glare from screen: discomfort and tired eyes

• faulty computer screen
• a need for different glasses
• staring at the screen for long periods of time
• or a combination of these

-Poor lighting within the business unit.

Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement

Trying to speak but unable do so or do so properly is a result of voice loss .

This can occur by vocal misuse or abuse.
Talking for extended periods of time and speaking in a different accent when
communicating may cause one’s voice to become hoarse and get tired easily.
One’s throat may become scratchy, sore or tight.

Vocal symptoms includes:

• irritating cough
• pain
• croakiness
• burning
• tension
Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement

• swelling
• sore throat
• change in pitch
• poor or no vocal power
• poor breathing patterns
• lack of variability in pitch
• excessive talking during illness
Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement

Its very important to maintain a clean and tidy environment to prevent any transfer of germs or bacteria.
• All surface and equipment should be cleaned regularly:
-desk surfaces
-site facilities toilets and lunch area
- availability of clean water

•Headsets should be cleaned regularly, repaired or replaced.

•Headset or other wearable gear should be used only by one person.
•The effectiveness of microphones: blocked by dust, make-up and food.
Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement

The average person think of violence as a physical attack. Within the

work environment it is any act in which a person is threatened, abused,
intimidated or assaulted in his or her employment.

Workplace violence includes:

• Threats - verbal or written, with the intention of causing harm.

• Verbal abuse - use of condescending language and derogatory comments.

• Threatening behavior - sabotage, throwing objects or destroying property.

• Physical attacks - hitting, pushing or kicking.

Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement

• Rumours - information provided that might not be true.

• Harassment -  disturbing, pestering, bullying, troubling repeatedly or ongoing


Please not that workplace violence is not limited to incidents on work premises but off
work site such as conferences or social parties.
Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement Firm:

The working environment plays an important role in

the welfare of it’s employee. It is the employer’s duty
of care to ensure safety and reduce any health related
risks. These factors should

Threats to employee safety and health:

 Improper lighting- lights should be just right for

particular area (workstation, dinning, restroom,
inside and outside of building).
-No need for eye strain or excessive glare.
Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement Firm:

 Air quality - the working environment should be toxic free and not oxygen

- proper AC ventilation

-internal and external fumes and foreign odours

(smell of paint, new furniture, gas leak, etc.)

- designated smoking areas

Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement Firm:

 Workspace - The employer must take into consideration

the number of people which will be employed in the
building and the structural designs to prevent risk to their
safety and health.
- Overcrowding can:
> reduce access to entrance and exit points.
> increase background noise and distraction.
> limited movement of people.
Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement Firm:

 Workspace:

• the task and the physical accessibility to accomplish task

• the workspace should be able to easily accommodate any worker
comfortably and have room for adjustments
• no clusters – able to move around with ease while working
• No falling objects
• unplanned collapse
• nothing to cause fires
• excavation and trenches
Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement Firm:

 Temperature- the temperature should be controlled,

maintained and consistent. Employers should ensure thermal
comfort where building doesn’t becomes either too hot or cold.

The setting of the temperature should consider other factors

such as:
- body temperature
- heat from equipments
- time of day or night
Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement Firm:

 Clean water- an adequate supply of clean must be available and

accessible to employees for restroom use and for drinking purposes.
Drinking water temperature should be below 24 degrees.

 Electrical installations- to prevent electrical shock or fire, safe

electrical installations must be implemented. All electrical and data
cords should be placed in a conduit and away from walkways and
foot contact to avoid mechanical damage and trips.
Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement Firm:

 NOISE LEVEL - loud background noise may cause hearing

problems as agent may need to turn up their headset volume or to
speak louder, hence straining their voice which may lead to voice
Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement Firm:
General Employer Duty Care
 ensure a safe workplace without health risks
 provide necessary and adequate information,
training and supervision
 identify, assess and record health and safety risks
 advise and post necessary emergency steps
 appoint a first responder/consultant
 ensure proper maintenance of work equipment
 adequate and comfortable welfare facilities
 available first aid facilities and an assistant
 prevent flammable or explosive hazards, electrical
equipment, noise and radiation
Common OHS Effects in the Customer Engagement Firm:

General Employee Duty Care

 conform with occupational safety and health regulations and


 must take reasonable care to ensure their own safety and health
as well as their co-workers
What to record when reporting an OHS issue:
 Date and Time
 Name of person/s involved (including yourself)
 Incident
 Location of incident
 Witnesses
 Any other relevant details

Report OHS Issues to Immediate Supervisor, Security Personnel or the Designated Personnel
in the OHS Unit of the HR Division.
Many Firms have their Incident report form but in the event you do not have access to one or
your firm doesn’t have one available, the details mentioned above are important pieces of
important to record.


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