Legal and Ethical Issues

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Legal and Ethical Issues

Robin Raatz Fischer

November 9, 2020
Dr. Clark
Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons
Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools

San Bernardino Valley College

University of Texas Arlington.

Open Educational Resources (OER) Differentiate between Copyright, Public Domain, Creative Commons licensing, and Fair Use.

Laura Pasquini explores how knowledge, technology, and community influence learning and performance.
FERPA and other Technology Privacy Concerns
 Privacy. Privacy Technical Assistance Center (PTAC). The U.S. Department of ... resource for answering questions and addressing concerns related
to privacy, ... FERPA is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.

 Parent Coalition for Student Privacy.

 Student Privacy
U.S. Department of Education
A Service of the Privacy Technical Assistance Center and the
Student Privacy Policy Office

 FERPA The Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. It is the policy
of Cornell University to comply with FERPA as outlined in Policy 4.5)

 Welcome to Student Privacy Compass

Student Privacy Compass (formerly known as FERPA|Sherpa) is the student privacy resource center website. This site is your tool for finding
information, news, and opinions on maintaining student data privacy. Student Privacy Compass is an initiative of the Future of Privacy Forum
 Aurora Institure. Provides current guildlines from the US Department of Education.
Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty

 American Pubic University System/  Plagiarism is the adoption or incorporation of

another’s ideas without proper attribution of the source’
 University of Berkeley City College Academic Dishonesty.
 Academic Integrity at MIT.
 Academic Dishonesty Muskingum University. https://
 USC Plagiarism Guide.
Part 2: Editorial

 Definition of editorial (Entry 2 of 2)
 : a newspaper or magazine article that gives the opinions of the editors or publishers also :
an expression of opinion that resembles such an article a television editorial.

Solutions to bridge the digital divide in your
educational setting.
 At Cambridge Isanti High School, we face some real life Covid Issues. Our students went
from in class, to hybrid, and now distance learning. We are erecting the bridge as this
Editorial is written. We are a force that are a bunch of Greenhorns, in that, this is new
territory for all of us involved. A holistic approach is in order to develop a system that is
effective and quick, not an easy task. We are fortunate that many of our students at the
High School have resources such as lap tops to assist in communications.
 1. Our students need the means to learn.
 2. Our teachers need to resource all means to teach.
 3. District needs to provide supports and materials to put action to the plan.
 4. Families need to be informed, vest time, and help students at home through supervision
and support.
Attend Zoom and Hangouts for morning meetings.
Check Schology for assignments and grading, and attendance.
Students ensure that all devices are plugged in and running properly.
Students keep schedule
for school sessions.

Monitor to ensure students are working on school


Monitor hours on computer, being sure they keep

schedules in check to optimize learning.

Nourish the brain, body, heart, and mind.

with teacher and school.

Helping with homework and

Create worksheets to show students how to utilize computer work.
Put together folders and lesson materials relevant to hands on learning.
Provide counsel to students and individuals daily, giving feedback and assistance as needed.
Have on going relations
with parents, staff, and
team members.
Principal: Conducts webinars to have meetings with all staff.
Vice Principal: Uses software and internet to set up trainings, guidance, for staff.
Superintendent: Use emails, text, paper, phone to relate district
Bus aids and drivers use
This holistic approach covers our plan
at CIHS, It is not a perfect model, but,
little is out there to compare it to.

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